Sunday, May 14, 2023

Prattville Dragoons Chaplain's Column for May 2023 - They Did Not Understand


Luke 18:31-34


Can you imagine trying to explain to someone who lived in 1873, 150 years ago, that people would be using cell phones in the future to communicate. First of all, they did not even know what a telephone was much less a cell phone. Alexander Graham Bell didn’t get his first patent awarded for the telephone until 1876. AT & T wasn’t even formed until 1885. We did not have a phone in our house until the 1960’s. So, no matter how hard you tried to explain what a cell phone was, it would fall on deaf ears. They would not understand. It was way beyond even their imaginations. In 1870, having a telephone in your home was unimaginable, much less that people would one day be carrying a small device around with them and that they use it to talk to someone who was on the other side of the world, via satellites. What’s a satellite? What’s a computer? It is hard to believe that 150 years ago, these inventions did  not exist. So, trying to explain any of these inventions to someone who lived 150 years ago,  would be almost impossible. They would not understand. Well, 2000 years ago, Jesus tried to explain to His disciples that He was the Son of God, that He was going to die for the sins of mankind and three days later rise from the grave. He tried to explain this on three separate occasions and each time they did not understand. Matthew, Mark, and Luke record all three of the occasions. Luke records the last time Jesus tried to explain to the disciples what was going to take place, He was on His way to Jerusalem to die in Luke 18:31-33. READ Luke 18:31-33. On two previous occasions, Jesus had given them this same message and they did not understand. In Luke 9:18-22, we read of the first occasion. READ Luke 9:18-22. After telling them the first time, how did they respond? Matthew records Peter’s response in Matthew 16:22. Peter took Jesus aside and began to rebuke Jesus. He did not want to hear these words that Jesus had spoken. Peter said, “Never Lord! This shall never happen to you!” Jesus responded harshly to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan. You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.” Peter was thinking of himself rather than Jesus what Jesus was trying to tell them. Jesus was doing His Father’s will and Peter wanted Jesus to stay with them. He certainly did not want Jesus to die. Right before this encounter with Jesus, Peter responded to a question that Jesus asked him. Jesus asked Peter, “Who do you say I am?” Peter responded, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” Peter believed that Jesus was the Son of God but he did not understand. The second time Jesus told the disciples about what would soon take place is recorded in Luke 9:44-45.  READ Luke 9:44-45. How did the disciples respond after the second time. Luke wrote that they began arguing over which one of them would be the greatest. Matthew 17:23 tells us that the disciples were filled with grief. Mark wrote that they did not understand what he meant but were afraid to ask him about it. So, after telling the disciples on three separate occasions that He was going to Jerusalem to die and be raised three days later, the disciples did not understand. You may be wondering why couldn’t they understand. These same disciples had seen the miracles Jesus performed time and time again. There are 37 miracles recorded in the Gospels. Luke 18:34 tells us that the disciples did not understand because its meaning was hidden from them and they did not know what he was talking about. The disciples walked with Jesus for three years and Jesus knew that they would not understand until they saw Him after He had risen from the grave. We realize this when we read what the Apostle John wrote in John 12:16 – “At first His disciples did not understand all this. Only after Jesus was glorified did they realize that these things had been written about Him and that these things had been done to Him.” God doesn’t expect us to understand. He expects us to believe. We have the privilege of hindsight. The disciples did not. They were participants of prophesy being fulfilled. When they saw Jesus after He had risen from the grave everything that He told them and everything He did took on a new meaning. Their understanding became even more apparent when Jesus departed and the Holy Spirit came. In John 14:26, Jesus told the disciples “But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” Acts 1:8 Jesus told the disciples that they would receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you. Acts 2 records the Holy Spirit filling the disciples. The disciples now understood. They became witnesses for Jesus Christ in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth.  We are not always going to understand why God does what He does. Remember He doesn’t expect us to understand. He expects us to believe. The disciples did not understand what Jesus was telling them until after they had seen Him resurrected. They even began to understand more and more when the Holy Spirit came upon them. However, a lost person does not understand anything spiritually. Only when they put their faith and trust in Jesus for their salvation do they begin to understand, like scales being removed from their eyes. They become filled with the Holy Spirit who teaches, convicts, and guides them to a better understanding. As Christians, there will always be things or circumstances that we fail to understand but one day, all will be revealed to those who know Jesus Christ.

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