Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Prattville Dragoons Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 Meeting for April 2021 - BLM Marxism and Why the Confederate Battle Flag is Under Attack

The Dragoons of SCV Camp 1524 held their monthly meeting for April 2021 on Thursday April 8th at the Prattville Masonic Lodge.  About 18 compatriots were in attendance.  The camp Chaplain opened the meeting with an Invocation followed by Color Sgt Dennis leading the pledges and salutes to the US, Alabama and Confederate flags.  Commander Waldo then recited the Charge to the Sons of Confederate Veterans.  Michael Thomas was sworn in as the newest member of the Prattville Dragoons.  Upcoming events including the state and national conventions and the bicentennial of General Nathan Bedford Forrest's birthday were highlighted along with other pertinent news for the camp.  The program was presented by compatriot Mayo of Gadsden who presented "Why the Confederate Flag is Under Attack": 

Many of those who have attacked and damaged historical monuments across the country are students who have been indoctrinated into Marxism at our nation’s universities. 

The Dylann Roof shooting in 2015 was seen as the impetus for the attacks on the Confederate Battle flag after images of him with the flag surfaced on social media. But, these attacks were planned and then bricks put in place long before as these Marxist militants controlled by a puppetmaster just looked for an excuse.  The globalist communists are behind this and Barack Obama is the puppetmaster.  Obama was groomed by Weather Underground terrorist (Pentagon bomber) Bill Ayers who also planned the Kent State riots where students were accosted and chased into a kill zone where they were fired on by National Guardsmen. 

Our flag represents history, local government and pride in our heritage.  We should consider it an honor that they fear us and attack the vestiges of our Southern history.  The flag is not the target.   It is the people behind it such as the Sons of Confederate Veterans who proudly proclaim their heritage. 

Black Lives Matter is organized and financed by Nicolas Madura and his socialist government in Venezuela.  The “woke” students at Chapel Hill in NC who tore down the Silent Sam monument were organized by the Confucius Institute which is controlled by the Chinese Communist Party.   The Confucius Institute and this overt communist influence in our universities was outlawed by President Trump but is now permitted under the Biden administration.  The Confucius Institute is proclaimed by the Chinese to be specifically for cultural and language exchange but are suspect in espionage, propaganda dissemination and communist indoctrination. 

This is not just a recent development with communist infiltration of our nation’s institutions.  The Women Against War and Fascism in 1941 lobbied President Roosevelt to stay out of WWII as long as Hitler was allied with communist Russia.  Then, after WWII the communists took up the popular banner of anti-fascists.  There is nothing new under the sun.  These are the same communist ideas just preached to a new generation. 

These Marxists have infiltrated the media to the highest levels including the NY Times and television networks.  They attack us, traditional family values, Christianity and capitalism.  The Marxist social engineers preach LGBQT and transgenderism and pedophilia to our school children.  They preach an anti-Biblical two-spirit doctrine where people possess and exhibit both a masculine and a feminine spirit.  The atheists who fain offense at Christianity would have everyone bow down to the altar of Marxism and this LGBQT doctrine.

These Marxists seek a cultural revolution by destroying the nuclear family by destroying the patriarchy by destroying monogamy.  So they espouse a sexual revolution and promiscuity and single parent families. 

All these recent developments go back to Karl Marx who was raised a spoiled rich child, writing poems which mocked the Bible’s Mary and Joseph  before writing the Communist Manifesto.   He believed all traditions must be overthrown including the ownership of private property.  Nonetheless, he lived off other’s money and never worked for himself.  Horace Greeley, NY Times editor was a friend of Marx and of course had the ear of President Lincoln.  This elimination of private property gave rise to the Marx/Lincoln scorched earth policy.  Marx and Lincoln believed all Southerners were corrupt slave owners (the same lies repeated by the 1619 Project) and so they allowed the Union Army’s scorched earth strategy to punish the Southern populace.  They then turned this campaign on the native American Indians who stood in the way of their federal empire ambitions.   

Only religion stands in the way of the Marxist agenda.  “The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression” cites 100-200 million have been killed by communist regimes.  Today in China the CCP is torturing Christians.  Today, BLM advocates are children of doctors and lawyers who have been given everything they want like the original Marxist, Karl Marx.  But they seek your wealth in a violation of the 10th Commandment that thou shalt not covet what others possess and have earned.  The ideals of the American dream are that of equal opportunity, not equal distribution.  Jesus said we will always have the poor.  That is another reason Trump was attached so and demonized in that he espoused returning Americans to work and reducing unemployment and government welfare in opposition to the Marxist who want your hard earned income.  But work gives a man integrity. 

This highlights the ideals of Confederate heroes like General Lee who enforced the Lieber Code amongst his troops disciplining those who pillaged civilians and requiring them to be compensated for provisions confiscated.  Lee’s memory is one of self-denial.  He did not believe in slavery nor secession but would not raise his sword against his home and state.  His Christian virtues of integrity and self-denial were forever memorialized when the Union Army buried Yankee soldiers in the front yard of his home.  After the War the home which had been confiscated during the War was returned to the Lee family but was sold to the United States government and is now known as Arlington National Cemetery and Lee’s home as “Arlington House, The Robert E. Lee Memorial”. 

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