Friday, February 12, 2021

Prattville Dragoons Participate in Millbrook Mardi Gras Parade and Festival

It was a cold wet Saturday for the Millbrook Revelers' Mardi Gras parade and festival on February 6th but that did not keep the members of SCV Camp 1524 from participating.  The Dragoons set up their canopy and made provisions to shed the rainwater as best as they could and then greeted those braving the cold and rain at the festival in the Millbrook Village Green Park.  The Dragoons sold dozens of historic flags and other Confederate items to those who stopped by the camp's booth.  2nd Lt Karl Wade and compatriot Rob Schwartz led the effort there manning the booth from the early morning thru the afternoon.  Quartermaster Myrick was also there extensively and brought the canopy and all the camp stores including mini-Battle flags and SCV coins hundreds of which were handed out to those attending the festival.  Commander Waldo helped set up the booth and 1st Lt Grooms and compatriot Tyrone Crowley also helped man the booth throughout the day.  Commander Waldo's wife drove the Mardi Gras-perfect purple Charger as the camp's entry in the parade and Adjutant Sutherland and Quartermaster Myrick joined her, opting to ride to avoid the heavy rain which started right before the parade time.  The rain kept most parade participants away but didn't seem to diminish the crowds of parade spectators who lined Main Street to get candy and beads from the couple dozen entrants.  It was a great display of dedication to the Charge exhibited by these members of SCV Camp 1524 to follow through with their commitment to the Reveler parade and festival organizers and still a great opportunity for the Dragoons to reach out to the community even resulting in contacts made for potential new camp members. 

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