Friday, August 30, 2024

SCV AL Division Southwest Central Brigade Commander Visits Camp 764 in Marion

Alabama Division SWC Brigade Commander Waldo and Camp 1524 Quartermaster and past-Brigade Commander Bill Myrick visited Marion for the Gen. Isham Garrott SCV Camp 764 meeting on Sunday July 28th in Marion.  Camp 764 Commander Gary Johnson's home served as the meeting place.  It is an amazing high ceiling historic home where Gen. Forrest actually resided following the War for Southern Independence when he worked for the railroad.  The foyer and parlor have some wonderful artifacts and prints of Forrest and WBTS battle scenes.  Gary also has an extensive library of books on the War in shelves which stand from floor to ceiling requiring a ladder to reach them all.  Beautiful decor for an SCV meeting.  Commander Johnson's wife prepared some delicious refreshments including chips and fruit with dips and beverages to enjoy before and during the meeting.  Commander Waldo took the opportunity to introduce himself having recently started his role as Brigade Commander and to announce Division Commander Barrett's idea to provide funds more easily and directly to the camps thru the Brigade Commander's for camp initiatives, small projects and needs/wants.  Camp 1524 member Col. Altieri was the guest speaker for this meeting and he did his usual outstanding job with the presentation including overheads.  He introduced his new book "A Guest of Mr. Lincoln" which told the story of the service of Confederate Sgt Joseph Wheeless of North Carolina which included action in the battles at Dam No. 1 and Malvern Hill in Virginia before he was wounded.  After recuperation, he served as an ambulance driver during later battles including Gettysburg and the Wilderness Campaign.  Altieri had made presentations on the Battle of Dam No 1 and the ambulance corps previously for Camp 1524.  It was a very enjoyable afternoon driving over to Marion, home of the Marion Military Institute, with Bill and meeting the officers and some of the members of Camp 764 and hearing this latest presentation from Col. Altieri.  

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