Thursday, August 8, 2024

SCV Camp 1524 Commander's Column – Camp 1524 Activities and Initiatives

As I couldn’t be happier about the direction of our camp!  There are so many good things happening both in the Confederate community and inside our camp. 

Those of you who missed General Forrest’s Birthday party at Ft. Dixie i.e. Pat Godwin’s home on the 27th are truly the losers.  The speakers, the music, the FOOD, but most of all, the comradery of good Confederates assembling to enjoy the pleasure of each other’s company all combined to make it a most enjoyable event.  Sadly, there was a notable absence.  Butch Godwin as we know had already joined Lee, Stonewall, and all the others earlier.  Never-the-less, the indomitable Pat resolved to carry on.  Thank you and God-Bless you, Pat.

Other notable happenings: As I was travelling down Highway 14, I saw Rob Schwartz and Bill Myrick finishing up Robinson Springs Cemetery with their push mowers and weed eaters.  New Compatriot Hubert Champion had already cut the large areas.  The place looked GREAT!  My compliments to all three Dragoons for both their initiative and their work!  Word to the wise:  We need to be just as diligent about maintaining Indian Hill as well.  It is well to remember the renovation of the cemetery led by late compatriot Benny Harris.  He personally supervised the repairing of the headstone of Lt. A.Y. Smith and many others.  History records Lt. Smith received the Dragoon colors that were hand-stitched by the women and girls of Autauga County in, “appropriate and elegant terms,” as the unit rode off to war.  In more recent times master brick-mason Don Hall completely repaired the brick enclosure housing Lt. Smith’s grave and others as well.  Both Indian Hill and Robinson Springs have the sign, “Prattville Dragoons Camp 1524 Guardian Program” signs out front.  We need to redouble our efforts to keep both cemeteries looking sharp!

Finally, our speaker for the next meeting will be John C. Barnes who served with 5th Special Forces.  He will be speaking on the Battle of Monroe’s Crossroads.  A warrior of his caliber is sure to give a most interesting presentation.

Until we meet again, Deo Vindice!

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