Monday, August 8, 2022

General Nathan Bedford Forrest Birthday Party

On Saturday July 30 ,  Butch and Pat Godwin hosted their 23rd annual birthday celebration of Lt. General Nathan Bedford Forrest at Fort Dixie near Selma.  It was a great time with ice cold watermelon being served all day along with iced tea and lemonade. Then for supper they served up fried catfish with all the trimmings. They also had live music by "The Band Jubilee."

The festivities were opened up with a few words from the Bible and an opening prayer from Alabama Division Chaplain Robert Griffin.  SCV member Jason Boshers spoke along with some others including Gene Andrews from Nashville who was the executive director of the boyhood home of General Forrest in Chapel Hill. He spoke on the history of General Forrest's actions in our war for Southern independence. 

The main guest speaker out of Memphis, Tennessee, host of the radio broadcast "The Political Cesspool", James Edwards is the author of the book "Racism Schmacism: How Liberals Use The "R" Word To Push The Obama Agenda".  James spoke with enthusiasm of how the current "woke" push and rewriting of our history affects us all. But he perceives it turning around as ordinary people are getting fed up with the liberal agenda. He also brought some copies of his book after finding a new publisher as he was PC "canceled" by his previous publisher and Amazon and Barnes and Noble. 

A large canopy was set up with plenty of chairs which made it comfortable to relax and listen to the program and provided shade and cover when a short rain shower cooled everything off. There were  vendors with their wares displayed on tables, and a silent auction and a live auction were conducted and even some free doorprizes.

Ed Boardwine and Mike Whorton helped Butch and Pat keep things running smoothly. Also in attendance was the Mechanized Cavalry from Mobile ,Opelika and North Alabama.  From the Prattville Dragoons we had Harold Grooms, Dave "the bug man" Thompson, Carol, wife of Tyrone, and 1st. Lt. Commander Rob Schwartz as well as compatriot Hubert Champion. 

A good time was had by all at this wonderful event commemorating one of the great cavalry officers in our history.  

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