Sunday, December 6, 2020

Prattville Dragoons SCV Camp 1524 Commander's Column for December 2020 - Personal Responsibility and Accountability for Liberty and Freedom

A month following the national elections, the final outcomes are still very much in question.  Despite the Main Stream media coronating Joe Biden as President-elect, President Trump has a number of lawsuits in process challenging the result on the basis of voter fraud from tampering with voting machines to introducing thousands of fictitious mail-in ballots.  Hearings are ongoing in a number of still contested states.  House and Senate races are still being counted including a runoff scheduled in Georgia.  We will be witness to a full exercise of our founding father’s constitutional provisions for ensuring legitimate elections or we will be subject to a disputed electorate. Our Alabama House Representative Mo Brooks has indicated he will be challenging some states’ electoral college results as illegitimate because of the rampant fraud and "flawed election systems".  And again the COVID pandemic has escalated with larger numbers of infected and hospitalized than the initial wave earlier this spring as flu season comes upon us.  Now again, cities and states are locking down despite the “science” that is proving that we have developed better insight into the targeted population this virus affects and have developed and have at our disposal better prevention protocols and treatments for the virus. 

We read about it and watch news stories of these lockdowns across the country.  A New York restaurant proprietor was arrested for daring to violate an order issued by Mayor Deblasio prohibiting eateries from opening, declaring his establishment an “autonomous zone”.  But similar draconian restrictions have happened right here in Alabama, in Montgomery and even Prattville.  Montgomery has implemented curfews and locked down restaurants, clubs and churches.  Prattville just announced they would have a Christmas parade (after the cancellation of their Independence Day parade in July) and then reversed the decision and cancelled it.  I took the opportunity to write the mayor and the event coordinator noting our disappointment with the cancellation saying, “That is the troubling aspect to the reactions to this COVID thing, that local and state governments feel the need to tell their citizenry how they must handle the situation instead of giving them the information and letting them make the decision for themselves.   That is kinda the basis of our liberty and freedom.” 

I’ll give the mayor props that he did call me in  response to my email saying that they were concerned about the thousands of people who come from the tricounty area to the parade and apparently them being concerned of a (potential) super-spreader event.  I granted my appreciation that he feels like he needs to guide those who are either unwilling or uneducated enough to not be able to make a good decision for themselves and their families. Therein lies the crux.   Our nation’s founders believed in an educated informed electorate who could responsibly exercise their freedoms and liberty.  They believed in moral values based on Judeo-Christian principles.  I am not sure if they could foresee a world brought so close together by technology enabling a pandemic spread like we have witnessed.  I am not sure if they could foresee an election process utilizing technology and systems which could be compromised and/or an epidemic used as an excuse for altering voting processes and verifications which could enable fraudulent vote tabulations. 

It is time for those who love their liberty and freedom to stand in the gap to defend these God-given rights and proclaim that they demand personal accountability and responsibility of ourselves and our elected and appointed leaders.  General Robert E. Lee said, “Duty is the sublimest word in the English language.  You should do your duty in all things. You can never do more. You should never wish to do less.” Our SCV Charge implores us to emulate the virtues of our Confederate forebearers, heroes and “the perpetuation of those principles which he loved and which made him glorious, and which you also cherish.”  Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas, continued health and safety and, a prosperous and Happy New Year.  

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