Friday, September 8, 2017

Prattville Dragoons Commander's Column for September 2017

From the Camp 1524 Dispatch newsletter.

Commander's Column: Social Media, Twitter and Fake News

Almost as big as the headlines nowadays are the revelations of fake news produced by the main stream media.  Examples are the eporting on selective polling such as for political election races, selective research such as that pertaining to climate change, distorted public approval surveys for heritage preservation and, virtue signaling thru selective coverage of riotous confrontations such as the reports of the recent melee in Charlottesville .  Many of the news outlets have earned humorous acronyms describing the incoherent editorials presented as some unbelievable brand of journalism.  Many consumers have started to use  social media as an alternative to these agenda driven main stream media outlets.  I have started to read the camp’s Twitter feed in an attempt to receive a more accurate , more pertinent source of news and current events.  President Trump himself has adopted Twitter to communicate his thoughts and decisions directly to the American public to circumvent the bias and misrepresentation of his policies by the MSM.   As part of our camp’s online presence, we have a blof formatted website ( a Facebook page, as well as a Twitter account (@SCVDragoons) which are constantly updated with current events and activities.  I would encourage you to follow Camp 1524 on one or more of these social media formats. We now have almost 500 followers on Facebook and Twitter. We need voices on social media to further heritage defense and historical accuracy. 
Since the escalation of attacks on heritage preservation efforts there has been a torrent of Twitter posts highlighting the misguided efforts of historical revisionists and outright anarchists to destroy sacred and honored memorials as well as endeavors to preserve heritage sites and the true proud Southern narrative of liberty and bravery exhibited by our ancestors.  I wanted to share some of the Twitter tweets posted on our feed which have elicited a lot of support by heritage activists such as the Virginia Flaggers and many more. Enjoy and follow us at @SCVDragoons.
@SCVDragoons - The beautiful St. Andrew's Cross Confederate Battle Flag. Symbol of resistance to tyranny around the world. (to Quantrill’s Revenge - It's the precise symbol of freedom from Washington tyranny. No different from the original US flag that marked freedom from British tyranny).
@SCVDragoons - Progressive PC posturing. Why would a Citadel alumnus not appreciate and revere the history of the institution? Ridiculous sorry panderers. (to Civil War Saga - Citadel alumni renew pressure to remove Confederate flag from chapel)
@SCVDragoons · Great op-ed by descendent of this great Confederate cavalry General. Don't attempt to erase history. Consider sacrifices they made for VA. (to Confederate Quarrels - J.E.B. Stuart V: Confederate monuments can be a starting point of honest discussion)
@SCVDragoons · Perfectly stated. Just imagine these widows and mothers who lost their sons erecting these statues for ...  glorifying slavery. I think not. (to Confederate Quarrels - Stop ignorance about Confederate monuments)
@SCVDragoons - Sitting in Dallas airport, can't wait to leave with this nauseating news. These bigots are literally trying to out-virtue-signal each other. (to Confederate Quarrels - City Council Resolution Calls for Removal of All Dallas Confederate Monuments)
@SCVDragoons - Vast majority want monuments and historic statues to remain preserved. Richmond monuments are on National Register of Historic Places. Not PC, (to Confederate Quarrels - In the former capital of the Confederacy, the debate over statues is personal and painful)
@SCVDragoons - As do attacks on Confederate soldiers. Those who do need a history lesson. Respect, honor those brave soldiers who defended home and family. (to Attacks on Jefferson come from 'lack of knowledge')
@SCVDragoons - General Lee sought to achieve what already existed? I think not. He sought to defend his family and his home state. Whoever gave Kevin Levin a history degree should lose their accreditation. The US circa 1861-1865 (and before) was a slaveholding republic. (in response to CNN post on SCV members erecting new monuments)
@SCVDragoons - Yes, stand against violent intimidation. Preserve these historic monuments from the uneducated intolerant revisionist anarchist bigots. (to Confederate Quarrels)
@SCVDragoons - Sen. Book needs a book/history lesson. Confederacy didn't declare war on US, Lincoln did by resupplying Sumter and invading Southern states (to Confederate Quarrels - State Senator Files Bill To Eliminate Florida’s Confederate Holidays)
@SCVDragoons - The people of the state should decide. Otherwise PC grandstanding progressive local pols will undermine will of people/law like B'ham AL mayor. (to Confederate Quarrels - At Issue: Who should decide if Confederate monuments stay or go?)
@SCVDragoons -This seems to be not only incredibly ignorant but illegally discriminatory. Discriminate based on name? #ESPN PC stupidity. (to All American Girl - ESPN Pulls Announcer for Having Same Name as Confederate General)
@SCVDragoons - Next the founders, the Constitution and, the Bible. This is indicative of the progressive agenda from the Vatican. Don't deny Jesus Christ. (to Confederate Quarrels - California Catholic school takes away statues of Jesus, Mary in ‘an effort to be inclusive’)
@SCVDragoons - Precisely. It is the ignorant masses who like lemmings gravitate to the PC hysteria instead of pausing to reflect on true Southern history. (to Confederate Quarrels - Monument mayhem, history hysteria, rooted in poor public education).
@SCDragoons - Exactly.  Founders and patriots of a different time who shaped America and made it great.  But Antifa/BLM don't want America great again. The bigot Antifa and BLM want nothing short than the destruction of America and all vestiges of liberty. (to Nigel Farage - I am very pleased @POTUS had made this point. We must not rewrite American history to suit the hard left.)

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