Monday, August 26, 2024

Prattville Dragoons Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 Dixie Butt Fundraiser

The annual Dixie butt fundraiser of the SCV Camp 1524 Dragoons was a big success raising money for the camp treasury to continue the initiatives the camp does throughout the year including cemetery maintenance, festival and parade participation, donations to local food banks, placement of flags on Confederate gravesites, and other community service activities.  Over 100 butts were sold which were cooked by Smokin S of Wetumpka, always delicious and much requested.  The pickup and distribution of the butts was on Saturday August 10th in back of the Chevron on Memorial in Prattville.  Quartermaster Myrick picked up the boxes of butts from Smokin S on his way into town, some hot and some cold.  He also brought the canopy to provide shade although in the early morning hours from 8-10am, the shadow off the old bank building there served to shade everyone.  Color Sgt John Dennis served as the coordinator for the fundraiser recording all the butt tickets handed out to the membership to buy one and sell one, and recording the sales and the pickups on this Saturday - a big job he performs awesomely.  In addition to these officers of the camp, Brigade Commander Waldo helped with the distribution as did Treasurer Leverette, Adjutant Sutherland and compatriots Philip Edwards and Darrell Haywood.  A number of camp members came by to pick up the butts they ordered and fellowship for a while including compatriots Skip Ward, Larry Spears, Don Owens (from Auburn), Tyrone Crowley and others. Friends and neighbors who also purchased butts were thanked for their contributions.  A very good fundraiser for Camp 1524.

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