Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Prattville Dragoons Commander's Column for March 2020 - Endless Attacks Require Tireless Defense

Our Confederate forefathers exhibited an uncommon bravery and valor as well as endurance defending their homes and families in the face of overwhelming odds.  The lengthy defenses of Vicksburg and Petersburg/Richmond are evidence of the determination with which they fought.  The emaciated soldiers who surrender with Lee at Appomattox and the near starvation and deprivations the Confederate soldiers endured illustrate the lengths they were willing to go in their fight for independence. 

Today we are faced with a relentless enemy greatly outnumbering ourselves.  The Marxist progressives have attacked our Confederate monuments and heritage as a broader offensive against our nation’s founding principles and the liberties and Judeo-Christian moral imperatives on which our nation was created and with which we seek to nurture our families.   As has been stated elsewhere, the Confederate monuments were low hanging fruit which they could label as offensive and racist and so communities and universities across the nation allowed the vandalism, destruction and removal of these from the public square.  I read a letter to the editor in the most recent edition of the Confederate Veteran magazine and he stated that he felt these attacks were behind us.  But while the onslaught may have slowed, the vandalism and attacks continue.  The Lion of the Confederacy monument in Oakland Cemetery in Atlanta is a recent target where biased distorted markers are planned to contextualize the sacrifice of the Georgia citizens who resisted Sherman’s campaign of terror (except the markers won’t state as much).  Silent Sam was removed recently from the UNC campus and a federal judge revoked the transfer of the monument to the SCV.  

The top U.S. Marine commander announced that all Confederate symbols would be removed from installations worldwide equating and grouping the Confederate Battle flag and references to the great heroes and military leaders of the War of Northern Aggression to white supremacists and the Ku Klux Klan.  He also stated that his desire was to bring a higher level of education to the Marine Corps in the quality of the individuals enlisted.  He may want to educate himself first and break free of the bondage of his own ignorance regarding the truth of the Cause.  But these revisionists have the soapbox of the main stream media and I noted that for a full week after his announcement, there was a related story released by one fake news outlet after another breaking the story, all in a concerted attempt to keep this on the front page of my news feed.  But, as we knew, Confederate heritage, monuments, and symbols were just the beginning.  Vandals recently defaced Plymouth rock and the Pilgrim Maiden statue in Massachusetts and the Yankees cried, “Why? Why? Why would someone do this?”  She answered her own question partly when she noted that the crime coincided with the 400th anniversary of the landing of the white supremacists who enslaved the native Indians and desecrated their lands.  (

We have no choice but to continue our fight and struggle against these forces aligned against us.  We must exhibit the same fortitude with which our Confederate ancestors withstood the might of the Union Army possessing superior resources and numbers but lacking the same conviction of truth and the same virtues and principles that Lee’s men possessed and which we also ought love and cherish enough to sacrifice similarly.  As we come ‘round to another year in the SCV, redouble your dedication to this great organization standing for Southern heritage and to your Confederate compatriot brothers in whom the blood passed down from heroes flows as in yourself. 

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