Monday, February 7, 2022

Prattville Dragoons SCV Camp 1524 Commander's Column for January 2022 - Modern Yankees

Prattville’s population has grown by about 1% per year over the last decade.  There is a population migration from Northern states to the South as many flee the progressive socialist local and state governments in New England and the Midwest.  As is the case across the country, many of Prattville’s  new residents come from out of state.   Prattville’s proximity to Montgomery and the seat of the government bureaucracy in Alabama as well as the Maxwell and Gunter Air Force bases attract a “diverse” group of immigrants to this part of Alabama.  Unfortunately, not all who settle in Prattville are of like mind with our conservative values nor share an appreciation of our Southern heritage.  These are modern carpetbaggers who bring their twisted socialist dystopian ideals with them.  Modern Yankees. 

Brion McClanahan posted a podcast recently where he clarified that Yankees are a cultural peculiarity and not simply a Northerner.  The Yankees of the 17th century were the Puritans, “born and bred in New England (who) eventually found his way into virtually every part of the United States, and like a horde of locusts, plunders and consumes everything he deems unholy.  Dissent (was) not tolerated.”   “Secularized in the modern age, the new left (are) the "political puritans."  Yankees demand you wear your mask at outdoor gatherings or place it on your nose in between bites on an airplane.  They are the Karens that berate a black man for bird watching in a park because they don't want him around.  They are the idiots who want to remove every Confederate monument, rename professional sports teams, and insist on "equity" in society.  They are the busybodies, the self-righteous moralists who revel in their own hypocritical superiority and consider those who disagree with them to be "deplorable."”

Brion cited articles written in 2014 entitled “Those People” by Clyde Wilson ( who gave an historical account of the Yankees of 17th, 18th and 19th century America.  “For a long time most Americans, including most Northerners, regarded New England, not the South, as the peculiar, out-of-step section of the country. Yankees were the outsiders who thought and behaved differently from everyone else, and usually in disagreeable ways. In fact, the South, in the times of Washington, Jefferson, and Jackson, was the generally accepted model of what was “American.”  Even as late as the eve of The War, the Democratic governor of New York, Horatio Seymour, blamed sectional conflict on New England fanaticism.  One can understand a great deal of American history by remembering New England Puritans came to America to get away from a world of sinners and to construct “a shining City upon a Hill” which would be an example for all mankind of a superior commonwealth. The Yankee elite kept all of their over-developed and self-centered righteousness after they lost their Christianity and replaced it with the imported German philosophy of Transcendentalism. By contrast, people who came to settle the South saw America as a promising garden to be cultivated, a place where land could be had and personal honour and independence be established.  The leaders of the South (Jefferson Davis, R.E. Lee, J.E. Johnston, and many others) were actual sons of the founding generation. They knew that their fathers had created the Union for the benefit of their own people. Southerners came to secession as they realised that being under a government controlled by people who were constantly “insulting our feelings” and “exhausting our strength and substance” defeated the purposes for which the Union had been made. Portions of the North had been waging a cold war against the South from the very beginning.  (Noah Webster, Connecticut State Representative and author) in his diary wrote, “O New England! How superior are thy inhabitants in morals, literature, civility, and industry!””

The Yankee program of dominance succeeded largely thru an indoctrination using the state education system.  Our children learn of “the “Pilgrim Fathers” at Plymouth and little about Jamestown (the site of the first lasting settlement and the real First Thanksgiving). They know all about Paul Revere and next to nothing of the vital history of the War of Independence in the South.”  Today the South is politically dismissed as fly-over country.  The New England Ivy League elites make careers in Washington DC fabricating laws to further their own personal interests and fatten their pocketbooks thru a socialist redistribution to the central government’s and lobbyist’s chosen projects in the military industrial complex and more recently the biopharmaceutical industry.  Yankees today are the "(Neo)capitalists who wish to use the federal government in ways to enhance their wealth (which they present as necessary to the prosperity and progress of the whole country)." eg. mask and vax mandates, revolutionizing and electrifying the transportation sector and eliminating coal energy to fight global warming, multi-national supply chains, trillions in welfare and affirmative action programs to establish “equitable” outcomes.  The ruling elites’ desires of secular globalism begin with the destruction of the Southern ideals of limited self-governance, heritage and liberty.  

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