Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Prattville Dragoons SCV Camp 1524 Commander's Column for November 2018

Commander's Column – Control the Narrative

New Commander in Chief Paul Gramling wrote in his column in the recent edition of the Confederate Veteran magazine that his “main goal for the SCV (is for) us to “Control the Narrative”. We as a Southern Heritage organization have been reactionary. (He) is working on a long-term plan – the Southern Victory Campaign - with Donnie Kennedy, co-author of “The South Was Right” as (his) chief of heritage operations win which we, the purveyors of truth, will “Control the Narrative”. Newly elected LT CiC Larry Allen McCluney Jr. goes further, “(Those who attack our flag, our monuments and our heritage) have money, the liberal media and, liberal politicians to back them. What they don’t have is the truth. We have the power to defeat our enemies with the truth and now we most go one the offensive and control the narrative.” Donnie Kennedy in his first column in the Confederate Veteran revealed “the establishment of a South-wide educational public relations campaign to arouse the 70 percent passive supporters of Southern heritage and turn them into active supporters to join us and demand their public officials give fair, balanced and, equal treatment to Southern Heritage. The first step is the establishment of the Confederate Legion which will fund a real Confederate counter-offensive. The CL will fund positive pro-South ads to run via Radio Free Dixie, the centerpiece of the PR effort, secondly we will identify friendly media outlets and work with them to promote the Cause and thirdly, upgrade and network our existing social media outlets from the national to the camp level. We will need 1000 people in each Army to sign up to the CL by donating $50 a year which will be used to buy pro-South ads on country and talk radio stations across the Confederation. Imagine the impact such pro-south information will have on the general public. The goal is to have three to five thousand CL members in each army – at that time, the SCV will become a common household name across the South!”

CiC Grambling provided a statement from the SCV which was printed in the Alabama Confederate condemning the toppling of the Silent Sam monument on the UNC Chapel Hill campus but added, “Those who wish to eradicate everything Southern could care less about what we think.” New Chaplain-in-Chief Dr. W. Herman White continues, “The radicals of our day are socialist/secular trash. They have been brainwashed in the government indoctrination centers called schools. Their war is ultimately against God the Father and the Son of God. There are those who question why we should continue to fight in the face of such overwhelming odds. Because it is the right thing to do. General Robert E. Leee wrote to his son, “Do your duty in all things, you cannot do more, you should never wish to do less.” General Stonewall Jackson advised, “That duty is ours, results belong to God.”” The Alabama Confederate reviewed a book on General J.E.B. Stuart recounting how he “sometimes went into battle with a brigade of 700 men when the average Confederate brigade was 1500 to 2000 men, (that his final) year (in the War before his death) was truly a year of desperate struggle.” Division Commander Carl Jones in his column said, “The enemies that we see attacking our monuments around the country are numerous, they are organized, well-funded and they are motivated. We outnumber them vastly in, not only membership, but public support. We have a mission as stated in the Charge, to vindicate the Cause for which our ancestors contended. We are in a war for the survival of our culture. For the heart of America.”

Carl has driven down directives indicating his belief that regular meetings at the camp, Brigade and Division level are critical to forming a cohesive bond to strengthen our organization. Our camp has done a wonderful job participating in Brigade and Division and other local camp events. It is important that we continue to lead as a camp with attendance at our functions and to host worthwhile community outreach events which encourage our members and influence our neighbors. Donnie Kennedy mentioned in his column the concept of highlighting special events like the Confederate “Great Revival” around Easter, America’s Secession Holiday in July and, America’s First Thanksgiving. As a camp we are expanding our billboard ads to include Thanksgiving and along these lines, a special ad will be designed to highlight this as a truly Southern original tradition. We will be running an ad for National Police Week in May and I want the camp to demonstrate our appreciation for our local law enforcement service professionals with pizzas delivered to the city police and county sheriff’s offices. We are in the middle of a new fundraising effort to provide funds for our initiatives and a potential war chest. As a camp we are embracing the power of social media with a website blog, Facebook and Twitter accounts; we have over 500 followers on Twitter and Facebook and have over 97000 pageviews on our website all time, 135 pageviews in just the last two days. These results take dedication and persistence but we need to grow to thousands
of followers and hits each day to be the influencers envisioned to control the narrative. In addition to more opportunities to participate in camp and Brigade activities, the Army of Tennessee is hosting a workshop in Birmingham on January 12th which includes topics pertaining to camp growth and fundraising but also more information on the Southern Victory Campaign presented by Donnie Kennedy. The officers appreciate your dedication to the camp, the SCV, and the Cause and your continued support in these new initiatives like the Confederate Legion and the new museum at Elm Springs. Our sacrifices pale in comparison to those our Confederate ancestors endured but they are nonetheless important in stemming the tide of progressivism threatening our culture. As Stonewall concluded, Deo Vindice!

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