Sunday, January 23, 2022

Prattville Dragoons Chaplain's Column for January 2022 - Spread the Light of Hope

 "God is light, and in him is no darkness at all."

1 John 1:15


Like many of you I attended a Christmas Eve Service. This one was at a Methodist church in downtown Prattville. As with most services we concluded with the singing of "Silent Night" and the traditional lighting of the candles.

   Since it was a warm Southern night (for December), we were invited to go out in the courtyard and conclude the song and receive the benediction. It was a windy night and we struggled to keep the candles lit. I was successful, but many were not, including the pastor.

   He reminded us that there is nothing in the world that can extinguish the light of Jesus Christ. Isaiah 60 reminds us that God is an "everlasting light." 1 Timothy 6:16 also tells of the "brightness" of God's light and that there is no darkness that can overwhelm it.

   As we have now entered a new year, one no doubt beset by all sorts of "pandemics" and general fear and darkness, God calls on us to be that light and present it to the world.

   I have caught many feelings of "doom and gloom" amongst the rank and file of the SCV. For every piece of bad news and darkness, there are still stories of success and light. We must never give in to the darkness and give up. That is what our enemies want. They are children of darkness, to be pitied and prayed for. We, on the other hand, have the light of Christ and His word and the blood of our Southern Ancestors!

   Give up ? Never! Let's make 2022 a chance to spread hope instead of fear, light instead of darkness.

   As our ancestors did 160 years ago during the War and afterwards, let us never slacken our resolve.

"Charge 'em both ways!"

Happy New Year!


Remember those on our prayer list. 

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