Saturday, May 30, 2020

Confederate Memorial Day Commemoration

United Daughters of the Confederacy Chapter President Pat Godwin hosted a belated Confederate Memorial Day observance on Friday evening May 29th at Confederate Circle at Old Live Oak Cemetery in Selma.  Confederate Memorial Day in Alabama was on April 27th but due to coronavirus concerns and "safer-at-home" orders from the governor's office, events were cancelled at that time.  As venues have opened and restrictions eased, commemorating this ongoing historical occasion was important.  A few dozen attendees including members of the UDC and the Sons of Confederate Veterans enjoyed a beautiful evening under the shade of the magnolias at Confederate Circle.  This section of the Live Oak Cemetery was originally dedicated on April 26 1878 by the Selma Ladies Memorial Association dedicated to the Confederate veterans buried there and is owned and maintained by UDC Selma Chapter 53.  Mrs. Godwin welcomed everyone and recognized special guests which included past SCV Commander Ronnie Simmons.   Prattville Dragoons SCV Camp 1524 members there included Brigade Commander Josh Stover who was recognized for his work on monuments, Commander Stuart Waldo with his family, Tyrone Crowley who was depicting Confederate President Jefferson Davis, and  Wyatt Willis who was recognized as a past SCV Lt. Commander and having led the establishment of the I-65 Battle Flag.  Nelson Andrews, Chaplain of SCV Camp 62 provided an Invocation and camp Commander Dan Olinger led everyone in the salute to the Confederate Flag and also provided welcome remarks.  Jason Boshers, Commander of the SCV Army of Tennessee was the keynote speaker.  He spoke about heroes of the War for Southern Independence like Sam Davis and others who despite being from very different walks of life, came together in the defense of their homeland against the Yankee invaders and did their duty for their families and loved ones.  Ms. Nicky Walton rang the bell as everyone participated in a Roll Call of Honor to recognize one of their Confederate ancestors.  Then "Amazing Grace" and "Dixie" were sung to close the program. 

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