Friday, May 17, 2024

Prattville Dragoons Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 at the Prattville Cityfest

There was a great turnout of Dragoons for the Campo 1524 booth at the Prattville Cityfest on Saturday May 11th.  Quartermaster Bill Myrick, Comms Ofc Doug Butler, Adjutant Wayne Sutherland and compatriot Stuart Waldo rallied at 7:30 that morning to set up the canopy and tables for the booth.  Myrick brought all the camp stores including flags, tags and ball caps to sell and posters, mini-Battle flags and SCV coins to hand out to festival-goers.  The turnout for manning the booth was phenomenal.  In addition to those who came early to set up before the festival started at 9am, members manned the booth throughout the day til the 4pm closing and both disassembly.  Volunteers included camp Commander Harold Grooms, Color Sgt John Dennis and compatriots Louis Turner, Darrel Haywood, Rob Schwartz, Thomas Griffith, Mike Thomas, Paul Whaley and Treasurer Billy Leverette as well as new/prospective members Scott Roberson and Stuart Knight. Many friends and neighbors and passers-by were greeted.  This is an important event for the Dragoons to positively showcase the Sons of Confederate Veterans and the Confederate Cause front and center at a prominent citywide event.  

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