Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Members of the Prattville Dragoons SCV Camp 1524 Attend Monument Dedication at Tallassee Camp 1921

Four members of the Dragoons of Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 attended the monument dedication at the Tallassee Armory Guards headquarters in downtown Tallassee on Saturday June 29th.  1st Lt Tyler Suttle, Quartermaster Bill Myrick and compatriots Tyrone Crowley  and Larry McGowan who rode with the Mechanized Cavalry attended this great event.  Statues of  General Robert E. Lee and General Nathan Bedford Forrest atop large monument bases were unveiled.  These are the latest statues erected by the Armory Guards at their meeting place in Tallassee as they have created a wonderful commemorative monument site there.  A wonderful treasure to honor these Confederate heroes by the Sons of Confederate Veterans in Tallassee.  

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