Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Prattville Dragoons Commander's Column for January 2018

From the SCV Camp 1524 Camp Dispatch.

Commander's Column: Espousing a Division of North and South

I was fascinated by a tweet referencing a Huffington Post column I saw a month ago which was posted by a Southern heritage account, about the only kind I have the camp follow on Twitter.  The article was entitled “Now is the Perfect Time for the North and South to Divide” (by David Fagin, https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5a0a7d78e4b00652392183ab/amp).  Seems this self-proclaimed writer-musician-Trump Resister found common ground with the Southern secessionists.  The general premise as well as many statements from this libtard columnist I found on point while others were, shall we say, illuminating and illustrative of exactly how disparate the alt-left populaces of the Northeast and left coast are to the flyover Bible Belt and nations heartland.
“These are trying times. The more proof that emerges revealing the overwhelming majority of our country’s most powerful leaders are nothing but a bunch of corrupt criminals and traitors, the more their supporters will deny it.  On one side, we have a population that relies on facts, truth, fair play, and common sense.”  True, right?  But wait, hold onto your breeches.   Fagin continues, “Who the hell knows what they rely on?  Fox news, fake news, hackers, conspiracy theories, coal mines, fraud, misdirection, racism, stupidity, ignorance, warm beer, Jesus (a Jesus who hates anyone and anything that isn’t Christian), Trump, and guns.  And more guns.” Just take a moment to take in that perverted perspective.  While there is a consensus opinion that it is left leaning mainstream media outlets responsible for fake news, this writer-musician-resister attempts to label right leaning alternative media as the purveyors of fake news and conspiracy theories.  Just please ignore the revelations of campaign operatives paying for sexual harassment claimants and dirt dossiers.  And that coal accounts for 30.4% of the United States balanced electricity generation portfolio. Of course, we are white Southerners which automatically makes us racists. But you have to love these agnostic atheist Unitarian Universalist Scientologists preaching about Jesus and Christianity.  Remember, if you don’t accept and endorse their position you are a hater so hence, if a Christian espouses a Christian perspective of heterosexual monogamy and the doctrine of  John 14:6 where Jesus proclaims, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”, they are a bigoted homophobic intolerant xenophobe.
It gets better.  We would all agree with Fagin’s statement, “The fight to preserve common sense and rational thought is on.  Those who believe in the basic principles this country was founded on vs. those who seek to destroy them and rewrite them as they see fit.”  Those of us who recognize the War for Southern Independence as a struggle to retain originalist constitutional governance may be appalled that the alt-left believes they are the stalwarts of liberty and sovereignty. They attempt to brand Southerners clinging to their Bibles, guns and monuments as racist bigots when they incessantly unrelentingly attack all vestiges of Southern heritage different from them.  But, he’s correct, “Be it in the media, on social media, in the classroom, at the grocery store, the office, the neighborhood bar, at the dinner table, pretty much everywhere you look the hatred and vitriol spewing forth, from both sides, has reached epidemic proportion.”  But he continues, “Even though those of us who believe in equality, and the ridiculous concept of Live and Let Live (excepting of for course human fetuses), know we are right, trying to convince those who choose ignorance over truth, and hate over love, is exhausting.”  So glad these pacifists for truthful Planned Parenthood baby organ peddling, Antifa militant methods of silencing opposition and, razing monuments are choosing love over hate.  I would fear to see otherwise.
But Fagin again states a truthful perspective in observing, “Neither one seems to wish to budge an inch. Compromise is a pipe dream.”  He supposes, “If we continue to devolve and descend down this fruitless path of self-destruction, snapping at and dismissing each other at every single turn, is it that far-fetched to think we may find ourselves thrown into a Civil War 2.0 somewhere in the not too distant future?  Everywhere you look, our country is being overrun with pedophiles, fake news peddlers, fear mongers, bigots, racists, homophobes, morons, etc., and that’s just Alabama.”  Thought y’all would like that dig there.  Again, as white Southern Christian, don’t attempt to deny you are a moronic fear mongering, racist, bigoted homophobe. Incidentally, worldatlas.com in an April 2017 article “Number of Sex Offenders By State” showed California, Michigan, New York, Oregon, Wisconsin, Illinois and Washington holding eight of the top nine spots of state ranking of the number of sex offenders.  Don’t let facts and statistics stand in the way of a good dig though. 
       Fagin goes on and I’ll just let him astound you in his own revealing illustrative words.  “There may be a solution that works well for both sides. For those of us in the liberal-leaning northern states, the ones where “I now pronounce you husband and husband,” aren’t words that would cause a riot in the streets, why not just let them go?  Let them have their child-molesting congressmen, their confederate monuments, their ten commandments, their merger of church and state, their automatic weapons, their climate change denial, their Muslim bans, their lies-as-truth, their eggs and grits, their state-run health care, their stock car races, their medieval laws, their corporate tax cuts, their abortion bills, their humidity, etc. Let. Them. Go.  A two-nation, two-government system.  Complete with two different Presidents and two different Constitutions.  Is it such a bad idea?  We are already the Divided States of America, and there doesn’t seem to be any hope of reversing course, so rather than force one side to assimilate to the other - which would do nothing but assure us of years more of the same, or worse, why not accept it and make the unavoidable separation as palatable as possible?  Before all hell breaks loose, we need to do something about it before it’s too late.  For those currently in the South who may find themselves on the wrong end of the laws in this newly divided two-nation system, relocate.  Sure, it may be a little colder moving from Arkansas to New Jersey, but what’s more important, your comfort or your freedoms?  As far as jobs go, don’t worry, we’ll have plenty of clean energy, solar-based companies to teach you how to turn sunlight into gold. (Sunlight in the northeast??)  To accommodate for the overflow of people flooding (??) in from points South, perhaps a point of compromise prior to division would be expanding the North say down to Virginia. Think about it.  No more President Trump.No more neo-nazis. No more Republicans.Conversely, no more Hillary. No more whiny liberals. No more gays or Jews or blacks (??).  No more Keurig coffee makers.  Paradise, right?  If we both just take a step back, agree to disagree, recognize it’s never going to get any better, and divide the nation up accordingly, I think, years from now, we’ll look back at this moment in time as a blessing rather than a curse.”   Demonizing grits now?   Happy New Year!

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