Friday, December 8, 2023

Prattville Dragoons SCV Camp 1524 Commander's Column for December 2023 - Standing in the Face of Opposition

Saw a Tweet on X the other day inviting people to comment on what one thing posters would proclaim as the truth in the face of insurmountable opposition saying, “Yes, you all are wrong.”   As we start into the Christmas season where we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, it struck me that more than one cited their evangelistic testimony of faith and belief that God came to Earth incarnate thru the miraculous birth of Jesus to fulfill prophecy and deliver mankind from our inherent sin to eternal life.   But truly, in today’s culture it is increasingly in vogue to attack as deplorables those clinging to their fundamentalist Bibles while pushing doctrinal revisionism including homosexual marriage and clergy and espousing the virtues of a diverse culture including world religions like Buddhism, Hinduism, Islamism, and paganism.  Agnosticism and atheism are trumpeted as the most enlightened perspectives. 

As Sons of Confederate Veterans, we have certainly seen the opposition to our politically incorrect Charge to honor our Confederate forebears for their courage and fortitude in their struggle for independence.  We tend to associate and fraternize with compatriots who share our viewpoint that our ancestors did their duty in defense of their homes and families against a marauding invading army hellbent on forcing capitulation to a federal government intent on subjugating their states and people and destroying their way of life for the profit of their central imperialistic aims.   At all turns on X, there are those who maintain that the War Between the States was caused by the secession of the Southern states who sought only to perpetuate slavery, as their elementary school history books have indoctrinated them into thinking, believing their government was wholly right in a crusade to free the indentured Africans and crush a rebellion.   And the government has been wholly correct in its prosecution of every war before and since.  Truly, a government which does not seek and employ such patriotic brainwashing risks a breakdown of citizen’s allegiance, civil disobedience and insurrection. 

But we as SCV members and many as veterans of our country’s armed forces are uniquely qualified to stand in the face of this opposition and proclaim what is embodied by the SCV Charge.  We know true Southern history including the “motivating factor in the South’s decision to fight the Second American Revolution…their belief in the rights, liberty and freedom guaranteed by the Constitution.” ( Attended a Children of the Confederacy Christmas event at Confederate Memorial Park and noted the similar message conveyed in their Creed which states, “Because we desire to perpetuate, in love and honor, the heroic deeds of those who enlisted in the Confederate Army, and upheld its flag through four years of war, we …have united in an organization (and brotherhood) in which our strength, enthusiasm, and love of justice can exert its influence.  We, therefore, pledge ourselves to preserve pure ideals; to honor our veterans; to study and teach the truths of history (one of the most important of which is, that the war between the States was not a rebellion, nor was its underlying cause to sustain slavery), and to always act in a manner that will reflect honor upon our noble and patriotic ancestors."  Here at Christmas and always, let us boldly proclaim Christ as the reason for the season and also boldly advance the SCV Charge to defend the Confederate soldier's good name, guard his history, emulate his virtues, and perpetuate those principles he loved and which made him glorious.  Deo Vindice. 

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