Monday, August 10, 2020

Prattville Dragoons Commander's Column for August 2020 - Fundraiser Contributions to Carry Forth the Charge with Camp Initiatives

 The Prattville Dragoons, Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 is concluding our annual fundraiser, selling delicious Smokin S smoked butts to be available for distribution or pickup on Saturday August 15th.  Today as much as ever, the SCV recognizes and appreciates those who wish to preserve their Southern history and heritage.  Our Confederate monuments as well as historical monuments for many of our nation’s founders and defenders are under attack in what can justly be described as a culture war.  The Sons of Confederate Veterans is the preeminent Confederate heritage organization and is dedicated to the preservation of Confederate history and the legacy of our Confederate soldier ancestors for future generations so all may understand the true history of that period and the ideals and motivations which defined the Southern Cause.  This annual fundraiser is our sole effort for the camp treasury to fund our activities and initiatives to carry forth the Charge, to defend “the Confederate soldier's good name, to guard his history, to perpetuate those principles he loved and which made him glorious.” 

Camp 1524 is a very active camp dedicated to the SCV Charge to guard our Southern history and heritage and perpetuate the ideals our ancestors cherished in the defense of their homeland.   The SCV and Camp 1524 are a 501.c.3. organization using funds generated thru membership dues and fundraisers in many ways as part of our outreach, community service and benevolent initiatives.  In the past year, our camp has continued to maintain a number of local historic cemeteries including Indian Hill and Robinson Springs, mowing and  trimming the grass throughout the growing season.   The camp places flags (Confederate and US) on veteran's graves at local cemeteries for Memorial Day(s).   Annually the camp makes a $500 donation to the Alabama State Archives for historic flag and artifacts preservation.  Camp members volunteer at a Salvation Army red kettle during the Christmas season for two days.  Two canned food drives were completed in the past year including our annual Thanksgiving food drive and another one for COVID19 relief for the Autauga Interfaith Care Center local food bank;  over $1200 and hundreds of pounds of food were donated to AICC to assist those in need.   As part of National Law Enforcement Appreciation Week, Camp 1524 provided a pizza lunch for the local law enforcement agencies (Prattville PD and Autauga Sheriff’s offices).   Members did living history presentations at a local school and for community historical organizations and events.  SCV Hunley awards were presented at two local high schools to recognize outstanding student JROTC cadets.  Members also helped with other initiatives including interstate mega-flag maintenance, and setting new memorial monuments across the state and region. The Dragoons have made a monetary and artwork donation to the new National Confederate Museum at the SCV Headquarters at Elm Springs in Tennessee.  The camp conducts monthly meetings with presenters who include university professors, authors and other experts in relevant historical events and topics.  The Dragoons also participate in a number of local fairs, festivals and parades as community outreach.  

We feel SCV Camp 1524 provides many worthwhile services and charitable initiatives in our community.  To enable the continuation of these activities, we need the participation and support of each member.  In addition to providing each participating person a delicious smoked butt from Smokin S of Wetumpka, proceeds from the sale provide funds for the camp to make these donations, purchase goods for the camp stores, place advertisements for special yearly holidays and events, and pay entry fees for city parades and festivals.  A portion of purchases may be tax deductible as SCV Camp 1524 is a 501.c.3. charitable organization.  Now more than ever we can see our enemies for what they are, opposing the very ideals of our founding fathers and their Confederate defenders, they are Marxist anarchists.   They seek the removal of the very foundations of our country and it’s constitution to be replaced with a globalist socialism.  They reject authority and Biblical moral principles for agnostic LGBQT mayhem.  Your continued support for the Sons of Confederate Veterans, for the Prattville Dragoons and those public defenders of our community, our Southern heritage and our constitutional republic is imperative today. 

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