Sunday, April 17, 2022

Prattville Dragoons SCV Camp 1524 Chaplain's Column for April 2022 - April is a Time for Remembrance and Celebration, “Christ is Risen”


April is Confederate History month. While those in the SCV honor our ancestor(s) year- round, we take time in this month especially for our entire community and Southland to share in that remembrance. I look to forward to seeing many of you on the 23rd to celebrate at Confederate Memorial Park.

A week before that we will celebrate the Lord’s resurrection. It is truly the greatest event in human history. God became man, suffered torture and crucifixion, died, and rose again to defeat death and save us from sin. We have all read and experienced the story of Passion Week, but how many know the story of Longinus?

Matthew 27:54 states, “When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, and they were terrified, and exclaimed, ‘Surely he was the Son of God.’ Longinus was the centurion quoted. He was the head of the Legion that was in charge of the torture and crucifixion/ execution of Jesus. He and his troops were at Golgotha and witnessed the final moments of the Christ! He is also believed to be the one who pierced the heart of Jesus with a spear to confirm death. It is believed that Longinus had an eye affliction that was cured by the blood and water that poured out of the body of Jesus.

He was also in charge of guarding the tomb of Jesus. All were present at the resurrection. Only Longinus and one other soldier refused to be bribed about what they had seen of the resurrection by the Jewish and Roman authorities. The two of them then asked to be baptized by the apostles and they left the Roman military service for good.  

Longinus and his comrades went back to his hometown Cappadocia and preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ. His fiery words converted many of his brethren. This also got him in trouble with the local Roman authorities. He was offered a chance to flee, refused, put before Pontius Pilate, and was beheaded as a martyr for the faith. On October 16th of each year, the Orthodox him in celebration of the “Holy Martyr Longinus the Centurion.”

The point of this is here is a man who helped torture and crucify Jesus, converted after all he had witnessed, preached the gospel unto death as a martyr by the same man, Pilate, as who had sentenced our Lord and Savior! He was literally the first convert of the crucifixion!        

His story shows it is never too late for any of us. Use this Easter as a chance to confess your sins and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior! 


Amen and Happy Easter!

Remember those on our prayer list. 

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