Monday, January 6, 2020

Commander's Column for January 2020

The Prattville Dragoons SCV Camp 1524 has done a great job embracing various social media platforms in order to get information about the camp and the SCV out in front of the public as an educational tool and to carry forth the Charge.  Recently, Communications Officer Beir Butler started an Instagram page for the Dragoons (@dragoons1524) and posts photographs from events to share.  Former Comms Officer Larry Spears has maintained our Facebook page (Prattville Dragoons SCV, @prattville.dragoons.7)  for many years now updating it with news of our camp activities and sharing posts with other camps across the SCV with over 750 “likes” and over 770 “followers”.  We are starting an effort to record presentations of our camp meeting guest speakers and post these on a YouTube channel so that not only the interested public but also members who cannot make a particular meeting including shut-ins can view the presentations.  Of course, the camp website ( provides updates of camp activities as well as posts of all the Commander’s and Chaplain’s columns from the monthly newsletters.   Permanently displayed on the page are the SCV Charge and links to a history of the Prattville Dragoons, Alabama and Confederate pledges and creeds, a pictorial history of member’s Confederate ancestors and, of course a link to “Dixie’s Land”; links are also provided for viewers for the National SCV website and the Alabama Division website.   Each post on the website (1250 in total since the blog’s inception) is set to automatically tweet on the camp’s Twitter account (@SCVDragoons).   Many Confederate compatriots enjoy the Twitter platform including the Virginia Flaggers and SCV camps and many who appreciate our stand for the Cause.  Your camp Twitter account has made 2378 tweets with many commenting on the relentless media attacks on our Confederate history and heroes and Southern heritage.  Each month these tweets receive 3000-4000 or more impressions on viewers feeds including our 581 followers. 

President Trump has brought Twitter to the forefront of social media platform exposure but it is vitally important to counter the mainstream media (MSM) that we sustain a continuous positive presence utilizing all these tools and it’s important for SCV members to engage and support these efforts.  I thought it might be enlightening and entertaining to share some of the recent tweets posted by @SCVDragoons:

1) MSM story lead: Students lead protest over Confederate flag, dress code
@SCVDragoons Tweet:  Seriously,  do these main stream media one-world-order socialists just regurgitate these same stories of clueless imbeciles making a statement just to keep stoking the fire?
2) MSM story lead: Why Virginia must amend its law protecting Confederate statues
@SCVDragoons Tweet: To appease politically correct, historically ignorant, constitutional revisionist, anarchist blowhard socialists. And the Main Stream Media Antifa apologists.
3) MSM story lead: Kehinde Wiley’s Anti-Confederate Memorial
@SCVDragoons Tweet:  It takes a deluded infantile mind to believe this statue of a thug in a hoodie is of equal importance as artwork commemorating some of the great Americans who fought for constitutional liberty & self-determination.
4) MSM story lead: Residents ponder removing Stonewall Jackson's name from school
@SCVDragoons Tweet:  Mr. Rodriguez of Puerto Rico needs to learn some true history of the South and that Stonewall Jackson was one of the most outstanding American generals ever and an exemplary Christian man.
5) MSM story lead: Confederate Christmas ornaments are smaller than statues – but they send the same racist message
@SCVDragoons Tweet: This fascist would come into my home and confiscate keepsake family heirloom Christmas ornaments for their own ignorant misguided bigoted agenda.
6) MSM story lead: Students can wear Confederate symbol to school. Some Buncombe students want that to stop
@SCVDragoons Tweet:  Out of the mouths of ignorant bigoted babes. The Confederate Battle Flag was a battlefield banner of soldiers fighting for their homes, not the CSA flag.
7) MSM story lead: Missouri High Schoolers Fly Confederate Flag in Cafeteria After Classmates Hand Out Pride Flags
(Retweeted without comment)
8) MSM story lead: Sally Field arrested while protesting climate change with Jane Fonda
@SCVDragoons Tweet: No truer words. Fields and Fonda get arrested protesting and Hanoi Jane says those in jail are there because of mental health issues. The pot calling the kettle deranged.
9) MSM story lead: Group calls on Amazon, Google to remove 'white supremacist, pro-Confederate' materials
@SCVDragoons Tweet: CAIR Director of Government Affairs Robert S. McCaw needs a history lesson spouting his 2nd grade public school revisionist history garbage. Secession was Constitutional.
10) MSM story lead: How the Daughters of the Confederacy Spoiled Christmas
@SCVDragoons Tweet:  Most definitely outside agitators. We don’t apologize for the valor and honor of our Confederate Constitutional-patriot ancestors. Our SCV camp leads in community benevolent outreach.
11) MSM story lead: Civil War log cabin discovered during house demolition
@SCVDragoons Tweet: Obviously a slave owning plantation baron built this home of hand hewn logs.  Probably fought in that battle not to defend his home but to preserve his right to own slaves??
12) @NC_Confederate Tweet: It is against the law to remove the Confederate Monument in #Pittsboro
@SCVDragoons Tweet: The anarchist left does not care about laws.  They are progressives and believe even the U.S. Constitution is open to their twisted perverted interpretation and "evolution".
13) @AbbevilleInst Tweet: Joe Wheeler explains why slavery was not the cause of the War.
@SCVDragoons Tweet: Who is this (primary source) Gen. Joseph Wheeler character?  Chelsea Clinton said it was singularly all about slavery.   She ought to know better.

        Get engaged and support your camp’s efforts to advance the Cause, the vigorous advocacy of our honorable brave Confederate ancestors defense of their homeland and fight for liberty and independence.   Younger generations of Confederate compatriots are plugged in and online and we must utilize and embrace all available platforms to reach these potential members and hopefully educate them as to the true history of the South.  We are now two decades into the 21st century and the Sons of Confederate Veterans must adopt all technological tools to combat the incessant attacks on our Confederate history and Southern heritage.  Make Dixie Great Again is a National SCV tool providing great videos and advertisements which can be used in promotions and online posts.   In addition to our personal outreach thru community events, we must continue and grow our internet outreach.   Get involved in posts and submittals and when you read a relevant article online, comment.  It is our duty. 

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