Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Prattville Dragoons Commander's Column for October 2021 - Understand and Communicate the Relevance of the Cause Today

In the past few days I have requested that a few emails be forwarded to the camp distribution.  One was an outstanding article written and published twelve years ago by Dr. Livingston who founded the Abbeville Institute.  It was forwarded to me by one of our newest members and he provided it saying that he considers it his go-to source for the defense of the Cause.  It refutes the abolition crusade myth providing ample evidence of Lincoln’s imperialist economic rationale. There was another one recently penned on “Lincoln’s Total War” which provided an illustration as to why we will not forget the sacrifices and hardships our Confederate ancestors endured in light of the atrocities Lincoln’s troops perpetrated on them, soldiers and civilians alike.  I also asked that a link to a Washington Post story and my response on Twitter and to the editor of that rag calling out their bigotry be disseminated to Camp 1524 on email.  I get articles and emails from members and often ask Communications Officer Butler to send these out to our members and friends of the Dragoons.   I have encouraged those who maintain our social media accounts to post regularly of news of camp activities and especially those around community service and charity and our informative camp meetings.

It is important that we continue to educate ourselves as to the true history of the War for Southern Independence and the Cause for which our forefathers took up arms in defense of their homes and families.   That so that when the opportunity arises, we can defend their honor and to inform those ignorant of the true history of this conflict as the Charge implores us.  It is important too that we let our community leaders and Joe Public know of the outstanding community service activities in which our camp is engaged as a valuable civic organization.  While it is imperative that we are thoroughly educated around “the preservation of liberty and freedom (as) the motivating factor in the South’s decision to fight the Second American Revolution” (scv.org), I believe we need to seize the initiative to present our opinions and provide evidence of the truth of The Cause to those ignorant and uneducated of this period in American history and of Southern history specifically.  We need to not just sound off in our own echo chamber of camp meetings and SCV gatherings but confront PC bigotry and present a bold knowledgeable presence to the public such as at festivals like the upcoming Autauga County Fair where we will have a booth to provide SCV educational pamphlets and posters and greet fairgoers. 

My brother asked some years back why I was spending my precious time and effort on an historical organization like the SCV.  I told him then and it has become even more apparent that this important historic period parallels the federal government overreach and sectionalism today to the detriment of our Republic’s very foundations and future prospects.   Our Confederate ancestor’s fight was underscored by their “belief in the rights guaranteed by the Constitution. These attributes are the underpinning of our democratic society and represent the foundation on which this nation was built.”  (scv.org)  As our swearing-in ceremony also states, “Although defeated, they left us traditions of faith in God, honor, chivalry, and respect for womanhood; they left us a passionate belief in freedom for the individual. Our Confederate ancestors bequeathed to us a military tradition of valor, patriotism, devotion to duty, and a spirit of self-sacrifice. When our nation no longer admires and pays tribute to these traditions, we will no longer remain a free nation.”  The current federal government has grown ever more intrusive with executive mandates, uncontrolled social program spending and confiscatory taxation, globalization with uncontrolled immigration, and even weaponizing the FBI as the DOJ and AG seek to criminally investigate all opposition to the approved PC critical race theory narrative.  We are on the precipice.

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