Monday, June 17, 2024

Prattville Dragoons Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 Meeting for June 2024 - Importance of Monuments to Remember

The Dragoons of SCV Camp 1524 enjoyed their monthly camp meeting on Thursday evening the 13th of June. A couple dozen were in attendance including three potential new members who were submitting paperwork to join the SCV.  This supports new Camp Commander Grooms' stated desire to grown membership.  Compatriot Rob Schwartz played his guitar and sang songs including Dixie before the meeting while everyone arrived.  Commander Grooms started the meeting with an invocation followed by Color Sgt Dennis leading everyone in the pledges and salutes to the US, Alabama and Confederate flags.  Grooms then recited the SCV Charge with gusto before announcing some upcoming events including the Dragoons participating in the Prattville Independence Day parade, Pat Godwin's Nathan Bedford Forrest birthday party at Ft. Dixie on July 27th and, the Dixie Butt sale for the annual camp fundraiser with tickets available.  New member S. Knight was sworn in which is a great event for the life of the camp; he has already attended meetings and helped at the Prattville Cityfest so getting involved early.  Harold then read a letter from a community neighbor who thanked the Dragoons for helping to care for the Robinson Springs cemetery and noted our good work is being noticed.  Compatriot Tyrone Crowley then gave a report out on his attendance at the Alabama Division Reunion which was held on June 1st in Foley.  He encouraged new members to attend one of these conventions to get a better understanding of the vision for the SCV as the foremost Confederate heritage group.  Tyrone read the minutes of the convention as part of his presentation.   Lt Tyler Suttle then introduced the guest speaker for the meeting, professor Grover Plunkett who spoke on the importance of monument preservation for remembering our history.

Dr. Plunkett began by saying that during Reconstruction, Southerners would greet each other on the street by saying , "Never forget".  He then illustrated the similar message conveyed by the most common epitaph on cemetery headstones, "Gone but Not Forgotten".  He defined a monument as an object which causes us to think, to imagine what history was like at the time.  Communists and Marxists remove monuments, why?  So that the populace under their control will not remember the prior history and historical figures.  The cultural Marxists in America today attempt the same erasure.  Many today don't understand why the monuments were originally erected.  Dr. Plunkett recalled the story told in Joshua 4:1-24 of the Israelites crossing the Rover Jordan with the arc of the covenant as God miraculously provided a path stopping the flow of the river and God instructed them to place 12 stones from the river, symbolic of the 12 tribes of Israel there to commemorate the event, for future generations to never forget God's power to overcome obstacles and his love for his people. But today, the stones are gone.  But we do not forget this story as it is memorialized in the Bible.  

In the period 1866-1880 many monuments were erected across the South to honor the Confederate dead but it was actually a former Union officer President William McKinley who helped properly bury and care for the final resting place of Confederate veterans saying, "Sectional feeling no longer holds back the love we feel for each other.  The old flag waves over us in peace with new glories."  The Congress authorized that Confederates too could be buried at Arlington.  The following presidencies authorized and constructed the Reconciliation Monument at Arlington, a memorial of national unity which was designed by a Jewish sculptor and featured a woman crowned with a wreath or olive branches symbolizing peace.  And yet recently the Naming Commission authorized by the woke Marxist administration in Washington DC wantonly removed this great historic monument.  Monuments continue to be attacked and removed as an affront and offense.  Why?  They want to remove memorials which we want to preserve for our children to learn of their history and heritage and we as Sons and the SCV must not forget.  We must memorialize our ancestors and heritage even in our very homes and share with our children what our family and generations has provided. Memorials need not be pieces of stone but can even be stories we tell and the perpetuation of those principles and emulation of those virtues of our Confederate forebears as the SCV Charge implores us. 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Prattville Dragoons of Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 Attend 101st Annual Alabama Children of the Confederacy Convention - Confederate Gen. Wade Hampton

SCV Camp 1524 compatriots Crowley and Waldo attended the CofC convention at Confederate Memorial Park on Saturday June 8th.  The event started with an executive committee meeting of the current officers of the state CofC.  The children then hosted a dinner in one of pavilions there at the park including fried chicken, macaroni salad and tossed salad, green beans and sweet tea.  Everyone had some of the decorated chocolate chip cookie sheet cake commemorating the event at the break at the intermission later in the afternoon.   During the lunchtime, the children worked on crafts including painting and drawings and journal covers.  The program following the dinner followed the CofC agenda including pledges and salutes to the US, Alabama state, Confederate 2nd National and Christian flags along with singing the Star Spangled Banner, Alabama, Dixie and a Christian hymn respectively for each. The CofC Creed was recited also.  The UDC state officers present were recognized then new Sons of Confederate Veterans Southeast Central Brigade Commander Dakota Dorley brought greetings from the SCV and invited everyone to the dedication of the latest monument at the Tallassee SCV camp HQ on Saturday morning June 29th.  Following the presentation by the guest speaker, the minutes from the prior convention were recognized, awards presented to children who had performed exemplary service, and nominations taken for officers for the new year.  The announcement of national as well as new state CofC members was good news shared.  The newly installed officers had an EC meeting following to exchange contact information and discuss plans and meetings for the upcoming year.  

The guest speaker at the CofC convention was Dr. Rob Chumley, South Carolina SCV Legislative Laison who spoke of Confederate Gen. Wade Hampton.  Gen. Hampton's is a legendary story.  His mother died before he was born...he came from a wealthy family with a number of family members including Henry Hampton fighting in the Revolutionary War. Wade's mother was recently married and soon after the wedding she apparently died; she was dressed for burial and lying in the plantation house. Wade's father was distraught and left the house and walked thru the surrounding field to a magnolia tree where he wanted to gather some blooms when a storm struck. After it cleared and when he started back to the house, the slaves were exclaiming with joy that Mrs Hampton revived.  She was mistakenly thought dead as was somewhat common in the 19th century and before modern medicine and care. Gen Hampton's devotion to duty was commendable. He was a lawyer who managed his family's plantations and served in the SC legislator. When war came, he funded and outfitted regiments including uniforms, weapons and horses. There was another story where he killed a bear with a knife in defense of his dogs. So, he carried a large  sword in the War. He was wounded at Gettysburg having been surrounded by five Union soldiers and he kept them off with his large sword before they escaped jumping a fence with his horse, but sustaining a wound. After recuperating he returned to service and was in Columbia when Sherman came thru. They had to evacuate leaving the city to be burned including his parents home leaving just burnt masonry columns. After the War his character came into play...instead of leaving the country as many Confederate officers did,  despite having lost his fortune and a son in the War, he started rebuilding and ran for governor campaigning with red shirts to remind all of the Confederate blood spilled. He got the US govt out of the state of SC from Reconstruction. Everyone loved him including black SC citizens. He became a US Senator and subsequently lost his home to fire but never lost his sense of leadership and duty to lead SC back from the  War and Reconstruction. He lived until 1902 in SC. Our ancestors like Wade Hampton were willing to give it all.  Our heroes, heritage and symbols are those of honor. 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Prattville Dragoons Cemetery Maintenance at Robinson Springs June 2024

On Saturday the 8th in the early morning, four members of the Prattville Dragoons SCV camp 1524 attacked and finished off the invading Yankee weeds in Robinson Springs Cemetery. Earlier in the week camp Commander Harold Grooms had cleared up most of them with his riding mower and then Saturday (L to R) Doug Butler, Thomas Griffith, John Dennis and Rob Schwartz finished it all up with their weed trimmers and blowers. Rob also applied "Wet and Forget" to clean up some more of the grave markers. Together we "got r done" before the heat set in.  The Dragoons continue to maintain the grounds at Robinson Springs as part of the Sons of Confederate Veterans Guardian Program to care for the final resting place of Confederate veterans.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Prattville Dragoons Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 Commander's Column for May 2024 - Celebrating our Faithful SCV Brotherhood


I’m still basking in the after glow of our last meeting!  Three new Dragoons!  It doesn’t get any better than that!  We all need to welcome new compatriot S. Knight and reinstated compatriots S. Roberson and J. Hayes.  When I assumed command, I made recruiting my top priority.  It still is!  Three new Dragoons is a good start.  I have asked Adjutant Sutherland to print out copies of our membership rolls to be distributed at our next meeting.  We need to contact inactive members and ask them to get on board once again. 


Quartermaster Myrick says we sold much Confederate memorabilia at City fest this year.  This is a solid indication that there is still distinct interest in our cause.  God told a highly  discouraged prophet Elijah in 1st Kings 9:18, “Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all whose knees have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him.”  The modern day Baal is the idol of political correctness aided by the liberal media. Just as Baal was not able to conquer Israel in Biblical times, we who remain faithful to the charge given to the SCV by Lt. General Stephen Dill Lee in 1906 we too have remained faithful.  The SCV is the modern 7000 who have remained faithful.  Let us renew our efforts!


I want to thank compatriots Tyrone Crowley, David Smith, David Brantley and Larry Spears for representing our camp at the Division Reunion.  I’ve asked them to give a short report of what was accomplished there.  Finally I am looking forward to hearing our speaker,  Dr. Plunkett.  He will be speaking on the importance of monuments, an important topic in this day and age.  He is a gifted speaker and one of a very few college professors who have not bowed the knee to the Baal of political correctness.  You will not want to miss hearing him!  Looking forward to seeing all of you there!


Deo Vindice

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Prattville Dragoons Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 Chaplain's Column for May 2024 - Staying Engaged

"With all my heart I have sought You; Do not let me wander from Your commandments."

Psalm 119:10


   Summer has officially begun in the South. It is a time for beach trips, pool parties, BBQ's, and rest. It is also the time of year for unbearable heat, mosquitos, which is Alabama's official state bird, and storms. There is nothing like Summer in the South. A more laid-back time of year to get away from the hassle of life. This past weekend, I joined the fellow Dragoons at the Division Reunion in Foley. Foley is, of course, near the beach, so seafood was in order. As we were waiting to get a table, I wandered on the beach and thought of my dad and the times he took us to the Gulf as a family. It was easy to mentally tune out SCV duties, life's struggles and demands, and listen to the surf and forget my troubles.

   But I also thought of Jesus preaching from the boat to the masses waiting to hear the Good News. I thought of him on the shore, more than once, waiting on Peter and the others to join him for breakfast. I thought of Peter trying to walk on the water to Him. And then Peter failed because, like us, he took his eyes off Jesus.

    I could see both sides. The pull of relaxation and rest, which is necessary for all of us by the way, and the call of duty calling us back ashore. Our minds do wander in the Summer. Maybe we skip Church or stop doing devotionals. Or we stop thinking about protecting our heritage for a while, figuring we'll get back to it in the Fall. Meanwhile, the enemy, both satan and those who hate our heritage, usually the same squad, take no time off spreading lies and hatred around the country.

   We can get complacent. This is created by familiarity. We get tired and then we stop doing those which once brought us joy and closer to God. We quit praying because we now complain about the things we used to pray for. And complaining causes us to think we are right (even when we are not). One thing to remember, though- spectators are the ones who are always complaining. Which is why nobody wants to listen to those complaining if they are not participating. This is true in both Church and the SCV. If you see something that needs to be done or fixed, get to it! Even during the Summer.

Like I wrote earlier. We must all take time to rest. Even God rested on the Seventh day. But there is a difference between rest and retreat!

In our relationship with God, even during the Summer, we must continue to do 3 things: grow in the presence of God (Psalm 16:11), grow with the people of God (2 Corinthians 6:14), grow in the purposes of God (Galatians 6:9).

So, don't tune out this Summer. Rest and have fun, but stay engaged with Church and the SCV (in that order).

I hope everyone has a safe and blessed Summer!


Friday, June 7, 2024

Prattville Dragoons Camp 1524 Attend the Alabama Division Sons of Confederate Veterans Reunion

Members of the Prattville Dragoons SCV Camp 1524 attended the Alabama Division Reunion on Saturday June 1st in Foley Alabama.  The Reunion kicked off with a Commander's Reception at the wonderful Gift Horse restaurant on Friday evening.  The convention on Saturday was held at the Graham Creek Nature Preserve in Foley on Saturday.  The Reunion is always filled with pageantry and an opportunity to greet old friends from across the state.  Dragoons in attendance included Tyrone Crowley, Larry Spears, David Smith and Chaplain David Brantley.  This was an election year and SEC Brigade Commander Douglas Barrett was elected as the new Division Commander replacing outgoing Commander McMurry.  Former Division Commander Jimmy Hill was elected as 1st Lt Commander offering continuity in the Division leadership.  For the SWC Brigade, former Dragoon Camp Commander Stuart Waldo was elected as Commander with David Smith as 1st Lt Commander.