Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Prattville Dragoons Attend the Alabama Division SCV Reunion

Saturday June 6th, the Fort Blakeley Camp 1864 hosted the 2020 Alabama Sons of Confederate Veterans Division Reunion.  Dragoons including Josh Stover, Larry Spears, David Smith, and Tyrone Crowley attended the business session of the Alabama Division Reunion which was held Friday and Saturday, 5-6 June, in Foley, Alabama.  The Reunion was held at the Foley Civic Center at 407 East Laurel Avenue in Foley (AL).

The meeting began with the posting of the colors, pledges to the US flag and salutes to the Alabama and Confederate flags, and a reading of the SCV Charge.  Blakeley Camp Commander Tommy Rhodes welcomed all to "L.A., Lower Alabama", then turned the session over to outgoing Alabama Division Commander Carl V. Jones.

Commander Jones spoke for all present when he voiced anger and frustration at the instances of defacing, destruction, and removal of Confederate and other historic monuments across the United States that we see on the news on a daily basis. He emphasized that the truth is on our side and can't be defeated, mentioning that he had challenged anyone on Facebook to debate that slavery was the cause of the War Between the States but had had no takers.  He stated that we intend to fight against this hatred and bigotry and ended by quoting Jefferson Davis when he stated that "Truth, though crushed to the ground, like a seed will rise again".

Commander Jones recognized National SCV Officers in attendance at the Reunion:  National Commander-in-Chief Paul Gramling, National Lt. Commander-in-Chief Allen McCluney, Jr., and Army of Tennessee Commander Jason Boshers.  At the invitation of Division Commander Jones, SCV National Commander Gramling spoke a few words to those present.  He said that he was supposed to be at a Division Reunion in Texas, but that it had been cancelled and he was glad the Alabama Division had held theirs.  Commander Gramling said that we are in a culture war, not just an anti-Confederate one.  This was a feeling repeated by more than one speaker at the meeting.
During the business session, Alabama Division Commander Carl V. Jones presented a check to National CiC Gramling, a donation to the National Confederate Museum from the Alabama Division.  Division Adjutant Lee Hattabaugh then gave his report followed by the business session proper.  

That Saturday evening, after the Reunion business and elections were complete, the Reunion attendees gathered for a fine feast catered by the Gift Horse Restaurant in Foley. The banquet was held in the Foley Civic Center. The food was excellent and more than enough to go around. A silent auction was completed and those who were the highest bidders claimed their prizes.  This was an excellent fundraiser for the host camp and a lot of fun for those who took the opportunity to bid. . 

Army of Tennessee Commander Jason Boshers gave a fine presentation on our responsibilities as members of the SCV. 

The awards presentations completed the evening’s festivities. Of special note were Dragoon and South West Central Brigade Commander Josh Stover with the Nathan Bedford Forrest Meritorious award. Compatriot of the Year was recognized as Lee Hattabaugh, Division Adjutant. 

This year, 2 Lifetime Service awards were bestowed rather than the usual one. The first LTA award was given to Past Brigade Commander Larry Warren of the Tallassee camp. Larry has some medical issues now and needs prayer from the Confederation. The second LTA was presented to Past Division Commander Gary Carlisle. Both men most deserving of the awards.

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