Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Prattville Dragoons SCV Camp 1524 Visit First White House of the Confederacy for January Meeting

The Dragoons of SCV Camp 1524 visited the First White House of the Confederacy in downtown Montgomery the evening of January 9th for a presentation and tour of the historic home as their monthly meeting.  Approximately 18 members attended the special opening of the historic property which is filled with period furniture and belongings of President Jefferson Davis and his wife Varina.  The Dragoons own Jayson Altieri is a regular volunteer there and has become very knowledgeable of the history of the house and led the meeting.  After Jayson's discussion everyone enjoyed a self guided tour of the house which includes a musuem and gift shop as well as rooms furnished with period and actual pieces belonging to the Davis's.  Camp 1524 Commander Grooms and Brigade Commander Waldo presented docent Bob Wieland with a check to thank them for hosting our meeting and to continue the outstanding work they are doing in presenting this part of the history of our state to thousands of visitors annually.  

The 1834 Italianized home was built by Mr. William Sayre as his primary residence. Sayre served as an early Montgomery city councilman, two term mayor and, helped build the railroad linking Montgomery with Mobile.  William's great niece would be Zelda Fitzgerald, wife of the famous author of The Great Gatsby and other works.  In the spring of 1861 the newly formed Confederate governement rented this home as an executive residence for President Jefferson Davis and his family.  Their residence in Montgomery was short lived though when the first Confederate Congress voted to move the capital to Richmond VA and the family left Montgomery in May of 1861.  The residence was originally located at Bob and Lee Streets and was moved to its curent location across from the state capitol by the White House Association and dedicated in June 1921.   

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Prattville Dragoons SCV Camp 1524 Chaplain's Column for January 2025 - Faithful and Trustworthy


Guest Columnist is Dragoon Member and Director of Music, Rob Schwartz.


“Faithful and trustworthy”

We all have been hurt by someone we trusted. Maybe a loved one, a close friend, or a stranger we have tried to help.  Once we have been hurt, our trust is broken and may never be fully restored.

We have only one person we can never have to worry about breaking that trust, God. He is not like us humans that take other nonessential factors into play. He is faithful, trustworthy, and kind.

He will ALWAYS provide for our needs, but not always our wants. We have to remember He can see a lot bigger picture than we can. A “no” for something we really want, may be due to Him saving us from a bigger hurt later.

This week, take just a moment to thank God for providing your needs, and protecting you from a larger scale hurt when He says “no”.

”Understand, therefore, that the Lord your God is indeed God. He is the faithful God who keeps his covenant for a thousand generations and lavishes his unfailing love on those who love him and obey his commands.“

Deuteronomy 7:9 NLT


Prayer List (from December):

1. Prayers for the family of W. Dale Crawford, AL Division Photographer, member of the DeKalb Rifles, Camp #1824.

2. Prayers for Bill Myrick’s daughter, Angela Stidham.

3. Prayers for our SCV leaders on the Camp, Brigade, Division and National Level.

4. Prayers for National, State, and Local leaders across America.

5. Praise for Dale Mapp, friend and co-worker of Chaplain Brantley, on clear (no) cancer diagnosis.

6. Praise for a successful knee replacement surgery for Jimmy Hill, Division Lt. Commander

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Prattville Dragoons Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 Chaplain Visits Fame Monument in NC

 Camp 1524 Chaplain Brantley and his wife visited the Fame monument in Salisbury NC on Friday Decemebr 27th and placed a small Confederate flag there at the fencing surrounding the monument.  Fame, also called Gloria Victis ("Glory to the Defeated" or "Glory to the Conquered"), was cast in Brussels, in 1891, Fame is one of two nearly-identical sculptures by Frederick Ruckstull. The monument measures 23 feet "from the bottom of the pedestal".  The bronze statue features an allegorical angel with outstretched wings dressed in robes with a laurel wreath on her head. In one hand she supports a dying soldier holding a battered rifle, while in her other hand—held high—she holds a second laurel wreath.  On the pink granite base created from Balfour Quarry stone from nearby Granite Quarry, an inscription says, "Deo Vindice," which can be translated "With God as our champion" or "With God as our vindicator." The dying soldier was modeled from an 1861 photograph of Confederate Lt. Henry Howe Cook of Franklin, Tennessee.The monument was placed by the UDC and dedicated on on May 10, 1909. [Wikipedia]

Upcoming Events for Confederate Compatriots




Upcoming Events for Confederate Compatriots


Dragoons Camp Meeting – at the First White House of the Confederacy, Montgomery, Thursday Jan 9th 6-7pm


Robert E Lee Day – Saturday January 18th at the Archives in Montgomery


Lee Jackson Banquet – Saturday January 18th at 6:30pm at the Southern Cultural Center in Wetumpka

Division EC (including Camp Commanders and Adjutants) - Saturday February 8th at the Southern Cultural Center.


Millbrook Revelers Mardi Gras Parade and Festival – Saturday February 15th, Main Street and Village Green, 9am-noon 

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Christmas Celebration Parade with Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 at Vida Community

Prattville Dragoons SCV Camp 1524 Quartermaster Bill Myrick and 2nd Lt Karl Wade participated in the 24th annual Vida Christmas Parade on Saturday December 21st. They were joined by an officer from the Montgomery AL chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy and her daughters, the eldest being the state Children of the Confederacy President.   The Dragoons float was comprised of Bill’s truck which displayed the 1st, 2nd and 3rd National colors, the Secession flag and, of course, the Confederate Battle flag. The Dragoons camp Christmas banner was also displayed  across the front of the float.  The Dragoons were very well received, as usual, and gave out all of the candy brought, all of the mini-Battle flags and almost all of the SCV recruiting coins. All in all, it was another great Christmas event including the BBQ dinner after the parade in the community center.  

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Prattville Dragoons Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 Christmas Social

Members of SCV Camp 1524, their significant others and friends gathered on Friday evening December  13th at the historic Buena Vista mansion in Prattville to enjoy their annual Christmas Social.  A huge Battle Flag was hung from the front porch which, with the Christmas greenery, really made the approach to the house beautiful.  The night began with a social hour where a pianist played on the piano in the parlor and everyone enjoyed General Lee eggnog which was prepared by Tyrone and Carol Crowley.  Some muscadine wine was also furbished by Commander Grooms.  At 7pm, Grooms welcomed everyone and recognized the officers present and special guests and recited the SCV Charge before Chaplain Brantley blessed the food.  Everyone then made their way thru the line to get their plates, a catered meal of smoked turkey, dressing, sweet potato casserole, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole with desserts including peach cobbler and banana pudding.  After everyone enjoyed their supper, a program was started which included the singing of a number of old and seasonal songs by Commander Grooms and his quartet.  Compatriot Rob Schwartz led everyone with his guitar in singing three Christmas carols.  The daughter of the new Buena Vista administrator then provided a short history of the property which of course predates the War for Southern Independence.  A doorprize drawing was then conducted with everyone receiving something including the wonderful table centerpieces which were provided by Bill and Peggy Myrick as well as books, a Confederate folding knife, Confederate dollar bills, candles, Christmas plush ducks, hand towels, a puzzle, and all sorts of seasonal gifts.  It was a horoughly enjoyable Christmas party and time of fellowship with Confederate compatriots at a beautiful venue. 

Monday, December 16, 2024

Prattville Dragoons Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 Salvation Army Red Kettle Bell RInging

Members of SCV Camp 1524 manned a Salvation Army red kettle in front of the Winn Dixie on Saturday December 14th as part of their annual holiday and community service activities.  The first shift that morning had to improvise a bit as the kettle was late being delivered so Brigade Commander Waldo, Treasurer Leverette and Adjutant Sutherland positioned a little box for donations in front of the tripod holding the Salvation Army signage.  A continuous loop of hand bell ringing was played by smartphone thru a portable bluetooth speaker to provide the requisite bell ringing sound to alert shoppers that Salvation Army donations were being accepted.  The kettle was delivered before the end of this shift and the e-bell ringing and cardboard box were retired. The second shift was comprised of Scott Roberson, Lee James, Todd Rogers and his son.  The third shift saw Chaplain Brantley, Tyrone Crowley, Sam Reed and Rob Schwartz man the kettle and  for the last shift that evening Dale Boyles, Thomas Griffith, Quartermaster Bill Myrick and 2nd Lt  Karl Wade, who coordinated the camp's effort, closed the donations receipts.  A lot of money was received to support the good work the Salvation Army does and it was another example of the positive work the Dragoons do for their neighbors and community.