Friday, July 5, 2024

Prattville Dragoons of SCV Cap 1524 Celebrate Independence Day at Prattville Parade

Members of the Prattville Dragoons, Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 along with family and friends celebrated Independence Day with an entry in the Prattville parade the morning of July 4th.  SWC Brigade Commander Waldo and his family along with two young ladies from the Children of the Confederacy participated along with Camp 1524 Quartermaster Bill Myrick and his wife Peggy and compatriots Rob Schwartz, Scott Roberson and Stuart Knight, and Larry McGowan who rode his Harley along with two additional members of the SCV Mechanized Cavalry including Chaplain "Chop Chop" Atkins. Bill drove his truck across which the camp banner for Independence Day was displayed along with the Alabama Secession Flag and Prattville Dragoons swallowtail First National flags off the back bumper.  It was a warm morning and Commander Waldo's daughter who donned a red and white period gown were feeling the warm sunshine as the parade made it's way along a loop in downtown Prattville starting and finishing at the courthouse.  Thousands of spectators lined the route down 4th Street, Northington, Main and Court Streets and candy was tossed to all the children and waves and greeting for a Happy Independence Day were shouted.  It was a great way to kick off the Independence Day holiday with our Prattville neighbors showing the local Sons of Confederate Veterans camp colors.  

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