Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Prattville Dragoons SCV Camp 1524 Meeting for July 2022 - The Battle Flag Color Bearers

The Dragoons' camp meeting for July was held on Thursday, July 14th at the Prattville Masonic Lodge with about 30 members attending. Some came early for beverages and snacks and fellowship and some music by 1st Lt commander Rob Schwartz that started at 6pm.

Then the meeting proper started at 6:45 with Chaplain Brantley leading us in prayer, then color Sargent Dennis led us in the pledges and salutes to the flags.  1st Lt Commander Rob Schwartz led the meeting in the absence of Commander Waldo (who came in after the start but told Rob to continue so he could enjoy being a regular member) starting with some announcements and then Tyrone Crowley played a short message that compatriot Harold Grooms had wrote, recorded and had played over the air on our local radio station in the past.  It was fantastic and very professional sounding.

Our guest speaker for July was Dana “For Dixie” Jones and the topic for her presentation was all about the color bearers during the war years.  She provided reference volumes including "The Embattled Banner", "Never Goes Down" (written by a Yankee) and "The Truth of the Confederate Battle Flag".  Dana explained how the color bearers were chosen and vied for the honor of carrying the battle flag in the front lines. They didn't carry weapons, just the flag but were surrounded by a six man color guard meant to protect the flag and bearer. The color bearer was a focal point for both forces and many were killed but there was someone always ready to pick it up and keep going.  It was necessary to have the Battle flag leading as it was important for the troops and the generals to know where there front line was at all times  in the chaos of the fight even when the battlefield was obscured by smoke from guns and cannon.  She provided specific accounts of the fate of color bearers and the Battle flags in WBTS battles which were very moving, demonstrating the passion the troops had for the banner.  She ended by saying many of these men were so proud of what they were fighting for that they died for the colors.   Dana challenged many of us asking who removed their cap or covering their shirt that displays the Confederate Battle Flag when we go somewhere in public to avoid confrontation saying we should not be ashamed of what our own ancestors believed in and fought and died for?  Dana gave a very interesting presentation full of details and many commented on how much they learned hearing her wonderful presentation.

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