Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Prattville Dragoons Commander's Column for November 2013

Commanders Column for November 2013

The recent government shutdown and rollout of the government’s healthcare system brought out the pundits pointing fingers and casting blame.  One of interest claimed that our country is not dying as has been postulated as the natural course for democracies by Alexander Fraser Tytler in his nineteenth century lectures describing this “Fatal Sequence”.   The guest on this radio show claimed the United States is not decaying and dying, it is being killed.  Our heritage, culture and Judeo-Christian foundation is being attacked and eradicated from within.  Lincoln attacked the Confederacy to exterminate the Southern culture and sought to subjugate the South and redefine the role of the federal government as the ultimate authority and control in the lives of the citizenry at the point of a bayonet.  Sherman while waging his war on the civilian populace in a July 31, 1862 letter to his wife (from his "Collected Works") wrote that his purpose in the war was: "Extermination, not of soldiers alone, that is the least part of the trouble, but the [Southern] people."  

The self-determination and self-reliance which defined our Confederate forefathers and which has been passed down as our heritage is being exterminated today by socialistic programs and indoctrination which just two generations ago led to decades of conflicts and the Cold War to contain the spread of Marxism in southeast Asia and around the globe.  Every generation has its own wars to wage, its own imperatives which shape the course of history.  Our Confederate ancestors took up arms in an attempt to preserve the freedom and liberty and form of government the founding fathers shaped after the Revolutionary War.  Will there be patriots today who will resist the oncoming tide and stand in the face of the onslaught threatening the core of American values?   We can help educate our neighbors by telling the true history of the Confederacy and why our ancestors struggles are relevant today.  We must stand in the face of political correctness and defend the honor of the Confederate soldier patriots and preserve their memory and Southern heritage.  

The court hearing in Selma is upcoming and we need to continue to support the Friends of Forrest as they fight to protect the sacred final resting place of the brave Confederate soldiers in Live Oak Cemetery there and to enhance the grounds to pay tribute to the true heroes of the War for Southern Independence, those who fought to protect their families and homes and way of life.   November also is a time of Thanksgiving, a time we give thanks for our families and blessings bestowed upon us by our loving God.  President Jefferson Davis issued a Thanksgiving Proclamation on the 15th of November 1861 setting aside that day as “a national day of humiliation and prayer” encouraging all to return home on that day “to implore (the) blessing of Almighty God upon our people, that he may give us victory over our enemies, preserve our homes and altars from pollution, and secure to us the restoration of peace and prosperity.”  We should continue to pray fervently for our nation and our families, for peace and prosperity.  Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Prattville Dragoons Camp Meeting October 2013 - Part 2

The guest speaker for the October camp meeting of the Prattville Dragoons was none other than Patrick Henry who famously proclaimed, "Give me liberty or give me death!"  Allen Herrod of the Prattville Dragoons provided a reenactment portrayal of Patrick Henry including a short biography of his life in first person.  Patrick Henry was born in Virginia in 1736, the son of a Scottish born father and mother and they taught young Patrick at home in subjects including Greek language and math.  At the age of sixteen Patrick started working in a mercantile store.  In 1754 he married Sarah Shelton.  Her dowry included 600 acres and six slaves but fire destroyed the farm and they had to reside in the overseer cabin for some time until they sold the land to open a store which subsequently failed.  After even tending bar briefly, he started studying law, started law school, passed the bar and received his attorney's license.  In 1763 he had his first marked legal battle which involved the taxation issues with England; in the Parson's Cause case he argued for the county and argued that the clergy who encouraged obedience to civil laws as enemies of the community and that the awards to Rev Maury should be nullified and after an impassioned speech, the jury agreed and awarded just one penny to the plaintiff.  Following the Stamp Act he argued for revisions and after the Boston Tea Party demonstrations brought all the colonies together in a common cause, he was recommended as a delegate to the Continental Congress in 1774.  Sarah fell ill and her condition worsened to the point where she became insane and Patrick stayed home to care for her until she died in 1775.  In March of that same year, in a speech to the Virginia House of Burgesses when the colonists were debating on whether to take up arms in the face of the encroaching British army, he argued that the colonies were at a crossroads, freedom or slavery to British rule.  He felt it would be treasonous to his country and a violation of Providence if he didn't fight for liberty.  His beliefs and position illuminated by the lamp of experiences, judging by the past, he asked what had the British government done for the welfare of the colonies.  Now the British were assuming a war like posture and he argued that this was not a strategy to win back the affection of the colonists but rather to force them into submission.  "What treaty should be sought which was not already exhausted."  The colonists were prostrated before the throne of England, spurned with contempt.  "Shall we hope for peace and reconciliation?  These are not possible, we cannot.  We must fight. We submit an appeal to the God of arms.  Shall we wait to be disarmed with the British guarding every house.  Iur principles will make us invincible and with a just God to fight our battles for us, there is no retreat.  War is inevitable. Let it come.  Is life so dear and precious?  Give me liberty or give me death!"  Allen's performance drew a standing ovation and commentary following noted that our Confederate ancestors likely felt very much the same as these patriots and indeed Allen maintained that Patrick Henry's speech was often cited and quoted by Confederate leaders as supporting the Cause for Southern Independence. 
Allen Herrod Portraying Patrick Henry 
Dragoons Camp Commander Stuart Waldo and Patrick Henry

Monday, October 14, 2013

Prattville Dragoons Camp Meeting October 2013 - Part 1

Two dozen members and friends of the Prattville Dragoons, Sons of Confederate Veterans camp 1524 attended the monthly camp meeting on October 10th at the Shoney's on Cobbs Ford Rd.  Chaplain Tom Snowden opened the meeting with an Invocation and pledges to the U.S., State of Alabama and Confederate Battle Flag followed.  Commander Stuart Forrest Waldo recited the SCV Charge and then provided the camp announcements and items of interest.  Special guests all of whom expressed interest in joining the SCV Prattville Dragoons camp included Randall Ray Jr, Bill Spears and Will Dismukes who previously provided a presentation on artifacts he had found at his family farm.  Jerry McMichael who has been a long time member attended for the first time in some time saying his schedule allowed him time now to attend his camp's meetings for which he was glad. Upcoming events (found here on a prior blog) included the Reenactments at Newton and Tallassee.  Compatriot Benny Harris handed out flyers announcing the rescheduled rededication of the Old Rasberry Family Cemetery on Sunday Nov 3rd in Chilton County's Mulberry/Isabella community and invited anyone who attended the ceremony in Confederate period attire to participate in the setting of Confederate Battle Flags on the graves of those Confederate veterans buried there.  A Civil War Ball in Guntersville on Niv 30th followed by the Christmas parade in Prattville on December 7th culminated by our own Dragoons Christmas Social at Buena Vista on December 13th comprised all of the upcoming holiday events.Next year in February 7-8th in Chattanooga TN, the Stephen Dill Lee Institute will convene for their annual educational lectures.  Special recognition was extended to Dragoon Jeffrey Potts who manned the Dragoons SCV recruitment table at the gun show at the Alcazar Shriners Temple in Montgomery the weekend of September 21st.  He informed everyone that another gun show is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday November 2nd and 3rd and volunteers are needed to help man the table on Saturday.  The special recognition proclamation for the Autaugaville Star Spangled equestrian team was shown although the members of their team were unable to make the camp meeting and their coach expressed regrets.  The proclamation commended the team for proudly flying the Confederate Battle Flag to proclaim their Southern heritage.  Adjutant Wayne Sutherland provided an update on the annual membership renewals reporting that it appeared three Dragoons would not be rejoining due to health and relocation.  But the guests in attendance as well as previously submitted applications for membership gave us reason to celebrate that our membership numbers should actually increase despite this attrition.  Next came the Dragoons own Allen Herrod who presented an impressive rousing reenactment of Patrick Henry's famous speech to the House of Burgesses where he proclaimed, "Give me liberty or give me death" much as our Confederate ancestors also proclaimed in their struggle for independence. 
Dragoons Commander Waldo at the October Camp Meeting

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Upcoming Events for Confederates and Southern Heritage

Upcoming Events from the Prattville Dragoons Camp Dispatch for October 2013:

Upcoming Events

13th Annual Battle of Newton, Saturday-Sunday, 19-20 Oct 2013 Reenactments Saturday and Sunday; period camps, field hospital, wedding and games.  Tallassee Armory Guards Camp 1921 String Band Sat and Sun; Church service on Sunday at 10am.  There will be battles Saturday and Sunday, as well as sutlers, food concessions, etc.  For information

16th Annual Battles for the Tallassee Armory Friday-Sunday, 8-10 Nov 2013 Reenactment will begin 8 November with unique hands-on (for children) School Day activities.   There will be battles Saturday and Sunday, as well as sutlers, food concessions, etc.  For information call 334-283-6888 or see

150th Anniversary of the Capture, Trial, and Execution of Sam Davis a Confederate Hero Friday-Sunday, 22-24 Nov 2013 Memorial with keynote speaker, seminar, living histories and tours of the Sam Davis home, music, Period Ball, Sunday prayer and memorial services. For information

Civil War Christmas Ball, 30 November 2013, Guntersville – Meet Generals Lee, Jackson, and Stuart, and hear them speak on the War.  Period dress is encouraged but not required.  In addition to the appearance of the generals, there will be live Period Music.  $35 per couple, $20 single, $8 twelve years and under.  For more, see
Prattville Christmas Parade, Saturday 7 December 2013.  Dragoons will have an entry.  If you want to walk with us, let Communications Officer Crowley know.
Dragoon Christmas Social, Friday 13 December 2013 - We have reserved Buena Vista and will be making arrangements with Red's Little School House to cater our Social again this year.
S D Lee Institute Lectures, 7-8 Feb 2014 in Chattanooga, Tennessee.  See

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Announcing the Prattville Dragoons Camp Meeting for October 2013

The Prattville Dragoons will meet at the Shoneys on Cobbs Ford Road in Prattville at 7pm on October 10th.  Come early and enjoy the Shoney's buffet dinner and some of their delicious strawberry pie.  The following is the announcement from the Dragoons Camp Dispatch newsletter.

Patrick Henry To Give Famous Speech At October Meeting
Our speaker for the October meeting will be none other than Patrick Henry, impersonated in period dress by Dragoon Allen Herrod, who is also a member of the Prattville chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution, at whose September meeting Allen debuted this presentation.  Allen is an accomplished actor, having starred and played other parts in local theatrical productions for years.  You will be impressed and inspired by Allen’s speaking about the life of young Patrick, as well as his rendering of the famous speech given by Patrick Henry before the Virginia House of Burgesses on 23 March 1775.  The speech ends emotionally with words dear to the heart of any Confederate:  “Give me liberty or give me death!”  It is also significant that, even though Patrick Henry was addressing the Virginia House of Burgesses, a government body, the speech was given in a church, St John's, in Richmond, Virginia.  If you want a preview, you can read and hear (or download) the Patrick Henry speech at
Also at the October meeting, we will recognize and award certificates to the "Star-Spangled Banner" 4-H Equestrian Team of young ladies and their coach from Autaugaville.  The young ladies carried the Confederate Battle Flag in a contest that they won recently, causing their picture to appear in the Prattville Progress and thus catching the eye and winning the praise of several Dragoons.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Dragoons Camp News for October 2013

Camp News
***Camp Dues Are Now Due***  If you haven't sent them in already, you should get your dues mailed in as soon as possible. To avoid the $7.50 late fee, mail $45 to Adjutant Wayne Sutherland at 412 Gardner Road, Prattville AL 36067 before 27 October 2013.
Communications Officer Crowley Receives National Award.  Communications Officer Tyrone Crowley recently received the SCV National Meritorious Service Award.
Commander Waldo Requests Pictures Of Dragoons' Ancestors.  Commander Stuart Waldo requests that any Dragoon having an image of his ancestor to please get the image to him, for placement on the Camp website.
Adjutant Wayne Sutherland Recovering From Back Surgery.  Our faithful Adjutant Wayne Sutherland offers the following words to the Camp:  "Thanks to all my friends for their prayers for my speedy recovery from back surgery.  It's been a year since I took a fall off a tall curb in Huntsville, more like a swan dive and I do have to admit it's nice not to have the leg pain any longer.  Today (15 September), it's been 3-1/2 weeks and I feel almost normal--well, as normal as someone from New Orleans can feel.  I look forward to continuing to stink up the golf course and getting back to work."