Friday, February 10, 2023

SCV Camp 1524 Dragoons in the Millbrook Mardi Gras Festival and Parade

Members and friends of the Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 participated in the Millbrook Revelers' Mardi Gras Parade and Festival on Saturday February 4th.  Commander Waldo, 2nd Lt Karl Wade, Quartermaster Bill Myrick and new Camp 1524 member Todd Rogers helped set up the camp's booth at the Millbrook Village Green park for the Mardi Gras festival.  Thousands of festival attendees and parade spectators streamed past the booth and the men handed out free mini-Battle flags, SCV coins and educational posters and sold flags, car tags, coffee mugs, ballcaps and all sorts of Confederate merchandise from the camp stores.  Karl manned the booth throughout the day and was joined by 1st Lt Rob Schwartz, Brigade Commander Harold Grooms and others.  It was a cold start that morning warmed up by some coffee and hot chocolate Bill and Karl brought to share but it turned into a beautiful crisp sunny day and an enjoyable opportunity to meet and greet our neighbors and friends in the community.  At noon, what is billed as the largest Mardi Gras parade north of Mobile rolled from the Mill Creek Park down Millbrook's Main Street past the Village Green festival.  Sean Dietrich, writer Sean of the South was the parade Grand Marshal and other local personalities included Greg Budell of 93.1 Montgomery talk radio (who Commander Waldo greeted at the parade start in Mill Creek Park).  The Dragoons placed an entry in the parade including Mike Thomas' truck carrying the camp Mardi Gras banner with Thomas Griffith riding along, Commander Waldo's Mardi Gras appropriate purple Charger with 1st Lt Rob Schwartz riding along, members of the SCV Mechanized Cavalry led by Alabama Chaplain Mike Atkins, Dragoon's Comms Officer Doug Butler driving his golf cart adorned with festive Mardi Gras tinsel, former Dragoon Don Owen's donning a colorful Mardi Gras hat driving his Ford Bronco and Quartermaster Myrick walking the entire parade route handing out more mini-Battle flags, SCV coins and lots of candy.  The spectators lined the entire parade route down Main Street and were four and five deep around the Village Green park; the Dragoons were warmly greeted for their participation and for flying the Confederate colors and other historic flags.  It was a very enjoyable time and opportunity for the Dragoons to participate in a well attended community event and promote the Sons of Confederate Veterans.  

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