Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 Chaplain's Column for October 2024 - Identifying as Sons and Daughters of God


"And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” (NKJV)

Matthew 3:17


   It seems like everywhere we go nowadays, everything we do and buy, someone is asking for our identification. They are trying to identify who we are or who we say we are. Scammers are always trying to steal our identity. But, who are we? Who are you?

   Recently we saw that famous actor James Earl Jones died. Jones was known for many famous roles, but was prominently known as the voice of Darth Vader from the "Stars Wars" franchise. He was also the voice of Mufasa, in the animated Disney movie, "The Lion King." In the movie, Mufasa, the King, has been betrayed and killed by his brother, Scar. Mufasa's son, Simba, has run away and become a coward, hiding away in the backlands. Mufasa visits Simba in a dream and yells at him, "You have forgotten me!" Simba denies this, of course, to which Mufasa says, "You have forgotten who you are, so you have forgotten me." Mufasa reminds Simba, "You are my Son!"

   In Matthew 3, God declares to all assembled that Jesus is His Son, in whom He is well pleased. In some translations God speaks directly to Jesus saying, "You are my Son, in whom I am well pleased." Jesus is the Son of God. And the Son of Man.

   We are also the children of God. We are His Sons. But when the world overwhelms us, our problems crash down on us, or if people ask if we are followers of God, His children, do we go silent when it is inconvenient? Do we, like Peter, deny it? Do we forget to go to God when we feel like we can handle it better ourselves? How often we have felt alone, abandoned, but God was there waiting for us to seek him out in prayer. How He waits for us to worship Him and praise Him for all our many blessings He has given us. And yet, like a petulant child, we go and complain of the things we don't have or didn't get and ask for more. We sometimes forget He is our Father, but we certainly treat God like a parent when we want or need something, don't we?

   But here is the good news! 1 John 4:4 reminds us that, "But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world." God, our Father, has conquered the world for us. We need to remember our identification next time someone asks us for it, or the world throws troubles our way. We are the Sons and Daughters of God! Let us never forget who we are and let us declare it to the world!



One thing to remember though: "You can speak of God and not mention the Sons of Confederate Veterans, but you cannot speak of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and not mention God!"

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