Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Prattville Dragoons Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 Commander's Column for March 2023 - A Rising National Sentiment for Secession

A firestorm erupted recently when US House Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene publicly espoused the idea of splitting the United States into two sections based on predominant political ideology, the blue and red states.  "We need a national divorce. We need to separate by red states and blue states and shrink the federal government.  People saying national divorce is a bad idea because the left will never stop trying to control us literally make the case for national divorce," Greene wrote on Twitter.  "Everyone I talk to says this. From the sick and disgusting woke culture issues shoved down our throats to the Democrat's traitorous America Last policies, we are done.  The last thing I ever want to see in America is a civil war," she told Sean Hannity. "No one wants that -- at least everyone I know would never want that -- but it's going that direction, and we have to do something about it.”  She was promptly lambasted by RINOs like Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney who was recently ousted from office in the last election cycle. 

It should be very transparent the rationale and numerous reasons which persist today which justified and motivated the Southern states’ secession including generational cultural divisions, a polarized dysfunctional Congress, unconstitutional executive orders and mandates, and overreaching federal government.  Just as in the 19th century even before the Southern states’ secession, many states explored the idea of secession including Yankee Federalists who saw the nation’s wars, imperialist expansion and economic issues as justification for a split from the newly formed United States. Thomas DiLorenzo provides an excellent account of this movement in his essay “Yankee Confederates: New England Secession Movements Prior to the War Between the States”.   (http://www.ditext.com/dilorenzo/yankee.html) 

Today, state secession movements have grown in California and especially in Texas with the Texas Nationalist Movement (https://tnm.me/news/political/texit-is-it-illegal-for-texas-to-leave-the-union/) ; citizens broached the idea and lawmakers in Idaho passed a bill supporting the secession of conservative adjacent portions of Oregon to join Idaho and similarly in Maryland three counties sought to secede and become a part of more conservative neighboring West Virginia. 

Louisiana Senator John Kennedy at the recent CPAC didn’t come out and call for secession or a national divorce in those very words but his rhetoric explaining the cultural differences and political issues are a marked parallel to the reasons our ancestors sought and fought for an independent Confederate republic.  He said regarding Biden, “I do not hate anyone. The Biden administration sucks.  You measure anyway you want.  COVID.  The economy. Inflation. The national debt.  The border. Crime.  Cancel culture.  Treating parents like domestic terrorists.  Afghanistan.  Our energy independence.  Now lost.  President Biden has been spectacularly awful.”  Would the Democrats of 1860 produced a similar litany of reasons for an exodus from a Lincoln Presidency?  Senator Kennedy went on, "The truth is that Americans aren't perfect.  But the other side is crazy. Now, Americans do not deserve to be governed by deeply weird ... people who hate George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Dr. Seuss, and Mr. Potatohead, who hyperventilate on their yoga mats if you use the wrong pronoun. They think kids should be able to change their gender at recess ... and think they are better than us." 

What was that, we “do not deserve to be governed” by people who are so ideologically different?   Apart from the cultural upheaval in our country, think of the thousands of your tax dollars which have been misappropriated and redistributed at the federal level for foreign aid to third world corrupt governments, weapons to prosecute wars on other continents for which the United States has little interest or relevancy, the removal of God from the public classrooms while allowing warped gender ideologies and Project 1619 racial indoctrination of our children thru the Department of Education, the Department of Energy picking winners and losers in the energy sector providing subsidies for wind and solar farms and electric vehicles while shuttering coal plants and mines and raising your cost of home electricity and the gasoline for your ICE automobile, and the IRS and FBI  weaponized to investigate and prosecute  select  political opposition.  

The Yankee Confederates, the Southern states who seceded and formed the Confederate States of America and growingly, the 21st century canceled and marginalized citizens of the flyover regions of these United States hold many of the same justifications for a secession movement.  As DiLorenzo highlighted in his essay, “Their cause was virtually identical to the southern Confederacy's: they were defending the principles of states' rights and self-government from an overbearing federal government. The (Yankee Confederates) condemned the Jefferson administration as being plagued by "falsehood, fraud, and treachery," which induced "oppression and barbarity" and "ruin among the nations."  They believed that the South -- especially Virginia -- was gaining too much wealth, power, and influence, and was using that influence against New England politically. Their complaints are virtually identical to John C. Calhoun's concerns, decades later, about the unjust regional impacts of excessive federal power.”   Today it is these New England and left-coast states and more specifically the woke urbanites residing therein who are wielding too much wealth and power and influence and using that against the conservative, Christian, red-state, blue-collar hard working class.  Paraphrasing Senator Kennedy’s CPAC speech, “(They) think they are better than us.   (We) do not deserve to be governed by deeply weird people who hate (our heritage).” 

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