Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Prattville Dragoons Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 Commander's Column for May 2020 - Resistance to Tyranny in this Pandemic

Writing this column on Monday April 27th, Confederate Memorial Day in Alabama.  This Confederate Memorial Day is very much unlike any other in the past 150 years as we remain sheltered in place to help prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19.  Entering the month of April, Confederate History and Heritage month, I was looking forward to our annual picnic and the Confederate Memorial Day programs but this new reality of social distancing caused the Alabama Division SCV to cancel all camp and state SCV events.  I hope everyone is adhering to recommended precautions and staying safe and healthy while still remembering our Confederate ancestors and their valiant fight for state’s rights and originalist liberties.  

I am very pleased that in spite of the required cancellation of those aforementioned events that the Prattville Dragoons nonetheless stepped forward to commemorate Confederate History and Heritage month and honor our Confederate forebears.  As is our custom, the last Saturday of March members of Camp 1524 gathered at Prattville’s historic Oak Hill cemetery to place flags on the dozens of Confederate veteran’s graves there.  A number of compatriots including Color Sgt Dennis and Quartermaster Myrick took flags to place at other cemeteries around the area.  James and Larry Spears placed flags at two cemeteries later in April in the Millbrook/Deatsville communities.  The camp continued its advertising campaign throughout the month displaying ads on the electronic billboards at Main and Memorial and at Hwy 14 and I-65.   Additionally, members continued their dedication to the care of cemeteries which are the final resting place for Confederate veterans as part of the SCV guardian program by mowing and trimming the Robinson Springs cemetery, having already worked the Indian Hills cemetery in March preparing it for Confederate History and Heritage month.  

Despite the shutdown of most of the American society and economy, the enemies of the truth of the Confederacy, Southern heritage and the ideals of our founders’ constitutional principles were still hard at work.  The Virginia state legislature under new “progressive” control passed a bill allowing the removal of historic Confederate monuments there.  The new US Marines commandant issued a directive forbidding the display of any Confederate symbols on any Marine installation as part of an enlightened social awareness as part of his remaking of the branch.  These ignorant bigots are focused on their politically correct agenda despite the dire emergency situation our country faces with this coronavirus.   As Nancy Pelosi eats her ice cream and revises emergency aid bills to include funding for the Kennedy Center and Planned Parenthood, Gov. Ralph Northam and Gen. David Berger march in lockstep to the same misguided enlightened agendas.  Indeed, this coronavirus emergency has illustrated the extent to which our governments have evolved into an omnipotent overreaching nanny state infringing on constitutional personal liberties restricting individuals’ movements, access to resources and even violations of 1st and 2nd and amendment rights as governors and mayors have curtailed access to guns and ammunitions and enforced with fines and arrests the closure of churches and worship services in certain localities.  This situation has again illustrated the degree to which government can and will control the populace as it has since the War for Southern Independence.  One can contrast the degree to which those in positions of governance abuse their power such as in New York and Michigan and California to the approach of that instituted in South Dakota where minimally restrictive recommendations were instead provided to instruct and guide the citizens to make informed personal choices.  Indeed, Confederate Battle flags began showing up at protests as a symbol of resistance and in response, the fascist Michigan Senate Democrats attempted to pass a bill banning the display of the Battle Flag at protests  (https://www.wzzm13.com/article/news/politics/michigan-politics/bill-would-prohibit-confederate-flag-from-capitol-building-and-capitol-grounds/69-edf9c595-cf41-4a1f-96a3-fcc212d2f710). 

I am so proud of our members who despite the adversity of the coronavirus quarantine still gathered to carry forth the Charge in the face of the ignorant socialist progressives and politically correct elitists who would blindly erase our nation’s history and struggles.  We need to undeterred advance the Cause.  Too I am gladdened that it appears that our membership has largely weathered this storm and stayed safe and healthy even while still safely gathering to perform these community service activities.   I am looking forward to gathering together in fellowship with our camp members who have endured this unprecedented struggle against an invisible enemy and hoping we can soon enjoy our picnic at Confederate Memorial Park, a festival with our neighbors in downtown Prattville on Main Street, a Reunion of Confederate compatriots from across the Division in Foley and, the reinterment of one of America’s greatest cavalry officers when General Forrest is finally laid to rest at Elm Springs in Tennessee.  Deo Vindice. 

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