Thursday, November 9, 2017

Prattville Dragoons Commander's Column for November 2017

From the SCV Camp 1524 Dispatch newsletter.

Commander's Column: PC Attacks are an Attack on Constitutional and Biblical Principles

There has been continuing insanity across the nation directed at our Confederate heritage and now that of our founding fathers and even our basic Judeo-Christian foundation principles.  The attacks on Confederate history was never about a glorification of slavery although those instigators played that card as a bait and switch.  This has been an orchestrated attack on our nation’s very founding principles.  Confederate heroes were the easiest target but the underlying Confederate Cause which espoused the pure founding principles of liberty and a limited federal government was the real bullseye.  Now “leaders at the church where George Washington attended decided that a plaque honoring the first President of the United States must be removed” saying the pew memorials to him and Robert E. Lee who attended the church since childhood are not acceptable to all worshippers.  “The plaques in our sanctuary make some of our presence feel unsafe or unwelcome” leaders said” (  The founding fathers and our very Constitution is under assault.  The Democratic National Convention head Tom Perez in an attempt to undermine the legitimacy of the current administration and energize his ignorant constituency recently falsely stated “the Electoral College is not a creation of the Constitution” (although it is clearly laid out in Article II of the Constitution) maintaining Trump “didn’t win” last November (
Any argument presented as an attempt to refute these PC positions is derided as racist.  In the Virginia gubernatorial race, CNN contributor (and former Hillary Clinton spokesman) Brian Fallon blatantly labeled GOP candidate Ed Gillespie as a white supremacist trying to capitalize on the tragic death of the Antifa counter-protestor in Charlottesville by trying to tie Gillespie to the white nationalist rally using a Twitter image and linking Gillespie to Trump both of whom have asserted their desire to preserve and protect the Confederate monuments there, Trump saying, “Gillespie will turn the really bad Virginia economy around and might even save our great statues/heritage (as 62 percent of Americans similarly believe Confederate statues should remain intact)”.  Fallon’s libel apparently backfiring as the Richmond Times endorsed Gillespie.  (, The latest Democrat ad campaign in the race portrays “supporters of Virginia’s Republican gubernatorial candidate Ed Gillespie as Confederates who attack minority children” showing Latino children being chased by a pickup truck bedecked with a Confederate flag labeling that as Gillespie and Trump’s “American dream”. ( 
And the divisive total attack on our Constitution, our heritage, our values is permeating throughout our university campuses.  In an article entitled “Vandalism: It Ain’t Just Confederate Memorials they Hate”, “The Church Militant reports the Northern Kentucky Students for Life set up a pro-life cross display Sunday afternoon and by Sunday night, vandals already had destroyed it.” (  University of Illinois math education professor Rochelle Gutierrez laid it out in her article “Building Support for Scholarly Practices in Mathematics Methods” that “on many levels, mathematics itself operates as whiteness. Who gets credit for doing and developing mathematics, who is capable in mathematics is generally viewed as white.” Further she says mathematics operates with unearned privilege in society, “Just like whiteness.”  She asks, “are we really that smart just because we do mathematics? (When I read that quote to my nine year old daughter, she exclaimed, “Yes!”) If one is not viewed as mathematical, there will always be a sense of inferiority that can be summoned.  (There are those) who have experienced microaggressions from participating in math classrooms.”  Her views and statements were endorsed and defended by the University Provost John Wilkin. (  City University of New York sociology professor Jessie Daniels attacked our very Biblical nuclear family structure as white supremacist.  The “expert on “the Internet manifestations of racism” (said) “the white-nuclear family is one of the most powerful forces supporting white supremacy,” adding that families “reproducing white children” are “part of the problem” as they facilitate white supremacy in the country.  (She) suggested that “white people” should confront their racism and stop perpetuating inequality when they (bequeath) their homes to their children saying, “White people: do you own your home? When you die, where's wealth in that house going? If it's to your children, you're reproducing (inequality).” (
Timeless truths and principles such as our nation’s Constitution, Biblical principles protecting the sanctity of life and family, even absolute color blind objective principles of mathematics are not exempt from the insanity of the relativist attacks by the alt-left wackos.  Well, that couldn’t happen in Prattville Alabama.  Well, we just received the latest revised rules for our own Prattville Christmas parade.  No flags permitted except the United States flag (presumably prohibiting even our Alabama state flag not to mention our historical Confederate flags).  No hand-outs except candy and “Christmas themed trinkets” disallowing our SCV coins and mini-Battle flags.  No reenactment weapons.  No playing of “Dixie” (or any non-Christmas themed music).  If our Prattville government Parks and Recreation Department was not intentionally discriminating against our entry in instituting these parade prohibitions, they incidentally did a fantastic job of restricting our popular promotional initiatives.  And that is what is so confounding and irking - our Prattville government leaders and those in Charlottesville and Washington DC and at the Southern Baptist Convention and other Protestant church bodies are all ignoring the will of the people and the majority and are pandering to a vocal militant PC minority who seek to destroy our nation’s fabric and underpinnings to minimize our nation’s greatness and distort her history in an effort to promote a new socialist world order.  Yeah, let’s prohibit those problematic SCV coins and mini-Battle flags, that’s the answer.  

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