Saturday, September 5, 2020

Prattville Dragoons Commander's Column – A Whole New Era of Reverse Discrimination to Fight “Systemic Racism”

What began as a concerted effort across the country to remove Confederate monuments as a supposed hurtful symbol to some (a marked minority apparently in any region except downtown urban areas) of our nation’s past and slavery has devolved into a concerted choreographed effort to instill anarchy and a stated aim to literally destroy our government at every level and implant a Marxist system.  A couple of recent killings by police officers have been cherry picked as examples of police brutality and systemic racism not just within those departments but within every nook and cranny of our country.  Black Lives Matter gained a resurgence clinging to these examples and “protesting” in the streets, never mind that it has been demonstrably proven that George Floyd in Minneapolis was a career criminal who threatened a pregnant woman with a gun to her belly during a robbery and had enough Fentanyl in his system the day of his death that it would have killed most people, not to mention compounded by the methamphetamine also found in him.  He couldn’t breathe because of the drugs coursing thru his bloodstream, his cardiopulmonary disease and because he didn’t obey the police officers resulting in their use of extreme (and apparently excessive) force to subdue him.  He literally has been the poster child nonetheless for this BLM movement and was the cause celebre to riot in the streets, burn businesses, attack police officers and occupy areas preventing police and fire protection of the citizenry such as in the CHOP zone of Portland.

More recently, in addition, Jacob Blake who had raped his former girlfriend was in the act of violating a restraining order against him when she called police for help, was brandishing a knife, resisted arrest thru two tasers and was subsequently shot when he refused police officers orders while attempting to enter his vehicle is the latest celebrity thug for whom a two million dollar GoFundMe account has been raised to cover his medical bills, that along with the requisite burning and looting in Kenosha and other cities hundreds and thousands of miles away to protest this example of police brutality and system racism.  In actuality, it is clear that Antifa has hijacked BLM and any purportedly good intentions of the protests.  Antifa is a terrorist organization bent on the destruction of any vestiges of a supposed oppressive American history, the founding Constitutional principles, and the American government.  It is indeed a fascist anarchist movement bent on the destruction of our societal and political institutions to be supplanted by Marxism.  While BLM activists rail against police brutality and systemic racism, they also have a stated Marxist ideology. 

Economist Thomas Sowell recently told Mark Levin in an interview that "the left’s claim that America is beset by 'systemic racism' has no definitive meaning and cannot be tested in any empirical manner. “You hear this phrase 'systemic racism' or 'systemic oppression'", Levin told Sowell. “You hear it from very wealthy and fabulously famous sports stars.”  Sowell replied that “It really has no meaning that can be specified or tested in the way one tests hypotheses”, adding that the currency of the phrase reminds him of the propaganda tactics of Nazi Germany which Sowell stated were based on the idea that if a lie was repeated long enough and loud enough it would be widely believed.  Sowell agreed that most who have taken part in these "mostly peaceful" protests across America do not live in the communities they claim to support.  “They’re absolute hypocrites”, Levin said. “They claim they want equality for all… and yet every time you look at a Marxist state, it is an authoritarian, top-down, centralized police state.”  Sowell added that while activists claim to be casting off racial and class differences, they only end up creating their own “nomenclature” and establishing their own hierarchies” (, Charles Creitz, July 12, 2020).

Sowell failed to mention corporate America kowtowing to the demands of (Antifa) Black Lives Matter roundly calling for all their apparently ignorant closet-racist employees to listen and learn and appreciate. No recognition that corporate America has carried the progressive banners of diversity perhaps higher than any corner save the "halls of higher learning” where our children are indoctrinated at universities across the country from Berkley to Madison to New York City.  No recognition that there exist on the books civil rights legislation that forbids under penalty of law discrimination based on color, creed, religion and most recently, what most traditional Christians perceive as un-Biblical sexual orientation.  No matter personal beliefs, to keep a paycheck coming to feed their families, employees have been forced to accept the normalcy of a perversion of our traditional morals and family structure.  While quotas were not previously blatantly bandied about, an acceptance of the “obvious” business advantages and strength of diversity were constantly preached no matter an absence again of empirical data demonstrating this. 

But now, with the political left fully embracing the radical demands of BLM, with redirecting to the Joe Biden campaign website, businesses are again leading this progressive effort to reverse the “systemic racism” that permeates not just police departments but conference rooms and board rooms across corporate America.  Despite past awards for diversity and inclusion, Boeing just announced they intend to increase the hiring of Blacks by 20% (  Not minorities mind you, Blacks specifically, in a blatant attempt to appease BLM.  Will that make Boeing products better and, as pertains to their aerospace equipment, safer?  Will that make consumers want to purchase their products more, for the public to fly on their airplanes more?   Boeing is not alone in their posturing and pandering to the BLM movement and the rioters.  Many companies have stated their intentions to create positions to fill with minorities and to hire blacks into mid and upper-level management positions apparently regardless of qualifications, with an intended preference over equally or more qualified white candidates.  The University of Michigan implemented quotas for minority admissions which were overturned by a Supreme Court ruling against affirmative action in 2014 which had repercussions across the country ( › scotus-michigan-affirmative-action).  Quotas and affirmative action fly in the face of an America striving to be the very best.  This absurdity has long been illustrated by the insanity of such initiatives in the medical field where placing one’s very life in the hands of an otherwise unqualified doctor who was admitted and hired based solely on ethnicity and not skill and intellect would put your very own and your family’s well-being at risk.  We can only hope that the now silent majority resistance to this current PC BLM appeasement finds its will and voice to again fight against this reverse discrimination.  Get informed and be aware in these tumultuous times. 

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