Saturday, July 13, 2024

Prattville Dragoons SCV Camp 1524 Commander's Column for July 2024 - Continued Camp Activities

As I write, I’m basking in the afterglow of the Dragoon’s participation in Prattville’s 4th of July parade.  Southern patriots, many in period dress, braved the heat to show our colors.  A big Rebel Yell to all who participated.

I’m also excited about the direction our camp is heading.  New members joining almost every meeting now!  I couldn’t be more excited.  Let’s keep the momentum up by inviting like minded patriots to every meeting.  My goal is to outgrow the Lodge and be forced to move to a much larger venue.

A few business items:

The Butt sale is rapidly approaching.  This is our only fundraiser.  We need every Dragoon to buy at least one and sell one as well.

I am also happy to announce the Commander of the Alabama Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, Doug Barrett, will be the featured speaker at our next camp meeting, July 11!  I have requested him to share his vision for the future and tell us how we can assist in achieving his goals.  Please make every effort to attend this meeting so we can show Division we are quite possibly the best camp in the state.


Deo Vindice! 

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