Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Prattville Dragoons SCV Camp 1524 Commander's Column for April 2019

Commander's Column – Carpetbaggers Today and Yesteryear
The Reconstruction of the 1860s and 1870s demonstrated the intrusion of the federal government into local and state politics and individual liberties.  Confederate veterans were disenfranchised in many states in the years following the War and former Confederate leaders and officials were prohibited from voting.  During this same period, these former Confederates were denied the right to hold public office so the federal government and occupying military effectively placed carpetbaggers in seats of political power throughout Southern states and locales.  Punishing taxes were levied and property confiscated.   Vengeful local police placed in positions of authority by these carpetbaggers inequitably protected citizenry and applied justice.  Rights to freely assemble were curtailed and even to display the Confederate Battle flag was prohibited. 
Today a frighteningly similar Reconstruction has taken hold and threatens our Southern heritage and culture.  Carpetbaggers personified by former South Carolina Governor Nicki Haley have little appreciation of the importance and relevance of Southern history or indeed wish to diminish it as part of a continuing false indoctrination proclaiming the evil of our ancestors and sacred symbols of our people’s struggle for independence and sovereignty.  Nicki Haley started the fire, attacking the Confederate Battle Flag as a symbol of oppression when in fact it is a symbol of resistance to the very government obfuscation and meddling which was levied against it when it was lowered from the South Carolina state capitol.  Antifa and the alt-left militant anarchists grasped onto this vision razing artifacts to Southern and American history, viciously attacking Confederate monuments across the South and the nation and pandering politicians virtue signaled their hearty concurrence. 
With the stampede to fill the Democrat field for the 2020 race for President, the candidates seek to outflank each contender with left leaning socialist-progessive positions.  Most are calling for the repeal of the Electoral College in the aftermath of the 2016 election when Trump won the Presidency despite losing the popular vote due to the blue strangleholds in New York and California.  The Electoral College was designed by the founders to prevent populace sectional strangleholds on federal policy and government and the disenfranchisement of the rural citizenry, so that each state was on equal footing. Sacagawea Elizabeth Warren, exposed for lying about a native American heritage nonetheless stands atop her soapbox demanding an expansion of the Freedmen’s Bureau to provide reparations a century after the last former slaves passed away from the eternally cruel oppressive American earth.  And just to ensure she puts an exclamation on her carpetbagging pandering, the Massachusetts liberal went on the record supporting the redesign of the Mississippi state flag to remove the Confederate Battle flag imagery.  Problem is she stated her conviction in a town hall in the state of Mississippi which has repeatedly rejected this notion in multiple referendums.  But it plays well in California and Massachusetts. 
Even more appalling and bewildering, Tennessee Democrat party chairperson Mary Mancini attempted to garner and rally the progressives in that state by labeling her constituents racists.  To encourage minority candidates, Mancini proclaimed, "We have a little bit of a problem in this state, and I'm just going to say it outright, this is a racist state, a very racist state.  Two out of the three counties in (the Coffee county) area are extraordinarily racist.”  (  Not just identity politics but espousing a bigoted derogatory labeling of citizens based on their zip code, branding them again hopeless deplorable hillbillies as the Democrat party is want to do apparently.  Oh, if you were wondering, Mary Mancini is a modern-day carpetbagger, a New York liberal having “attended” Radio and Televisions Communications Management at Syracuse University making her unquestionably qualified to govern in Tennessee.  Fly your Battle Flag and proclaim your Southern lineage proudly in this Confederate History and Heritage Month and, support political candidates that proudly proclaim their and support your and value the preservation of Southern heritage. 

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