Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Prattville Dragoons Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 Meeting for October 2024

Members and friends of SCV Camp 1524 met on Thursday evening October  10th at the Prattville Masonic Lodge for their regularly scheduled monthly meeting.  Despite a few members absent to man the camp's booth at the Autauga County Fair, there were over thirty present at the camp meeting.  Rob Schwartz sang a song in honor of his brother who recently passed away.   Camp Chaplain Brantley gave a  presentation of his trip to the SCV National Chaplains' Conference which was held at the SCV HQ at Elm Springs in Columbia TN.  While there, Chaplain Brantley stopped by the SCV Museum.  Commander Grooms presented him with a check to help cover his travel expenses to the convention.  Scott Roberson was presented the 16 gauge single shot shotgun he won as part of the charity auction by Comms Officer Doug Butler.   Paul Brueske was the guest speaker who presented on "The Last Siege: The Mobile Campaign, Alabama 1865".  He was  very well educated and very thorough on the subject, speaking on the importance of Mobile to the Confederacy for trade as a major port for food and ammunition. 

Monday, October 14, 2024

Prattville Dragoons Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 at the Autauga County Fair

The 2024 Autauga County Fair was a great success for the community and for the Prattville Dragoons. The fair ran Tuesday thru Saturday October 8-12th.  Thousands of fair attendees passed by the SCV Camp 1524 booth, and Dragoons were able to talk with a number of people who stopped by, a number who are potential new members for the  camp.   SCV and Confederate heritage literature was distributed and, as always, the mini-Battle Flags, coins, stickers, and posters were a big hit with the youngsters, along with the free candy. A good many flags, caps, car tags, and other merchandise were sold from the camp stores which gets Confederate memorabilia out in the public and also raises funds for the camp.  Most importantly though, the positive image that all of the Dragoons presented was the one thing that made this event such a success, changing incorrect negative opinion in the woke public.   A number of  Dragoons took time out of their schedules to work the booth, some worked multiple days and multiple shifts and their hard work made the camp's participation in this year’s fair the best one yet:

Chaplain David Brantley, Comms Officer Doug Butler, Tyrone Crowley, Color Sgt John Dennis, Thomas Griffith, Commander Harold Grooms, Lee James, Stuart Knight, Treasurer Billy Leverett, Quartermaster Bill Myrick, Scott Roberson, Todd Rogers and his grandson Carson, Rob Schwartz, Larry Spears, Adjutant Wayne Sutherland, Mike Thomas, Louis Turner, 1st Lt Karl Wade and Brigade Commander Waldo and his daughter.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 Chaplain's Column for October 2024 - Identifying as Sons and Daughters of God


"And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” (NKJV)

Matthew 3:17


   It seems like everywhere we go nowadays, everything we do and buy, someone is asking for our identification. They are trying to identify who we are or who we say we are. Scammers are always trying to steal our identity. But, who are we? Who are you?

   Recently we saw that famous actor James Earl Jones died. Jones was known for many famous roles, but was prominently known as the voice of Darth Vader from the "Stars Wars" franchise. He was also the voice of Mufasa, in the animated Disney movie, "The Lion King." In the movie, Mufasa, the King, has been betrayed and killed by his brother, Scar. Mufasa's son, Simba, has run away and become a coward, hiding away in the backlands. Mufasa visits Simba in a dream and yells at him, "You have forgotten me!" Simba denies this, of course, to which Mufasa says, "You have forgotten who you are, so you have forgotten me." Mufasa reminds Simba, "You are my Son!"

   In Matthew 3, God declares to all assembled that Jesus is His Son, in whom He is well pleased. In some translations God speaks directly to Jesus saying, "You are my Son, in whom I am well pleased." Jesus is the Son of God. And the Son of Man.

   We are also the children of God. We are His Sons. But when the world overwhelms us, our problems crash down on us, or if people ask if we are followers of God, His children, do we go silent when it is inconvenient? Do we, like Peter, deny it? Do we forget to go to God when we feel like we can handle it better ourselves? How often we have felt alone, abandoned, but God was there waiting for us to seek him out in prayer. How He waits for us to worship Him and praise Him for all our many blessings He has given us. And yet, like a petulant child, we go and complain of the things we don't have or didn't get and ask for more. We sometimes forget He is our Father, but we certainly treat God like a parent when we want or need something, don't we?

   But here is the good news! 1 John 4:4 reminds us that, "But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world." God, our Father, has conquered the world for us. We need to remember our identification next time someone asks us for it, or the world throws troubles our way. We are the Sons and Daughters of God! Let us never forget who we are and let us declare it to the world!



One thing to remember though: "You can speak of God and not mention the Sons of Confederate Veterans, but you cannot speak of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and not mention God!"

Monday, October 7, 2024

Upcoming Events for Confederate Compatriots

 Don't forget to vote on November 5th!

Upcoming Events for Confederate Compatriots


Autauga County Fair – Dragoons booth, Autauga County Fairground, Tuesday- Saturday, Oct  8-12th


Dragoons’ Camp Meeting – Thursday October 10th, 6pm social hour, 6:45pm camp meeting, Prattville Masonic Lodge


Dragoons Fall Muster – Oct 26th 10am-til at Philip Edward’s home, 2104 CR 59, Prattville, Posey’s Crossroads


Battle for the Armory – Nov 9-10, Tallassee, AL


Prattville Christmas Parade – Friday December 6th starting on Court St, downtown Prattville


Christmas Social – by reservation, Friday Dec 13th starting at 6pm at Buena Vista, 641 County Rd 4 E, Prattville

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Battle Flags Set on Confederate Veterans Graves at Historic Cemetery

Following a tour on Saturday September 28th of the 1848 Rockford Jailhouse Museum, Dragoon Tyrone Crowley and his wife Carol replaced 8 weather-worn Confederate flags on graves at Sears Chapel Methodist Church, just north of of Rockford in Coosa County on Highway 231.  Flags used were provided by SCV Camp 1524 Adjutant Wayne Sutherland.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Prattville Dragoons Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 Chaplain Attends National SCV Chaplains' Conference at Elm Springs SCV National HQ

On Saturday, September 14th, 2024, the National SCV Chaplains' Conference was held at historic Elm Springs, the National Headquarters for the Sons of Confederate Veterans.

I took the opportunity and drove up a day early. I have been a SCV member for 30 years and had, sadly, never visited Elm Springs. I decided to change that and to see the new SCV National Confederate Museum.

I arrived at the museum when it opened as I was warned it would take hours to tour. Ironically, right after I entered, so did fellow Prattvile Dragoon and former Brigade Commander, Josh Stover. Josh now lives in North Alabama but is still a proud member of our camp and sent well-wishes to all. Josh and his son were there to scan monuments to replicate and make for putting up around the Confederation. A fascinating process.

The museum is amazing. It has informative wall panels for each year of the war, major events and individuals that impacted the war. They also had QR Codes you can scan for more information.

The highlight(s) were seeing Robert E. Lee statue that was once in front of Lee High School in Montgomery, the bed John Bell Hood bed slept in during the Tennessee campaign, and the former coffins for General and Mrs. Forrest before they were reinterred on the grounds of Elm Springs! I could go on all day about what I saw at the National Museum. Every SCV member needs to go and visit to see it all.

I then toured the home of Elm Springs. They are returning to what it looked like during the War. It was, for years, the HQ for the SCV and had offices, etc., in the building. All of those offices have been moved to the Museum. It is well worth the tour. Ironically my tour was a lady from Indiana who knew the South was right! Oh, there are even some ghost stories to raise your hackles as well. Definitely a must- see!

The next morning we met for the Conference and it was an amazing day! Past Chaplain-in-Chief Gary Carlyle opened us in prayer and gave us a booklet of "positives" for Chaplains to pass to their flock. Current Commander-in-Chief Kennedy then greeted the assembly afterwards.

After singing some Hymns, like "How Firm a Foundation," former Chaplain-in-Chief Herman White spoke on the need of Chaplains to "be there" for the flock. Dr. White is 90 and still preaching the Gospel!

Current Chaplain-in-Chief Tom Hiter then taught us on how the SCV Charge is a Christian Document. You cannot speak of the SCV without speaking of God and Jesus Christ.

Dr. Micheal Bradley gave a fascinating speech on the "Southern Religious Tradition- before, during, and since the War for Southern Independence." He spoke at length on the revivals in the Confederate Armies and how it was a true religious awakening in the South!

After we returned from Dinner, Mike Dunn, from the Tennessee Division, gave an absolutely fascinating lecture on religious music during the War.

This was followed by former Commander-in-Chief Boshers who told the story of Sam Davis, the Confederate Martyr and his religious beliefs, which helped to bring one (possibly more) of his captors to Jesus Christ. An amazing side of the story I was unaware of.

Missouri Division Chaplain Thomas McConnell gave a no-holds-barred sermon on "What the Lord Requires" and what will be required of all of us in the coming days. Nobody slept through that Sermon, believe me!

Pastor Mark Evans closed us out by recapping the other speakers and reminding us of our commission as Chaplain to the camps and individual members.

There will be a picture of all of us that was taken before we all departed. It will be in the Jan/ Feb 2025 issue of the Confederate Veteran.

We parted that day renewed, refreshed, and focused on our duties as Chaplains. It was a great experience and I hope it once again becomes a regular event!

I would be remiss if I did not thank Gary Carlyle and Jason Boshers, who both fought to make this event happen. I would also like to thank Adjutant-in-Chief Jimmy Hill who helped them make it possible.


Chaplain Brantley


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Prattville Dragoons Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 Monthly Meeting for September 2024 - Confederate Memorial Park

A good crowd of members and friends of SCV Camp 1524 gathered on Thursday evening September 12th at the Prattville Masonic Lodge for their monthly meeting.  Compatriot Rob Schwartz provided music playing his guitar and singing before the meeting while everyone socialized.   Commander Grooms got the meeting started providing updates on news for the camp including upcoming events.  Salutes and pledges to the US, Alabama state and Confederate flags were recited led by Dragoon Larry Miller as well as the SCV Charge by Harold.  2nd Lt Karl Wade updated everyone on the upcoming Autauga County Fair and sign-ups for the Dragoons' booth as well as the upcoming holiday season canned food drive for Thanksgiving and Salvation Army bell ringing for Christmas.  Adjutant Wayne Sutherland handed out everyone's latest SCV membership cards to all members present.  Calvin Chapelle who is the curator at the Confederate Memorial Park was the guest speaker.  Calvin informed everyone of a couple upcoming events at the park including the Christmas at the CMP post office and the reenactors Winter Quarters.  Calvin said they have recently hosted a couple of school days at CMP which he very much enjoys.  Plans are still in the works for building a new pavilion at the park where the old one had fallen but they have otherwise replaced the roof on another and washed and painted some of the structures at the park.  Calvin also provided a slide show and stories of the history of the park from its establishment as a Confederate Veterans retirement home showing many photos from the early 1900s of the home and cabins on the property which were all destroyed by fire or razed when the Veteran's home was closed with the passing of the last of the Confederate soldiers and their widows. Calvin indicated they are rotating historic flags with the State Archives to display in the museum at CMP.   Larry Miller presented Calvin with a print of a battle scene from the War Between the States and Commander Grooms presented Calvin with a donation check for $250 to continue the great work CMP does educating the community.  Rob closed the meeting with a Benediction.