Friday, August 30, 2024

Upcoming Events for Confederate Compatriots

Upcoming Events for Confederate Compatriots


160th Battle for Decatur Reenactment – Saturday Aug 31- Sunday Sept 1st, Point Mallard Park, Decatur AL


Cannons on the Coosa Reenactment – 2 and 5pm, Sunday Sept 1st, Heritage Park Boat Ramp, Rome GA


Prattville Dragoons Camp 1524 Meeting – September 12th, 6pm social, 6:45pm meeting at the Prattville Masonic Lodge


Raid on Little General’s Farm – Sept 20-22, Gallant, AL


Autauga County Fair – Dragoons booth, Autauga County Fairground, Tuesday- Saturday, Oct  8-12th


Dragoons Fall Muster – Oct 26th 10am-til at Philip Edward’s home, 2104 CR 59, Prattville, Posey’s Crossroads


Battle for the Armory – Nov 9-10, Tallassee, AL


Christmas Social – by reservation, Friday Dec 13th starting at 6pm at Buena Vista, 641 County Rd 4 E, Prattville

SCV AL Division Southwest Central Brigade Commander Visits Camp 764 in Marion

Alabama Division SWC Brigade Commander Waldo and Camp 1524 Quartermaster and past-Brigade Commander Bill Myrick visited Marion for the Gen. Isham Garrott SCV Camp 764 meeting on Sunday July 28th in Marion.  Camp 764 Commander Gary Johnson's home served as the meeting place.  It is an amazing high ceiling historic home where Gen. Forrest actually resided following the War for Southern Independence when he worked for the railroad.  The foyer and parlor have some wonderful artifacts and prints of Forrest and WBTS battle scenes.  Gary also has an extensive library of books on the War in shelves which stand from floor to ceiling requiring a ladder to reach them all.  Beautiful decor for an SCV meeting.  Commander Johnson's wife prepared some delicious refreshments including chips and fruit with dips and beverages to enjoy before and during the meeting.  Commander Waldo took the opportunity to introduce himself having recently started his role as Brigade Commander and to announce Division Commander Barrett's idea to provide funds more easily and directly to the camps thru the Brigade Commander's for camp initiatives, small projects and needs/wants.  Camp 1524 member Col. Altieri was the guest speaker for this meeting and he did his usual outstanding job with the presentation including overheads.  He introduced his new book "A Guest of Mr. Lincoln" which told the story of the service of Confederate Sgt Joseph Wheeless of North Carolina which included action in the battles at Dam No. 1 and Malvern Hill in Virginia before he was wounded.  After recuperation, he served as an ambulance driver during later battles including Gettysburg and the Wilderness Campaign.  Altieri had made presentations on the Battle of Dam No 1 and the ambulance corps previously for Camp 1524.  It was a very enjoyable afternoon driving over to Marion, home of the Marion Military Institute, with Bill and meeting the officers and some of the members of Camp 764 and hearing this latest presentation from Col. Altieri.  

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Prattville Dragoons of SCV Camp 1524 Indian Hill Cemetery Grounds Maintenance

Members of the Prattville Dragoons, Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 met on Saturday morning August 24th to mow the grass and trim at historic Indian Hill Cemetery on the west side of Prattville.  The Dragoons had years previously reclaimed this cemetery from brush and tree overgrowth and installed an historic marker at the cemetery.  Dragoons Color Sgt John Dennis and his wife have taken it upon themselves to keep up with the mowing at the cemetery over the past couple of years.  But this Saturday morning John had help with compatriots Rob Schwartz, Philip Edwards and Todd Rogers and his son Carson joining in.  Camp Commander Harold Grooms had the day prior mowed some of the larger sections with his riding mower.  They mowed all around the cemetery grounds, under the large oak trees, and around the grave markers and got it looking very good.  This historic cemetery (circa 1820) is the final resting place of some of Prattville's founding families including some Confederate Veterans, original Prattville Dragoons of Co. H of the 3rd Alabama Cavalry.  

Monday, August 26, 2024

Prattville Dragoons Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 Dixie Butt Fundraiser

The annual Dixie butt fundraiser of the SCV Camp 1524 Dragoons was a big success raising money for the camp treasury to continue the initiatives the camp does throughout the year including cemetery maintenance, festival and parade participation, donations to local food banks, placement of flags on Confederate gravesites, and other community service activities.  Over 100 butts were sold which were cooked by Smokin S of Wetumpka, always delicious and much requested.  The pickup and distribution of the butts was on Saturday August 10th in back of the Chevron on Memorial in Prattville.  Quartermaster Myrick picked up the boxes of butts from Smokin S on his way into town, some hot and some cold.  He also brought the canopy to provide shade although in the early morning hours from 8-10am, the shadow off the old bank building there served to shade everyone.  Color Sgt John Dennis served as the coordinator for the fundraiser recording all the butt tickets handed out to the membership to buy one and sell one, and recording the sales and the pickups on this Saturday - a big job he performs awesomely.  In addition to these officers of the camp, Brigade Commander Waldo helped with the distribution as did Treasurer Leverette, Adjutant Sutherland and compatriots Philip Edwards and Darrell Haywood.  A number of camp members came by to pick up the butts they ordered and fellowship for a while including compatriots Skip Ward, Larry Spears, Don Owens (from Auburn), Tyrone Crowley and others. Friends and neighbors who also purchased butts were thanked for their contributions.  A very good fundraiser for Camp 1524.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 Prattville Dragoons Meeting for August 2024 - Battle of Monroe's Crossroads

Members and friends of the Dragoons of SCV Camp 1524 gathered on Thursday evening August 8th at the Masonic Lodge in downtown Prattville for their regular monthly meeting.  Camp Commander Grooms was absent traveling so Brigade Commander Waldo led the meeting.  Chaplain Brantley was also absent caring for his ailing mother in Georgia so compatriot Bill Branch opened the meeting with the Invocation and the closing Benediction.  Color Sgt Dennis led everyone in the pledges and salutes to the flags; he and his wife have also done a tremendous job managing the Dixie butt fundraiser.  Commander Waldo recited the SCV Charge and then went thru the announcements which included a congratulatory recognition of the Division Life Membership of Scott Roberson, Commander John Land of Montgomery who asked for volunteers to help at the SCV library at CMP, membership dues and Dixie butt last calls, a sign-up sheet for volunteers to work the camp booth at the Autauga County Fair and, the date and place for the camp's fall muster in October.  James Barnes, retired Special Forces Sgt and Lt Commander of the SCV Camp in Woodstock AL was the guest speaker who presented on the Battle of Monroe's Crossroads. This was the last cavalry battle of the War for Southern Independence in March 1865 and occurred near what today is Ft. Bragg in North Carolina.  The Confederates under Generals Wade Hampton and Joseph Wheeler were successful in delaying the Union advance on Fayetteville and allowed the Confederate forces to cross the Cape Fear River.  The battle included the capture of a number of Union General Kilpatrick's HQ staff and a series of charges thru the Union encampment by Wheeler's men, shooting into the Union troops' tents in a surprise attack.  Kilpatrick was also almost killed and escaped by horseback after being awakened at the house he was using as his field HQ, deceiving the Confederates into pursuing another Union officer as him to make his escape in his nightshirt.  It was an enjoyable evening of fellowship and education.  

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 Chaplain’s Column- Faith thru Tests and Stress


"Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. 2 This is what the ancients were commended for."

Hebrews 11:1-2


Gentlemen, I apologize.

I Sit here in a hospital room with my mom. Unfortunately time is a luxury I do not have much of right now.

I was thinking about times in our life when our Faith is tested and stressed. I thought about Hebrews 11.

I found this commentary on it from and thought I would share it with you.



"The good news of salvation and life eternal, is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. Whether Old Testament saints or New Testament believers, the only way to access this free and eternal gift from the Father is to trust in His Word and believe in His Son.

Faith is simply having the confidence that the future things God has revealed in His written Word, will unquestionably happen. The reformation verse that shattered corridors of Christendom was: "The just shall live by faith." The righteous man shall live by faith, the godly man, the virtuous woman, the justified sinner, the maturing believer, are to all live by faith, as well as being saved by faith.

A living faith in God's Word and the confident hope in His promises are two graces that embrace each other in love at the foot of the Cross. This is not a 'Que sera sera, fingers-crossed and-hope-it-happens' type of faith. This is the faith that accepts without question that the Word of God is entirely dependable and is an indisputable fact.

This is the faith that unquestioningly takes God at His Word, knowing that all He has promised to us in Christ is more secure than the rising of the morning sun and more certain than the daily passage of time. It is the firm persuasion, unshakable confidence, and indisputable expectation, that all God has said, in and through His WORD, is established forever and does not take refuge in the a 'maybe' or a 'perhaps'.

It is an objective faith that is secured to the knowledge that our redemption rests on Who Christ is, and what He has already done on the Cross on our account. Our faith is not on who we are or what we have done to commend ourselves to God, but on Christ and His accomplishments. Objective faith is not based on sight or sense but rests its case in the arms of God's Word of Truth.

Faith is not based on experience, nor calculated through reason. True faith is anchored on scriptural facts. It is beyond man's intellect and cannot be penetrated through reasoning or discovered through scientific 'proof'. It has nothing to do with personal opinion or impressions. It is beyond the dimension of human thought because it is the substance of facts that are conceived in the mind of God.

God is not a man, so He does not lie. The Lord is not a fallen being, so He does not flirt with fantasy or feasibility. He does not change His mind and has never spoken a word that He has failed to act upon. Has he never made a promise that has not been carried through to its fulfilment, and it is incumbent on us to know what His Word says and to believe the promises He has given.

The eye of faith sees beyond our present reality and places its feet firmly on divine revelation given by Almighty God, through the Word-made-flesh. It believes God's Word of truth in the pages of Scripture, which was written for our learning, instruction, encouragement, and hope. The heart of faith enables us to treat as reality those things that are unseen, even when circumstances of life appear to contradict the truth of God's Word.

All that God has revealed to us through holy men of God is just and good and true, and Scripture is designed to be a sure foundation upon which to build. It has nothing in common with so many superficial apologies for faith, based on sight, experiences, opinions, fancies, dreams, or imaginations that excite the soul, feed the flesh, and pander to the human ego. Without faith it is impossible to please God and Jesus said, "Blessed are those that have NOT seen, and yet have believed."

May the hope we have in Christ and the faith we have in God be built on the truth, of His Word and grounded on a sure conviction. May we never stumble when situations seem to go amiss, and may we be firmly persuaded: "He who started a good work in each of our lives is well able to bring it to completion."


Thursday, August 8, 2024

SCV Camp 1524 Commander's Column – Camp 1524 Activities and Initiatives

As I couldn’t be happier about the direction of our camp!  There are so many good things happening both in the Confederate community and inside our camp. 

Those of you who missed General Forrest’s Birthday party at Ft. Dixie i.e. Pat Godwin’s home on the 27th are truly the losers.  The speakers, the music, the FOOD, but most of all, the comradery of good Confederates assembling to enjoy the pleasure of each other’s company all combined to make it a most enjoyable event.  Sadly, there was a notable absence.  Butch Godwin as we know had already joined Lee, Stonewall, and all the others earlier.  Never-the-less, the indomitable Pat resolved to carry on.  Thank you and God-Bless you, Pat.

Other notable happenings: As I was travelling down Highway 14, I saw Rob Schwartz and Bill Myrick finishing up Robinson Springs Cemetery with their push mowers and weed eaters.  New Compatriot Hubert Champion had already cut the large areas.  The place looked GREAT!  My compliments to all three Dragoons for both their initiative and their work!  Word to the wise:  We need to be just as diligent about maintaining Indian Hill as well.  It is well to remember the renovation of the cemetery led by late compatriot Benny Harris.  He personally supervised the repairing of the headstone of Lt. A.Y. Smith and many others.  History records Lt. Smith received the Dragoon colors that were hand-stitched by the women and girls of Autauga County in, “appropriate and elegant terms,” as the unit rode off to war.  In more recent times master brick-mason Don Hall completely repaired the brick enclosure housing Lt. Smith’s grave and others as well.  Both Indian Hill and Robinson Springs have the sign, “Prattville Dragoons Camp 1524 Guardian Program” signs out front.  We need to redouble our efforts to keep both cemeteries looking sharp!

Finally, our speaker for the next meeting will be John C. Barnes who served with 5th Special Forces.  He will be speaking on the Battle of Monroe’s Crossroads.  A warrior of his caliber is sure to give a most interesting presentation.

Until we meet again, Deo Vindice!

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Upcoming Events for Confederate Compatriots

                              Upcoming Events for Confederate Compatriots


Prattville Dragoons Camp 1524 Meeting – August 8th, 6pm social, 6:45pm meeting at the Prattville Masonic Lodge


Dixie Butt Distribution – Saturday August 10th 8-10am at Herrod’s Chevron on Memorial


SCC National Conference – Aug 16-17th at the Southern Cultural Center, Wetumpka AL


Raid on Little General’s Farm – Sept 20-22, Gallant, AL


Autauga County Fair – Dragoons booth, Autauga County Fairground, Prattville, Tuesday- Saturday, Oct  8-12th


Dragoons Fall Muster – Oct TBD


Battle for the Armory – Nov 9-10, Tallassee, AL