Sunday, January 15, 2023

Prattville Dragoons SCV Camp 1524 Chaplain's Column for January 2023 - Surrender

  Surrender. Not a popular word. Especially for us with Confederate blood. It brings up ugly connotations of Appomattox and the horrors of “Reconstruction.”

The definition of “surrender,” according to the dictionary, means “to cease resistance to an enemy or opponent and submit to their authority.”

But what about in a Biblical context? In this case it does not mean surrendering to the enemy. Quite the opposite, in fact. In this case, it means surrender to God. This word has come into my life hardcore of late. My men’s bible study group, which meets once a week, is reading from a book excerpt entitled, “Absolute Surrender.” My church, Church of the Highlands, has deemed 2023 the “Year of Complete (Total) Surrender. I think God might be trying to tell me something.

As humans we tend to give God things we think we can handle and hide things (read: sins) that we think He can’t see. But God does not want a part or pieces of our life, He wants it all. He sees it anyway. Imagine being in a relationship where you love someone completely and would do anything to help them if they would just ask.

And this is ultimately where we get in trouble. If we go back to Genesis 3, in verses 17-19, we are reminded that we must make the choice to surrender to God because of the original surrender of this world to the Devil at the fall of mankind in the Garden of Eden. Imagine if Adam and Eve had completely surrendered to God instead of surrendering to the lies of the greatest liar of them all.

Ephesians 5:18 speaks to the benefit of surrender to God. We will be filled by the Holy Spirit helping us to ward off attacks by our greatest enemy. We are surrendering our will to Him and letting him take over our lives completely.

How many of you remember the bumper-sticker, “God is my co-pilot”? I remember thinking that if that was true that maybe that individual should quickly switch seats with God. I will confess I have also done this. I have “shared” parts of my life God and figured I could handle the rest. I then wondered why God had not blessed the parts of my life I did not give over to Him. Imagine.

When we are graced with another new year, we often take that opportunity to make a “resolution” or a promise to do better. Usually it involves losing weight or doing better financially. The average resolution lasts less than three weeks.

Why not make the best resolution you will ever make? Surrender to God. Completely, totally, unconditionally. Don’t put a time limit or condition on it. God doesn’t respond to demands. Just let go. As this year goes along, let me know how your life changes.  Surrender!


Remember those on our prayer list. 

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