Friday, May 12, 2023

Prattville Dragoons SCV Camp 1524 Commander's Column for May 2023 - Know the Truth of the Cause

My pastor had another sermon which struck a chord as very applicable to the Sons of Confederate Veterans Charge.  We are to defend the Confederate soldier's good name and guard his history.  The sermon was around 2 Kings 1:2-17 where Elijah was beckoned by King Ahaziah as having foretold his death for turning from God to consult with a god Baal-Zebub regarding recovery from his injuries.  

The sermon asked, “Where do you go for the truth?”  Over the past decade, the American public has learned not to trust the main stream media as they have proven to be agenda driven political puppets.  Fortune recently reported that half of Americans believe the media intentionally deceive their viewers (  Gallup surveys showed only 34% of respondents trusted the media ( ).  Meanwhile, trust in the public education system is plummeting with the attempt to indoctrinate children with Critical Race Theories and LGBQT+ agendas including requiring non-binary pronouns and sexualized elementary books in classrooms.    It is abundantly clear that the public school system has failed the American public and it began long ago with the patriotic revisionism of our history books.   Confederate General Patrick Cleburne stated, “Surrender means that the history of this heroic struggle will be written by the enemy, that our youth will be trained by Northern school teachers; learn from Northern school books THEIR version of the war and taught to regard our gallant dead as traitors and our maimed veterans as fit subjects of derision.”  Indeed, it should be noted that the United States has never fought on the wrong side of any war, according to your children’s history books.  Just don’t follow the money. 

So when confronted with the uneducated bias of those who learned their history from these Northern school books and teachers, “How do you react?”  We are beseeched to do or duty and ensure that our children are taught true history.   We are in a struggle to counter the modern narrative of white privilege with our children even when the reality of affirmative action DE&I admissions, hiring, and promotions is an obvious proof of exception.    BLM activists seek to instill a Critical Race Theory curriculum in highs schools and colleges to revise history to suit their racist agenda.  Many are turning to home schooling and many more to private schools for their children’s education.  Our camp is active on social media but on those platforms, there are many who seek to instigate inflammatory attacks and besmirch the honor of our Confederate ancestors.  It is imperative that we take the offensive and the high road and consistently reiterate the truth of the Cause for which they fought, the real reasons for secession and the War for Southern Independence in debate which we hope will inform and persuade and affect our very communities even in legislation.

“Do you want to know the truth?”  The common derogatory insults spewed at us include our apparent defense of treasonous enslavers which they maintain proves our racist white supremacist bigotry.   These Twitter and Facebook historians possess unparalleled confirmation bias, looking for evidence and substantiation only to support what they already believe and were indoctrinated. They attempt to impose their woke presentism on us by ignoring or worse being ignorant of the pervasive racism of their heroes Lincoln and Sherman despite quotations cited supporting their own 19th century views of white supremacy.  They ignore historical facts of the Causes of the Southern states’ secession and struggle for an independent Confederate States of America, the history of New England states’ secession movements,  the Morrill Tariff, Lincoln’s socialist ambitions to redistribute wealth to finance Northern industrialization and railroads, the Corwin Amendment, Lincoln’s first inaugural address stating he had no right or inclination to interfere with Southern institutions, the rejection of the Confederate’s Peace Delegation, the Emancipation Proclamation issued as a war measure which freed no slaves in any northern held states or territories,  the admission of West Virginia to the Union as a slave state, Lincoln’s attempts at recolonization of blacks to Africa and South America, the unconstitutional acts of Lincoln including the invasion of what he viewed to be states in rebellion and the suspension of habeas corpus, the war crimes perpetuated on the Southern populace and, the inalienable right of self-determination guaranteed by our very own Declaration of Independence.  Grant had the slaves, not Lee.  New Jersey had the slaves after Texas’ Juneteenth.  And more and more inconvenient truths. 

“Truth is truth”…whether you believe it or not.  Sometimes truth is ugly or uncomfortable.  There are no SCV members espousing a return to indentured servitude but, we shouldn’t deny the existence of the institution of slavery from which many Northern as well as Southern industries and families benefitted in the first two centuries of our nations founding and existence.   Property rights were constitutionally protected and Supreme Court rulings of the day reinforced those and fugitive slave laws.  But not-so-righteous abolitionists sought not to free slaves to empower them with equality and suffrage but as they implemented Northern Jim Crow laws forbidding them to reside in Northern states, prevent the spread of slavery to newly opened western territories, and encouraging freedmen recolonization, simply to instigate domestic violent uprisings and cause untenable poverty and cohabitation in the Southern states.   “Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth;” – 1 Corinthians 13:4-6 (NKJV)  “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” – John 8:32 (NKJV)  Seek the truth and proclaim it.

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