Sunday, August 6, 2017

Prattville Dragoons SCV Camp 1524 Chaplain's Column for August 2017

     When we look In the Bible in Psalms 55: 1-23, David was overwhelmed with the weight of external pressures and internal anguish. We can learn from David how to handle burdens that come our way. Burdens can come in many emotional, spiritual, and physical forms. They all feel heavy and cause weariness. Every one of us can identify with David’s desire to run away and be at rest.
     Some of the loads we carry are not part of God’s plan for us. Some are in the form of guilt that lingers while we try to function which brings on worry about the future. Then we become bitter because we believe life has not been fair. These burdens aren’t from the Lord, and He won’t help you carry what He has told you to release.
     Other burdens, however, are entrusted to us by God. He gives us responsibilities, which can weigh us down, and He sometimes allows relational difficulties that tear at our heart. And when such problems and trials persist, they can drain us of our vitality and the result can be overwhelming. In every circumstance in life God lovingly looks over them before it reaches us. From His perspective, those things that are too heavy for us are opportunities for dependence upon Him. God never intends for any of His children to carry a burden without His help. He tells us to give it to Him and promises to sustain us.
     Casting your cares upon God means releasing them fully into His control. We will no longer be free to manage the situations toward our personal desired outcome, but the freedom Christ offers will release us from the burdensome weigh on us. Remember that God’s peace will sustain us as we trust Him.
     Let’s remember all of those that are on a prayer list. 

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