Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Prattville Dragoons of SCV Camp 1524 Attend General Nathan Bedford Forrest Birthday Celebration

Pat Godwin again hosted on Saturday July 27th a wonderful Forrest Birthday Celebration which also served as a memorial celebration for her late husband Butch.  There was a terrific crowd of hundreds who enjoyed chilled watermelon, a catfish supper, music, speakers, and even a cannon firing and fireworks.  Dragoons Commander Harold Grooms, Brigade Commander Stuart Waldo, Chaplain Brantley, Treasurer Billy Leverette and Tyrone Crowley with their wives were in attendance representing SCV Camp 1524.  Under a shade tree, tables were setup to cut open some ripe sweet watermelons to cool everyone off.  That along with water and lemonade to drink.  Music was provided by Strings of Secession.  The Mechanized Cavalry had many members in attendance and they presented Pat with a plaque commemorating the great work Butch did for the Cause.  The guest speaker gave a great speech recounting Forrest's highwater victory at Brices Crossroads.  Confederate memorabilia including books, DVDs and Forrest commemorative coins were available for purchase and the Forrest Boyhood Home in TN had a canopy setup where they were selling T-shirts and books to raise money for the construction of a visitor center at the historic property.  There was also an auction of framed prints and other Confederate wares to raise money for the continued care and improvements at the Confederate Circle at Old Live Oak Cemetery in Selma.  A cannon was fired at intervals during the program which stirred everyone up.  The festivities concluded with a wonderful catfish supper with side dishes and desserts and finally fireworks as the sun set over one of the best Forrest Birthday Celebrations in memory.  

Monday, July 29, 2024

Grounds Maintenance per SCV Guardian Program at Robinson Springs Cemetery

With all the recent rain, the grass is growing rapidly so for the second time in the month of July, a group of members of the Prattville Dragoons, SCV Camp 1524 mowed and trimmed the lawn at Robinson Springs Cemetery in Millbrook AL.  The cemetery is the final resting place for a number of Confederate veterans as well as US veterans from WWI and WWII and the Korean War.  Hubert Champion on Thursday July 25th mowed the large areas of grass with his riding mower and also replaced some old US and Confederate flags with new ones along with the pvc pipes in which they were set.  On Friday morning, Camp 1524 Quartermaster Bill Myrick and compatriot Rob Schwartz finished the weed eating and leaf blowing.  Great ongoing community service project.  

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Sons of Confederate Veterans at Children of the Confederacy National Convention - Music and Moon Pies in the Marble City

SCV AL SWC Brigade Commander Waldo of  SCV Camp 1524 attended the Children of the Confederacy convention with his children on Saturday July 20th in Knoxville, Tennessee.  It was called Music and Moon Pies in the Marble City.  The convention brought together children of the CofC, UDC members and SCV members, family and friends for a few days of business meetings, field trips to area historical sites, and lots of fun and good food.  A contingent of twelve represented Alabama.  On Saturday, after final registration, a final business session was held at which elections of the national officers was conducted.  Reports from the sitting officers and committee leads were also presented.  An entertaining respite was the quizzes for kids of different age groups for the CofC Catechism, testing their knowledge of the period of the War for Southern Independence.  The business session concluded that morning and was followed by a luncheon which had a buffet of Southern dishes including blackened catfish, chicken with dressing, BBQ with mac n cheese, fried okra, mashed potatoes, salads and cobblers.  The luncheon also served as a fundraiser for CofC scholarships a number of which are awarded each year to high school graduating seniors.  In the afternoon there was a rehearsal for that night's banquet which included a procession of all the flags of the states represented and the sitting and incoming officers as part of the Grand March.  As the time for the banquet approached, the girls started arriving outside the large conference room serving as the banquet venue dressed in beautiful gowns including period attire.  Professional photos were taken of all the state contingents as well as individuals and family groups.  The doors opened and everyone found a seat to watch the opening ceremony as all the children serving as flag bearers and all the officers entered to great pomp and circumstance.  The CofC chaplain provided an invocation which was followed by introductions of special guests including UDC officers in attendance. Additional reports from officers were presented as well as from state/division officers.  The outgoing President gave a touching final address sharing how much membership and serving in the CofC has meant to her and how personally important to her was her project challenging all to read "Christ in the Camp".  The incoming President then addressed the gathering explaining how he has grown up in the CofC and introducing his project for the organization.  The delicious banquet included roast pork loin, mashed potatoes, cream spinach and cheesecake.  The Grand March where the sitting and incoming officers entered in a processional with their escorts was an impressive ceremony where they all eventually joined hands in a circle moving about the dance floor.  The convention concluded but the entertainment was just starting.  A wonderful band with a bass, fiddle, banjo and guitars played live music and most everyone joined in the dancing of the Virginia Reel including Commander Waldo and his daughter who learned the dance thru the instruction and calling and thoroughly enjoyed their first dance together.  It was a busy fun-filled day at the CofC convention and friends from across the Southland were made by the kids and the adults.  

Friday, July 19, 2024

Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 Prattville Dragoons Cemetery Maintenance

Members of the Prattville Dragoons of SCV Camp 1524 held another cemetery maintenance workday on Saturday July 13th at Robinson Springs Cemetery.  The Dragoons mow and tend this cemetery as part of the SCV Guardian program caring for the final resting place of Confederate veterans.  This cemetery also has other combat veterans including those from World War II interred there.   Camp Commander Harold Grooms mowed the large swaths of the cemetery lawn with his riding lawn mower on Wednesday prior so the men who showed up on Saturday just had to mow closer around the graves, trim and leaf blow.  Camp Quartermaster Bill Myrick, Brigade Commander Stuart Waldo, and compatriots Thomas Griffith and Rob Schwartz arrived before 7am on Saturday morning to beat the heat and completed the cleanup by 8:30.  Another example of the community service activities of the SCV heritage group. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Prattville Dragoons Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 Meeting for July 2024 - AL Div Commander Douglas Barrett

A great crowd of thirty Dragoons of SCV Camp 1524 and friends gathered for the monthly meeting on Thursday evening July 11th at the Prattville Masonic Lodge.  Commander Grooms welcomed everyone and then Chaplain Brantley gave an Invocation from the SCV Chaplain's Handbook.  Color Sgt Dennis led everyone in the pledges and salutes to the US, Alabama and Confederate Battle flags.  Stuart McKnight was recognized for completing a Division Life Member(ship) and was presented with a certificate for that.  New member Michael Dean Bargainear was then sworn in which was met with a round of applause.  Harold then provided some reminders of SCV membership renewals and Dixie butt fundraiser upcoming as well as the Gen. N. B. Forrest Birthday Celebration at Pat Godwin's Ft. Dixie on Saturday July 27th.  2nd Lt Karl Wade informed everyone that the registration for the Autauga County Fair in October had been submitted.  Another cemetery maintenance workday at Robinson Springs cemetery was also announced.  

Newly elected Alabama Division SCV Commander Douglas Barrett was the guest speaker.  He related that he spent many years working at the camp level but took on leadership roles starting about six years ago including SEC Brigade Commander for the past four years.  During these past few years, Doug made it a point to travel around the Division and learn about the camps of the Division, that all are unique and different in their approaches to fulfilling the Charge.  Doug said the goal of his administration will be to make the camps and in turn the Division stronger.  It has long been said that growing the SCV begins at the camp level but that actions at the Division and National levels doesn't always seem to further that.  Doug wants to move controllership of some Division funds directly to the Brigades and the camps in them so that initiatives can more easily and quickly be facilitated.  He will depend on the Brigade Commanders to know the heartbeats of the camps and be able to communicate needs and wants of the camps in the Brigade to further the Charge thru projects like advertisements, cemetery maintenance, flags for setting, festival entries, all to grow the Division. He encouraged everyone who has an idea along these lines to contact him or their Brigade Commander to share.  Doug further said while the Division is financially healthy, that with inflation of postal costs for instance, there is pressure to raise annual dues and this will be a topic of conversation in the coming DEC meetings; the National SCV similarly has discussed dues increases and at the upcoming National Convention that will be a topic there. It was a refreshingly revealing discussion about the direction of the SCV and the Alabama Division and everyone had an enjoyable evening of fellowship with compatriots. 

Monday, July 15, 2024

Prattville Dragoons SCV Camp 1524 Chaplain's Column for July 2024 - Faith the Size of a Mustard Seed Can Overcome Fear


"For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self- control." 2 Timothy 1:7 (ESV).


  When the Bible tells us, "Do not fear," it means we are not to allow anxiety or fretfulness to rule our lives or take root in our hearts.

We are not to be a people of panic. We are to be a people of faith. The Bible teaches us that fear is from the enemy, not from God. God wants us to trust Him and not be afraid of worldly things. The Bible contains many verses that tell us to rely on God's presence and power. We can find many of them in verses such as Isaiah 41:10, Psalm 23:4, and Phillipians 4:6-7, just to name a few. While it is not true that the term "Do not fear" is in the Bible 365 times, it is mentioned at least 150 times, so it is very important to be mentioned that many times.

  Travelling back and forth to take care of my ailing mom in Georgia has lent more insight to this. Last week, I took her to tour an assisted living facility in the Atlanta area in which she may end up staying. You could tell she was nervous and afraid. She has lived in the house I grew up in for 48 years. She is now being asked to surrender her familiar surroundings and start a new chapter in her life. None of us like being taken out of our "comfort zone," especially after almost a half- century. All the memories are in that house, for her and for me. As we drove over for the tour I told her it would be okay. She looked at me and told me "I just have to trust God." I marvelled at her ability to simply "hand" it up to God as part of His will "He's in charge," she reminded me. I have to admit that I was ashamed that my faith would probably not be that strong in that circumstance. I told her that and she reminded me that all that you need is the "faith of a mustard seed."

   Jesus tells us about that faith in Matthew 13:32. "'Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch on them (NIV)." Meaning? While our faith at times may seem small, especially compared to others, that small faith may be where others can come and stand on it as well. In some translations Jesus tells us that that small faith can literally move mountains. Not only can it sustain us but it can inspire others as well. My Mom's faith is such an inspiration to me. Of course she is still nervous about the future. She naturally is afraid of the medical issues that she is dealing with. My sister and I are as well. But the faith that God is on the throne (!) and that He has a plan sustains us through these trials and tribulations.

  I am not going to lie and tell you this is easy. We are not promised an easy life as believers. If we were, everybody would be a believer. But we are promised that we have a God who will be with us even (especially) during the times we feel like we are alone. All that we have to do is trust in Him and have "faith the size of a mustard seed" and He will see us through.

To God be the glory!


Saturday, July 13, 2024

Prattville Dragoons SCV Camp 1524 Commander's Column for July 2024 - Continued Camp Activities

As I write, I’m basking in the afterglow of the Dragoon’s participation in Prattville’s 4th of July parade.  Southern patriots, many in period dress, braved the heat to show our colors.  A big Rebel Yell to all who participated.

I’m also excited about the direction our camp is heading.  New members joining almost every meeting now!  I couldn’t be more excited.  Let’s keep the momentum up by inviting like minded patriots to every meeting.  My goal is to outgrow the Lodge and be forced to move to a much larger venue.

A few business items:

The Butt sale is rapidly approaching.  This is our only fundraiser.  We need every Dragoon to buy at least one and sell one as well.

I am also happy to announce the Commander of the Alabama Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, Doug Barrett, will be the featured speaker at our next camp meeting, July 11!  I have requested him to share his vision for the future and tell us how we can assist in achieving his goals.  Please make every effort to attend this meeting so we can show Division we are quite possibly the best camp in the state.


Deo Vindice! 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Upcoming Events for Confederate Compatriots from Prattville Dragoons Camp Dispatch

Upcoming Events for Confederate Compatriots


Battle of Gettysburg Reenactment - July 6-7th, Gettysburg PA


Prattville Dragoons Camp 1524 Meeting – July 11th, 6pm social, 6:45pm meeting at the Prattville Masonic Lodge


SCV National Reunion – July 17-20th at the Embassy Suites, North Charleston SC


CofC National Reunion – July 17-20th at the Airport Hilton, Knoxville TN


Forrest Birthday and Celebration of Butch Godwin – July 27th at 3pm at Ft. Dixie


Raid on Little General’s Farm – Sept 20-22, Gallant, AL


Battle for the Armory – Nov 9-10, Tallassee, AL

Friday, July 5, 2024

Prattville Dragoons of SCV Cap 1524 Celebrate Independence Day at Prattville Parade

Members of the Prattville Dragoons, Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 along with family and friends celebrated Independence Day with an entry in the Prattville parade the morning of July 4th.  SWC Brigade Commander Waldo and his family along with two young ladies from the Children of the Confederacy participated along with Camp 1524 Quartermaster Bill Myrick and his wife Peggy and compatriots Rob Schwartz, Scott Roberson and Stuart Knight, and Larry McGowan who rode his Harley along with two additional members of the SCV Mechanized Cavalry including Chaplain "Chop Chop" Atkins. Bill drove his truck across which the camp banner for Independence Day was displayed along with the Alabama Secession Flag and Prattville Dragoons swallowtail First National flags off the back bumper.  It was a warm morning and Commander Waldo's daughter who donned a red and white period gown were feeling the warm sunshine as the parade made it's way along a loop in downtown Prattville starting and finishing at the courthouse.  Thousands of spectators lined the route down 4th Street, Northington, Main and Court Streets and candy was tossed to all the children and waves and greeting for a Happy Independence Day were shouted.  It was a great way to kick off the Independence Day holiday with our Prattville neighbors showing the local Sons of Confederate Veterans camp colors.  

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Members of the Prattville Dragoons SCV Camp 1524 Attend Monument Dedication at Tallassee Camp 1921

Four members of the Dragoons of Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 attended the monument dedication at the Tallassee Armory Guards headquarters in downtown Tallassee on Saturday June 29th.  1st Lt Tyler Suttle, Quartermaster Bill Myrick and compatriots Tyrone Crowley  and Larry McGowan who rode with the Mechanized Cavalry attended this great event.  Statues of  General Robert E. Lee and General Nathan Bedford Forrest atop large monument bases were unveiled.  These are the latest statues erected by the Armory Guards at their meeting place in Tallassee as they have created a wonderful commemorative monument site there.  A wonderful treasure to honor these Confederate heroes by the Sons of Confederate Veterans in Tallassee.