On the occasion of Prattville founder Daniel
Pratt’s 218th birthday, SCV Camp 1524 member Tyrone Crowley portrayed him in a birthday
ceremony at Pratt Cemetery. The cemetery overlooks the old gin factory which Pratt constructed and operated. The ceremony included the laying of a wreath and local politicians Mayor Gillespie and Representative Beckman attended and also said a few words. Tyrone read an historic letter written by Pratt to a childhood friend describing the work in the new town including construction of a Methodist church and the gin factory. He also discussed the turmoil which was quickly leading to the Southern states secession and the War for Southern Independence. Pratt actually outfitted the original Dragoons with horses, uniforms and provisions as they mustered for service in 1861. Here is a link to the news article on the Elmore and Autauga News website - http://www.elmoreautauganews.com/single-post/2017/07/20/Daniel-Pratt-A-man-of-vision-stewardship-remembered-on-his-218th-birthday-wreath-placed-on-grave-but-his-works-continue.
Monday, July 31, 2017
Saturday, July 29, 2017
Indian Hill Cemetery Workday Performed by Dragoons of SCV Camp 1524
Dragoons Treasurer Billy Leverette and compatriot Ryan King went by historic Indian Hill Cemetery earlier in the week to start mowing as part of Camp 1524's maintenance of the cemetery as part of the SCV Guardian program.
The morning of Saturday July 22nd, 1st Lt Harold Grooms, Adjutant Wayne Sutherland, Skip Ward, Dale Boyles and Commander Stuart Waldo made it out
to the cemetery. Wayne used his weed eater. Dale clipped some overgrowth and
picked up limbs. Harold, Skip and Stuart mowed. Harold found a hornet;s nest which Billy had discovered a couple days earlier so Stuart enjoyed hitting Harold a number of times
pretending to swat hornets. All the work got the cemetery grounds looking very good again hopefully for a month or longer.
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Stuart, Wayne and Skip (Harold and Dale not pictured) |
Thursday, July 27, 2017
Prattville Dragoons Compatriot Celebrates 90th Birthday with Historic Cemetery Workday
Members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 spent the morning of Tuesday July 18th performing a workday at Robinson Springs Cemetery in Millbrook AL. James Spears celebrated his 90th birthday that day working with the group to care for the grounds as part of the camp's SCV Cemetery Guardian program participation. James and his son Larry, Bill Gill, Tyrone Crowley and Bill Myrick all spent the warm summer morning cutting grass, trimming and leaf blowing to spruce up the cemetery which fronts Hwy-14 in Millbrook. Kudos! What a way to celebrate your 90th birthday! James is a WWII vet, retired U.S. Army Sergeant and also just celebrated his 10th year anniversary as a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans.
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Alabama Division Sons of Confederate Veterans Recognize Law Enforcement Appreciation Day
The SCV Alabama Division Commander Jimmy Hill issued a Proclamation declaring July 25th as Law Enforcement Day in the Alabama Division. The proclamation is shown below. The Prattville Dragoons represented by Commander Stuart Waldo, 1st Lt Harold Grooms, Communications Officer Larry Spears and compatriot Karl Wade (retired Alabama State Trooper) presented awards of appreciation to the Autauga County Sheriff's and Prattville City Police Departments on Monday morning the 24th at the new Public Safety Building downtown. Camp 1524 also is running ads on two electronic billboards in the community for the week, one of which is also shown below.
Sunday, July 23, 2017
18th Annual Birthday Celebration of Lt.Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest
Pat and Butch Godwin again hosted Ole Bedford'd 196th Birthday Commemoration at their home, affectionately known as Fort Dixie on July 15th, 2017. It was a hot day but a clear one with a nice breeze and the shade trees on their property provided a respite from the Alabama summer heat. A lemonade stand was set up as a watering hole and a table and picnic tables were set under the trees on which ice cold watermelons were enjoyed to stay hydrated and refreshed. After a welcome by Pat and Butch Godwin, past-Alabama Division Commander Ronnie Simmons acted as emcee and dedicated the party to the memory of Bobby Holloway. Dixie was sung followed by a cannon salute with three loud volleys. Alan Harrelson was the feature music performer playing his banjo including another rendition of Dixie. The keynote speaker was Dr. Brian Steel Wills, History Professor at Kennesaw State University. He spoke on Forrest referencing his new biography, "The Confederacy's Greatest Cavalryman: Nathan Bedford Forrest". The festivities included a drawing for a bronze bust of Forrest, doorprizes and an auction hosted by Bill Anthony who called the bids as a skilled auctioneer. Of course everyone sang Happy Birthday to Forrest which was followed by another cannon salute. The highlight is always the delicious catfish supper with fresh Alabama fried catfish fillets and sides cooked by many of the ladies helping with the birthday party. Prattville Dragoons in attendance included 1st Lt. Grooms, 2nd Lt. George Jenks and his son Brent, Commander Waldo, and compatriots Karl Wade and Tyrone Crowley (with his wife Carrol). Always an enjoyable time of great fun and fellowship in honor of one of the Confederacy's greatest General officers, a legend in grey.
Harold Grooms and Karl Wade |
Some of the Crowd Including Tyrone and George Under the Awnings |
Pat and Butch Godwin Introduce their Family |
Dr. Brian Wills |
Friday, July 21, 2017
Prattville Dragoons Receive SCV Alabama Division and Brigade Awards
A number of members of the Prattville Dragoons received awards at the July 2017 camp meeting. Brigade Commander Butch Godwin was in attendance and made the presentations and he himself was recognized as having received the Lifetime Achievement Award at the recent Division Reunion. Not pictured is camp Historian Sam Reid who also received a Certificate of Appreciation.
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Compatriot Edward Morgan |
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1st Lt Harold Grooms |
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Commander Waldo |
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Communications Officer Larry Spears |
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Adjutant Wayne Sutherland |
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Prattville Dragoons SCV Camp 1524 Meeting for July 2017
Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 held their monthly meeting at Shoney's on Cobbs Ford Rd in Prattville on Thursday July 13th. Chaplain Tom Snowden began the meeting with a short devotional and prayer. Commander Waldo provided a reading of the SCV Charge and the latest camp announcements and upcoming events. Compatriot James Spears was recognized for his 10 year anniversary as a member of the SCV and his 90th birthday; James is a World War II veteran, one of the greatest generation. Chaplain Snowden led us in a hearty rendition of “Happy Birthday.” Brigade Commander Butch Godwin attended and presented annual Brigade and Division level awards from the recent Alabama Division Reunion to members of the Dragoons. Butch also announced the General Forrest birthday party at Fort Dixie, the home of Butch and Pat Godwin, scheduled for Saturday July 15. Dr.
Brandon Beck from Mississippi gave an excellent presentation on General Earl Van Dorn and his
command that kept Union General Grant out of Vicksburg during 1862. Dr. Beck
explained how General Van Dorn was an excellent military man but certain
character faults led to his eventual downfall. Dr. Beck is always a welcome presenter and is much appreciated for the knowledge he shares
about The War, especially in Mississippi, Tennessee and Alabama. Interesting, enlightening presentations and style especially as he wore his Prattville Dragoons camp shirt to the meeting.
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Chaplain Snowden |
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Compatriot James Spears |
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Brigade Commander Butch Godwin |
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Dr. Brandon Beck |
Monday, July 17, 2017
Ted Nugent Concert in Montgomery
Attended the Ted Nugent concert at the Montgomery (AL) Performing Arts Center on Sunday night July 16th, a stop on his 2017 summer tour. Nugent put on a great show with his screaming loud guitar licks and high energy. He included all his best known hits like Cat Scratch Fever, Stranglehold, Free-for-All, Fred Bear and Wang Dang. For his encore he performed Great White Buffalo and dedicated it to the current President and all in the audience who dare defend Constitutional principles. He gave props to those in the audience in all the branches of the Armed Forces while criticizing the previous administration's lack of support for those who serve. He also reinforced his embrace of the 2nd Amendment and said he has donated tons of venison jerky from his numerous hunts to the U.S. troops. Nugent opened with the Star Spangled Banner in a great rendition with a huge U.S. flag adorning the back of the stage. Also on stage was the Gadsden (Don't Tread on Me) banner opposite the Alabama state flag. He reiterated numerous times that he considered himself blood brothers with the Alabamians in attendance. It was a great show by a great patriot. Ears still ringing.
Monday, July 10, 2017
Doster Cemetery Cleanup
On 6
July 2017 Compatriot William (Bill) Myrick cleaned up the Doster
family cemetery in Prattville. There are at least 2 Confederate veterans buried
there along with a War of 1812 veteran. A Confederate Salute and Rebel Yell for
Bill for keeping this cemetery maintained for the honor of these veterans and
others who are buried here. The Dosters were one of the early settlers of
this area.
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Saturday, July 8, 2017
SCV Dragoons Participate in Prattville's Independence Day Parade
The Prattville Dragoons, Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 were well represented in the Prattville Independence Day parade held on 4 July
2017. The parade started at 9am and rolled down Court Street to Main Street and Northington Street. Twelve camp members and family participated and were very well
received by the citizens who lined the streets. Approximately 500 mini-Battle Flags, hundreds of SCV coins and bags of candy were tossed to the spectators who mobbed participants clamoring for flags in particular. Commander Waldo furnished a
golf cart and his purple Dodge Charger Scat Pack for the entry and some Dragoons walked
the route. Everyone had a lot of fun and enjoyed the beginning of our
Independence Day festivities. The Dragoons celebrate Independence Day as patriotic Americans and also to commemorate the Second War for (Southern States) Independence. Just as the Revolutionary War was led by Virginia's statesmen and most of the battles of that War were fought on Southern soil, so the War Between the States was fought for the right of the sovereign states to secede as Southerners defended their homes and families against the imperialist federal government and invading Union army.
Thursday, July 6, 2017
Prattville Dragoons Commander's Column for July 2017
This month begins with Independence Day commemorating the adoption
of the Declaration of Independence and the Continental Congress declaring the separation
of the thirteen American colonies from Britain and the establishment of the
United States of America. It may also be
recognized as the turning point in the War for Southern Independence with the
defeat of Confederate forces at Gettysburg and the fall of Vicksburg. This was a pivotal period in the fight our
Confederate ancestors embraced in their efforts to defend their homes and preserve
the sovereignty and liberty guaranteed or at least envisioned by our nation’s
founding fathers, the framers of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution.
I want to wish everyone a very Happy Fourth of July, to thank all our veterans for
their service, and encourage everyone to observe the holiday in commemoration
of both the sacrifices our nation’s founders made in standing to overthrow the
bonds of imperialism to found our great nation and our Confederate ancestors made
fighting to preserve these same principles and ideals. Your Camp 1524 Dragoons will again participate
in the Prattville July 4th parade to prominently celebrate this
holiday with our friends and neighbors.
The reenactment of the Battle of Gettysburg was held July 1st
thru the 3rd and new battles threatened to reignite the hostilities
154 years after this battle of the WBTS.
The Sons of Confederate Veterans made an important appearance presenting
the Confederate Battle Flag to honor the fallen Confederate soldiers with demonstration
permits for Meade’s Headquarters and a march between the North Carolina and
Veterans monuments. Antifa protestors
were anticipated and threatened to burn and desecrate Confederate flags as part
of their anarchistic agenda to advance their socialist violent opposition to
our Constitutional liberties.
Fortunately many SCV members and others stood to confront these Antifa
thugs and to protect the monuments at Gettysburg honoring those who sacrificed
their all in the great struggle against Lincoln’s imperialist federalist aggressors. News reports late on July 1st recounted no altercations and no Antifa
counterdemonstrations and Antifa in Pennsylvania indicated they instead
intended to demonstrate against the current administration in Philadelphia. Refreshingly, mainstream media outlets such as
foxnews.com proclaimed SCV representatives and heritage defenders were “Honoring
History” in article headline links. While this was a victory for freedom of
speech in honoring our Confederate ancestors, recent battles have been decidedly
less successful with progressive revisionists ripping down historic monuments
across the nation and infringements on our rights to display the Battle Flag.
It is imperative that we take every opportunity to advance
the Cause in today’s political climate which threatens to erase all vestiges of
our Southern heritage and attempts to reshape our very nation at the expense of
our personal liberties and state sovereignty. The Cause is very relevant today.
Many SCV members are embracing the
Charge on the front line confronting these progressives and anarchists. It is
imperative that we as Sons of Confederate Veterans do all we can to support
efforts to preserve our Confederate history and Southern heritage and this is
the time of the year when it is most clear what we should do to vindicate and advance
the Cause and defend the good name and honor due our Confederate ancestors as
the Charge implores us. This is the time
of the year when we should renew our SCV membership which is the single most
important thing we should do to continue this good and noble fight. Your dues are used at the local camp, state
Division and national levels for education and defense efforts as well as
charitable and promotional work to further the Charge. It is also the start of
our camp’s annual Dixie Butt fundraiser which is the primary means employed by
the Dragoons to raise funds for all our worthwhile activities from cemetery commemorative
flagging, community promotions including parade and festival entries, heritage
preservation including flag conservation, and educational programs and
recognition. I want to personally implore
everyone to renew and maintain their memberships in this worthwhile heritage
organization especially in this critical period in our nation’s history where our
Southern ideals and the virtues of our Confederate ancestors and the principles
they embraced and personified are under attack. Now is also the time to consider contributing
to our camp’s Dixie Butt fundraiser for local camp SCV activities as well as contributions
for the national SCV museum, flag funds and heritage defense to advance the
Tuesday, July 4, 2017
Upcoming Events for Confederate Compatriots
Prattville Dragoons Camp Meeting – Thursday July 13th at 7pm at the Shoney’s in
Prattville on Cobbs Ford Rd
Prattville July 4th Parade
– Tuesday July 4th at 9am
downtown Prattville. Join the Dragoons
entry for this patriotic event honoring fire fighters and these heroic first
Forrest Birthday Party – Saturday July 15th at 3pm at Ft. Dixie, Pat
and Butch Godwin’s place in Selma. Come
enjoy great music, speakers, presentations and fellowship as well as delicious
fried catfish and watermelon.
National SCV Reunion – in Memphis, TN–July 18-23, 2017 at the Memphis Cook
Convention Center, downtown. http://scvmemphis2017.org/
Prattville Dragoons Dixie Butt
Fundraiser – Tickets will be
disbursed in July for distribution in August.
Sunday, July 2, 2017
Prattville Dragoons SCV Camp 1524 Chaplain's Column for July 2017
A Thirst for God
Psalm 63:1-8
A personal relationship
with God through Jesus Christ has the potential to be more intimately
satisfying than any earthly connection. King David recorded his experience in
Psalm 63. Our heavenly Father wants to have a loving bond with us just as He
did with David.
Making a firm
commitment to know Him is the first step, which takes priority above all other
matters. David described his passion to know God as an intense thirst. The
apostle Paul likened his dedication in pursuing the Lord to a race. When we
pledge ourselves to the lordship of Christ and seek after Him with our hearts
and minds, we will find our souls becoming satisfied.
When we resolve to
follow after the Lord, our next step is to spend time in His Word. The Bible is
God’s revelation of Himself and His plan for the world. Making time to read and
meditate on Scripture is essential for every believer. That’s how we learn who
God is, how He works, and what He desires for us and for the body of Christ. Dedicating time to knowing and experiencing
God is a critical step toward a satisfying walk with Him. Begin today by making
a pledge to pursue Him more diligently and taking time in your schedule for
regular study and prayer. Your heavenly Father is waiting to meet with you.
Let’s remember those on
our prayer list and others that you can think of who need a touch by our
Heavenly Father.
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