Sunday, June 9, 2024

Prattville Dragoons Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 Chaplain's Column for May 2024 - Staying Engaged

"With all my heart I have sought You; Do not let me wander from Your commandments."

Psalm 119:10


   Summer has officially begun in the South. It is a time for beach trips, pool parties, BBQ's, and rest. It is also the time of year for unbearable heat, mosquitos, which is Alabama's official state bird, and storms. There is nothing like Summer in the South. A more laid-back time of year to get away from the hassle of life. This past weekend, I joined the fellow Dragoons at the Division Reunion in Foley. Foley is, of course, near the beach, so seafood was in order. As we were waiting to get a table, I wandered on the beach and thought of my dad and the times he took us to the Gulf as a family. It was easy to mentally tune out SCV duties, life's struggles and demands, and listen to the surf and forget my troubles.

   But I also thought of Jesus preaching from the boat to the masses waiting to hear the Good News. I thought of him on the shore, more than once, waiting on Peter and the others to join him for breakfast. I thought of Peter trying to walk on the water to Him. And then Peter failed because, like us, he took his eyes off Jesus.

    I could see both sides. The pull of relaxation and rest, which is necessary for all of us by the way, and the call of duty calling us back ashore. Our minds do wander in the Summer. Maybe we skip Church or stop doing devotionals. Or we stop thinking about protecting our heritage for a while, figuring we'll get back to it in the Fall. Meanwhile, the enemy, both satan and those who hate our heritage, usually the same squad, take no time off spreading lies and hatred around the country.

   We can get complacent. This is created by familiarity. We get tired and then we stop doing those which once brought us joy and closer to God. We quit praying because we now complain about the things we used to pray for. And complaining causes us to think we are right (even when we are not). One thing to remember, though- spectators are the ones who are always complaining. Which is why nobody wants to listen to those complaining if they are not participating. This is true in both Church and the SCV. If you see something that needs to be done or fixed, get to it! Even during the Summer.

Like I wrote earlier. We must all take time to rest. Even God rested on the Seventh day. But there is a difference between rest and retreat!

In our relationship with God, even during the Summer, we must continue to do 3 things: grow in the presence of God (Psalm 16:11), grow with the people of God (2 Corinthians 6:14), grow in the purposes of God (Galatians 6:9).

So, don't tune out this Summer. Rest and have fun, but stay engaged with Church and the SCV (in that order).

I hope everyone has a safe and blessed Summer!


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