Friday, April 27, 2018

Prattville Dragoons SCV Camp 1524 Confederate Memorial Day Observance

The Dragoons held a very moving ceremony on Monday evening April 23rd to commemorate Confederate Memorial Day.  The program was held at the Dragoons monuments on Washington St at the Prattville Primary School.  Our Confederate ancestors were honored in a very proper manner. Commander Stuart Waldo was the emcee welcoming everyone and enumerating the many things the camp has done throughout this Confederate History and Heritage Month of April.  Compatriot Tyrone Crowley spoke on the Confederate Memorial Day history as well as the history of Prattville's Confederate and Dragoon monuments  Chaplain Tom Snowden sang some period gospel music including "How Firm a Foundation" and "Amazing Grace" and then he and 1st Lt. Grooms led everyone in Dixie.  Bob Miller played the bagpipes with a "Scotland the Brave" intro as well as "Amazing Grace" during the wreath setting and a closing on the pipes.  Bob Whaley and the 33rd Alabama re-enactors posted colors and placed the wreath.  It was a beautiful moving ceremony on a beautiful spring day in Alabama.  

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