Monday, January 25, 2021

Prattville Dragoons Attend Robert E. Lee Birthday Program in Oxford AL

Seven compatriots from SCV Camp 1524 made the drive up from Prattville to Oxford the morning of Saturday January 23rd to attend the Alabama Division SCV Robert E. Lee birthday celebration.  Camp Commander Waldo, Adjutant Sutherland, Quartermaster Myrick, Larry Spears as well as the Chaplain carpooled up that morning for the special event; Brigade Commander Stover was also in attendance driving separately as did compatriot Dave Thompson.  The men manned a table outside the conference room to provide information and take registrations for the Division Reunion which the Dragoons are hosting in June.  At 9am Division Commander Mike McMurry opened the program and introduced past Division Commander Gary Carlyle who gave a personal memorial for Division Chaplain and SCV Chaplain-in-Chief Charles Baker recounting stories of his strength and intelligence likening him to similar qualities of Robert E. Lee.  String music was played in the intermission.  At 10am the Lee Birthday program began with Commander McMurry introducing the Division Chaplain who provided an Invocation followed by greetings from representatives of a number of heritage organizations in attendance including the Order of the Stars and Bars, the Mechanized Cavalry, the Order of Confederate Rose and the SCV Army of Tennessee.  SCV Commander-in-Chief Larry McCluney Jr then provided a brilliant tribute to Lee acting as Confederate General P.G.T. Beauregard and citing the professional military background and experiences the two men shared and the history of his service under Lee culminating with the defense of Petersburg at the end of the War.  It was a wonderful day spending time with compatriots from Camp 1524 and across the Division and paying tribute with a memorial for one of our nation's most beloved and honorable leaders Robert E. Lee who President Eisenhower called, "One of the supremely gifted men produced by our nation, selfless, noble, unsullied." 

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Prattville Dragoons McClendon Cemetery Cleanup

Members and friends of SCV Camp 1524 cleaned the McClendon cemetery on  a cold Saturday January 16th removing trees, undergrowth and debris.  A large fallen tree which had fallen across the cemetery plots and fence was removed.  The fence damage will be addressed at a later date. But the work cleared the cemetery so that the graves were actually visible, long obscured by small trees, undergrowth and fallen limbs.   Dragoons Quartermaster Bill Myrick, Color Sergeant John Dennis and compatriot Rob Schwartz as well as Bill's cousin Bob McClellan worked the cleanup.  Bob is a former camp and brigade commander from the Troy SCV camp.  Following cleanup, Confederate Battle flags were placed on the Confederate veteran graves.  The cemetery is located on McClendon Road near the intersection with Smiley Ferry Rd and Lewis Rd in Grady AL.  

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Prattville Dragoons SCV Camp 1524 Meeting for January 2021

The Dragoons of Camp 1524 held their monthly meeting on Thursday January 14th at the Masonic Lodge in downtown Prattville.  Twenty compatriots were in attendance to enjoy a program led by 1st Lt Harold Grooms in Commander Waldo's stead. The chaplain opened the meeting with an invocation followed by the reading of the SCV Charge.  New Member Conner Blackmon was sworn in by 1st Lt Grooms and the Chaplain; Conner provided Zebulon P. Abrams, Private 20th Regiment, South Carolina Infantry, Company F as his Confederate ancestor under which he joined. Always a glorious day when our Confederate ancestors are honored by the addition of an SCV member.  Harold further provided information on upcoming events and other announcements before compatriot Tyrone Crowley presented the program.  Tyrone played two radio spots which Harold had recorded some years ago for April recognition as Confederate History and Heritage month.  Tyrone then provided a reading of "Lee at Jacksonville" by Joseph Cecil Wingard, a poem describing the scene when General Lee toured the Southland following the War for Southern Independence and was greeted by adoring citizens.  Tyrone also provided remarks on the Christian character of Robert E. Lee made by Past Chaplain-in-Chief Charles Baker who recently passed away after a lengthy illness.  The meeting was closed with the SCV Closing and a Benediction. 


Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Prattville Dragoons SCV Camp 1524 Commander's Column for January 2021 - Cognitive Dissonance, a Psychological Explanation to the Woke Attacks on Confederate History and Heritage

 “We feel that our cause is just and holy; we protest solemnly in the face of mankind that we desire peace at any sacrifice save that of honor and independence; we seek no conquest, no aggrandizement, no concession of any kind from the States with which we were lately confederated; all we ask is to be let alone; that those who never held power over us shall not now attempt our subjugation by arms.” (Jefferson Davis, April 29, 1961 address to the Confederate Congress in Montgomery)  Our Confederate ancestors sought the preservation of the constitutional republic with limited central federal government as our founding fathers had intended.  They seceded from the “states with whom (they) were (formerly) confederated” for similar causes which we observe today, that a progressive regional/sectional power grab threatened to indefinitely relegate their party and the Southern states to a political irrelevance and an impotence in a minority position, destroying their very way of life.  They fought for their independence only in defense of their families and homeland. The enlightened progressives of course deny this historical truth and pin the Southern states secession and the War for Southern Independence solely on the Southerners desire to defend and perpetuate the institition of slavery. Period.  

It has long astounded me how angry the woke progressives have demonstrably appeared while vandalizing historic Confederate monuments.  Graffiti messages have been spray painted on these demonizing Confederate soldiers depicted as indefensibly fighting to perpetuate the institution of slavery. Many statues were irreparably damaged and many removed from public display to appease the anarchist mobs.  While previous generations recognized the Confederate soldiers as having fought honorably and admirably for the cause of constitutional liberty and state’s rights and in defense of their homeland, these learned individuals disregard first source evidence providing the truth of the historic record.  They misconstrue and contort the impetus for secession and that of the War of Northern Aggression.  Lincoln himself in his inaugural address and correspondence stated he had no right nor inclination to interfere with the institution of slavery but would enforce the collection of tariff revenue at his ports using the full force of his military.  He desired to preserve the Union to further his vision of a centralized federalist empire with the Southern agrarian indentured populace providing raw goods and cash from protective import tariffs to the Northern industrialists and in turn providing a captive market for their manufactured goods.  It’s in the public record. 

So, is it an impassioned demonstration of white guilt which spurs these woke snowflakes to desecrate these monuments?  I was listening to the radio before the holidays and heard an explanation for a psychological condition called cognitive dissonance and I believe this well explains this phenomena.   “The term cognitive dissonance is used to describe the mental discomfort that results from holding two conflicting beliefs, values, or attitudes. People tend to seek consistency in their attitudes and perceptions, so this conflict causes feelings of unease or discomfort.  One sign related to dissonance includes doing things because of social pressure even if it wasn't something you wanted to do.  Sometimes learning new information can lead to feelings of cognitive dissonance.  People sometimes deal with this either by finding ways to justify their behaviors or findings ways to discredit or ignore new information.  Cognitive dissonance can often have a powerful influence on our behaviors and actions. It doesn't just influence how you feel—it also motivates you to take action to reduce feelings of discomfort.”  (  Like assuming a herd mentality and justifying the destruction of public property and historic works of art as morally reprehensible in their woke view.  This also explains the difficulty the woke progressives have in appreciating and respecting conflicting opinions and beliefs.  This is why it is near impossible to change the minds of those who have been indoctrinated in government public schools to believe “the history of this heroic struggle … written by the enemy… our youth … trained by Northern school teachers … learn(ed) from Northern school books their version of the war… impressed by all the influences of history and education to regard our gallant dead as traitors, our maimed veterans as fit objects for derision.  The conqueror's policy is to divide the conquered into factions and stir up animosity among them.”  (letter of General Patrick Cleburne, January 2, 1864)  It is why the liberals know what is best for you and want to tell you what car to drive, what food to eat, what doctor you can see, what school you can attend, and what history you can learn and understand.  “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history. Perhaps one did not want to be loved so much as to be understood. Who controls the past controls the future.” (George Orwell)

Monday, January 11, 2021

Alabama Secession Day is Today - "Noli Me Tangere", Latin meaning "Touch Me Not" or "independent, free and sovereign"

January 11, 1861, the ladies of Montgomery, Alabama presented the secession convention with a flag for the new republic.  Alabama resumed her sovereign powers delegated to the US Compact of 1789, under the 10th Amendment. The Convention accepted the flag and resolved it "be raised upon the Capitol". Symbols of Independence, the American Revolution, and King Cotton were incorporated into the flag's design by Montgomery painter Francis Corra.  On one side of the flag, a representation of the Goddess of Liberty, holding in her right hand a sword unsheathed, and in her left, a small flag with one star. In an arch just above this figure are the words, "Alabama-Independent Now and Forever."  On the reverse side of the flag are the images of a cotton plant, with a rattlesnake coiled at its base. Immediately below the snake are the words "Noli Me Tangere." "Noli Me Tangere" is Latin meaning "Touch Me Not".  It is another meaning for "independent, free and sovereign".  The State of Alabama's contract with the Union was over.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Prattville Dragoons Chaplain's Column for January 2021 - Happy New Year

 Happy New Year! 

I think most of us are glad that 2020 is behind us. What lessons do we take from this wretched year behind us ? After all, we are told that “hindsight is 20/20.”

I think we were all reminded that just how precious life is. I don’t know about you, but I lost several friends in 2020, some from the Wuhan Virus, some from other health issues.

As my mom is fond of reminding me, always tell others you love/ care for them as you may not get another chance.

We were certainly reminded that we in the Confederate Heritage front, have few friends in DC. The veil has been lifted from our eyes if any thought Republicans would stand with us.

But, most importantly, many found or reconnected with God. Millions went to Church online and found salvation. God will always take what is meant for evil and turn it to good.

What do you leave behind in 2020? If you have not done so already let your sin(s) be in the past.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! (2 Corinthians 5:17).

“Do not call to mind the former things, or ponder things of the past…” (Isaiah 43:18).

“But one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead…(Philippians 3:13).

Use 2021 as a chance to be a light to a very dark world.

We must be like our Confederate Ancestors, who, even in the dark times of “Reconstruction,” went home and built/ rebuilt churches, evangelized, and brought thousands to Christ.

Can we not do the same?


May God continue to watch over you and your families and protect you all.

And may God save the South!

Friday, January 8, 2021

Upcoming Events for Confederate Compatriots


Upcoming Events for Confederate Compatriots

Prattville Dragoons January Camp Meeting – Thursday January 14th at 6:45pm at the Prattville Masonic Lodge

AL Division Robert E. Lee Day Program– Saturday January 23rd, 9am music and 10am program, Oxford Civic Center

Millbrook Revelers Mardi Gras Parade and Festival – Saturday February 6th, 9am festival and 11am parade, Main St

AL Division Executive Committee Meeting – Saturday February 20th, 9:30am, Grace Pointe Church, Montgomery

AL Division Reunion – Friday-Saturday June 4-5th, Prattville AL hosted by the Dragoons SCV Camp 1524