Sunday, April 10, 2016

Prattville Dragoons Chaplain's Column for April 2016

The Purpose of Life
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 3:15-18
     Have you ever asked the question, why are we here on earth? This question crosses everybody’s mind at some point. Unscriptural theories of evolution suggest that we are merely taking up space and will return to nothingness when we die. Cultural propaganda says that we choose our own destiny—in other words, we can live for any cause we choose. But that is absolutely untrue! The Lord has placed you on earth to fulfill His purpose.
     Our God has a unique plan for each one of us, but He means for us all to share one goal: to be conformed into the image of Jesus Christ. The process of perfecting our moral, spiritual, and physical selves begins here on earth and is finished in heaven. Much of the work the Lord does in our earthly lives centers on our character. He shows us how to be as loving, kind, and peaceful as Jesus.
     One would think that being like Jesus must require a lot of effort. But the truth is, we are not called to work at it. The Holy Spirit indwells the believer and then lives the life of Christ through him or her. Christians have the responsibility to be submissive to His guidance. That means we respond to every circumstance and event with this question: "How can we use this so that each of us will look more like Jesus?"
     You see our sovereign Lord is behind everything that happens to us—either He directly instigates the situation or He allows it to take place. Both trials and triumphs are engineered to fulfill God’s great purpose for each of us: crafting a life that reflects His love and glory to the world.

      Let’s not forget to pray for all the people on our prayer list.

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