Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Prattville Dragoons Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 Commander's Column for May 2024 - Celebrating our Faithful SCV Brotherhood


I’m still basking in the after glow of our last meeting!  Three new Dragoons!  It doesn’t get any better than that!  We all need to welcome new compatriot S. Knight and reinstated compatriots S. Roberson and J. Hayes.  When I assumed command, I made recruiting my top priority.  It still is!  Three new Dragoons is a good start.  I have asked Adjutant Sutherland to print out copies of our membership rolls to be distributed at our next meeting.  We need to contact inactive members and ask them to get on board once again. 


Quartermaster Myrick says we sold much Confederate memorabilia at City fest this year.  This is a solid indication that there is still distinct interest in our cause.  God told a highly  discouraged prophet Elijah in 1st Kings 9:18, “Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all whose knees have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him.”  The modern day Baal is the idol of political correctness aided by the liberal media. Just as Baal was not able to conquer Israel in Biblical times, we who remain faithful to the charge given to the SCV by Lt. General Stephen Dill Lee in 1906 we too have remained faithful.  The SCV is the modern 7000 who have remained faithful.  Let us renew our efforts!


I want to thank compatriots Tyrone Crowley, David Smith, David Brantley and Larry Spears for representing our camp at the Division Reunion.  I’ve asked them to give a short report of what was accomplished there.  Finally I am looking forward to hearing our speaker,  Dr. Plunkett.  He will be speaking on the importance of monuments, an important topic in this day and age.  He is a gifted speaker and one of a very few college professors who have not bowed the knee to the Baal of political correctness.  You will not want to miss hearing him!  Looking forward to seeing all of you there!


Deo Vindice

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