Sunday, June 11, 2023

Prattville Dragoons SCV Camp 1524 Chaplain's Column for June 2023 - The Storms of Life

 Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will hold on to you with my righteous right hand.”    -Isaiah 41:10


All the way back in 1999, in another life, I was working on a Gubernatorial campaign in Mississippi. Yes, they have odd- year elections, which is kind of appropriate for our neighbors to the West, bud I kid. We were stationed in Flowood, a suburb of Jackson. However, my job was driving all over the state delivering signs and campaign materials. I can honestly say I drove every inch of that state in six months.

One Friday, they sent me down to deliver materials to a town near Biloxi. Of course I was 26 and was going to spend the weekend in Biloxi. But that’s a story for some other day. As I approached the area, the heavens darkened and opened with rain, lightning, wind, and light hail. I had forgotten about the pop-up storms in the gulf area. This was bad. I didn’t have the internet to help. I had a first-generation flip phone the campaign had given me to use. Of course, I had no bars (coverage). I was on my own. Or was I?

As I sat in my brand new car in the parking lot, I prayed to God for protection. Soon, the storm passed and I was greeted in Biloxi with warm sunshine.

I had nobody and nothing to rely on but God. Today I could check the internet on my phone, call somebody if the car was damaged. But back then? Nope. I was reminded to count on God.

How many times have you been in a storm in your life? It can be a literal storm or something in your life bearing down on you. If you have not had a storm in your life, you will. It will either hit you or a loved one or friend! Who will you count on when you have no where else to go?

Our passage above from Isaiah provides us hope and encouragement to weather the storms of life. God speaks to us in this verse in a tender way to let them know that He is there and we need not fear. What a comfort in knowing that the God of the universe is with us in our trials.

Let us remember always that He saw our Southern ancestors through the trials and subjugation of the War and “Reconstruction.” Today, the midst of our storm, either our personal one(s) or the attack on our heritage, He provides us with the comforting presence that we need to still our hearts and minds. What an incredible promise that is for you and me.


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