Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Prattville Dragoons Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 Meeting for February 2023 - Presentation on the SCV Charge and Nullifying the North's Righteous Cause History Revisionist Myth

Twenty two members and guests of SCV Camp 1524 met on Thursday evening February 9th for their monthly meeting.  1st Lt Cmdr Rob Schwartz played his guitar and sang a number of songs during the social time before the meeting as beverages and snacks were also made available for those who arrived early.  Rob also started the meeting with a Benediction followed by the pledges and salutes to the flags led by Color Sgt John Dennis.  Commander Stuart Waldo then recited the SCV Charge which was appropriate as that was the subject of the guest speaker for the evening, SCV Alabama Division Lt Cmdr John Land of the Montgomery Semple Camp.  But before John's presentation, three new members were sworn in, Larry McGowan (who rides with the Alabama Division Mechanized Cavalry), Todd Rogers who has already helped the camp at the Prattville Christmas parade and the Millbrook Mardi Gras festival recently and, Doug Smith who has helped numerous times at cemetery maintenance cleanup events having joined some time previously.  Upcoming events including a number of reenactments and the Confederate Battle flag setting for April as Confederate History and Heritage month were highlighted.  

John began his presentation on the SCV Charge by stressing that we should not take reciting it for ranted without thinking about the meaning.  We say the Pledge of Allegiance without knowing the history.  The Pledge was written in August 1892 by socialist Baptist minister Francis Bellamy.  It was written largely to indoctrinate the youth of the country to pledge allegiance to the country as a single indivisible republic which contradicts the right of secession for which our country's founding fathers and our Confederate ancestors fought.  Prior to World War II it was recited accompanied with a salute with the right arm extended outward much the same as the Nazi salute in Hitler's Germany.  

The SCV is an organization for male descendants of Confederate veterans and as men we are implored by the Charge to defend our families, our home, our country and out culture.  It is a responsibility which should be taken very seriously.  The Charge states we are to vindicate the Confederate veterans' cause, to provide evidence that they were blameless in their pursuit of Southern independence and not guilty of any treasonous act by law or circumstance.  The Cause is the reason behind the action.  If a person is accused, their name is dishonored.  If they are vindicated, their honor is restored.  The false revisionist history being spread by the woke progressives contain false accusations against our Confederate ancestors honorable fight for independence.  History must be accurate and complete or it loses all credibility.  

We are to "emulate (their) virtues" which included courage, discipline, faithfulness, honor, courtesy, industriousness, perseverance, self-reliance and truthfulness.  We are to "perpetuate those principles (they) loved".  They were fighting for a faithfulness to the Constitution, sovereignty of the states, and limited self-government.  The "ideals which made (them) glorious" for which they struggled mightily in the War Between the States include liberty, self-rule and independence.   We fulfill the Charge by protecting historical monuments, erecting flags, cleaning cemeteries, all to provide evidence that their fight was honorable and they innocent.  

Modern academic historians provide lies of a righteous cause myth that the morally superior North fought singularly to end slavery. Here are ten pieces of evidence which refute such revisionist history and claims: 1) no national political party ever campaigned on a platform to end slavery including that of Lincoln in 1860 (which did exclusively posture to restrict slavery from the western territories which would have tilted the balance of power permanently from the Southern Democrat party of they were to achieve statehood as such), 2) Lincoln said in his first inaugural address, " I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists.  I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so", 3) The Corwin Amendment was proposed by Ohio Rep. Thomas Corwin and was approved by Congress and actually ratified by five Northern states before the eleven Southern states seceded before it could be completely ratified and adopted.  It would have been the 13th Amendment to the Constitution and would have prevented Congress from forever interfering with slavery in any state, 4) two Union Generals Fremont and Hunter issued orders for the areas of occupation freeing slaves there and Lincoln himself rescinded those orders issuing a revocation ten days following Hunter's order on May 19th, 1862, 5) the Crittenden- Johnson Resolution of July 25, 1861 laid out the reasons for the Union prosecution of the War and contained no mention of slavery whatsoever, 6) Lincoln's letter to Horace Greeley, abolitionist and editor of the New York Daily Tribune specifically disclaimed any abolitionist cause, "My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union and is not either to save or destroy slavery.  If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it", 7) the Emancipation Proclamation issued just 30 days after penning his letter to Greeley only applied to Southern states over which he had no control (but wished to thru military effort) and not to any of the slaves being held in Union occupied territory or any of the Northern slave states including Delaware, West Virginia*, Kentucky, Missouri or New Jersey, 8) West Virginia* was admitted into the United States as a slave state on June 20, 1863 soon after the Emancipation Proclamation, 9) during the Hampton Roads Conference terms of a peace settlement were negotiated which included the Southern states reentering the Union in order to defeat the proposed (new) 13th Amendment which was to abolish slavery and 10) slavery continued in Northern states until 9 months following the War, until the ratification of the 13th Amendment which should nullify any Juneteenth preposterousness as New Jersey held on to slaves til January 23, 1866 (https://nj.gov/state/historical/his-2021-juneteenth.shtml).  

Sunday, February 12, 2023

SCV Camp 1524 Prattville Dragoons' Chaplain's Column for February 2023 - Pray Without Ceasing

 “Pray without ceasing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:17 (KJV)


Often in conversation I am told, “I wish I knew how to pray.” Or I am asked, “How do (or should) I pray?” Sometimes people tell me that they are afraid to pray for fear of angering God. First off, God loves you and knows your heart. He doesn’t want a religion; He wants a relationship with you. In prayer, you are talking to God. If you are in prayer and worship with God, he will not be angry with you.

Unfortunately, we tend to spend little or no time in prayer. A quick prayer before meals and before we got to bed, and we are done. But God wants more than that. He wants you to talk to Him and worship Him. He is a jealous God and wants us to spend more time with Him. He loves you. Sadly, we rarely pray out loud, especially in the company of others. When we do, it tends to be to when we are in dire straits and need his help. Chris Hodges, Pastor of Church of the Highlands recently wrote a book entitled, “Pray First.” The basic premise is “what if we went to God in prayer as a first response rather than a last resort?”      

Even more radically, what if, when we are in prayer, we first thank God for the blessings that He has already bestowed upon us? Let’s be honest, when we do pray, we are usually asking for help or for something with the occasional “hey, thanks” thrown in. What if we reversed the order? Trust me, it changes your prayer life. When you begin with gratitude rather than attitude, it makes you realize how much you already have. Additionally, you should know that everyday millions of people around the world are praying for what you already have!

One other objection I get is that we don’t have time. How about fifteen minutes a day? You can even do it in the car going to work or running errands if you need to. But try to make it the first fifteen minutes of your day if you can. They break down thusly:

-5 minutes in the Word. If you are on the go, use your Bible app on your phone. If you are at home, grab that Bible and dive in. God is the Word, made flesh by Jesus Christ. If you don’t know where to start use a devotional or “The One Year Bible.”

-5 minutes in Worship. It can be a favorite Hymn or worship song. Singing and praise are signs to God that you are praising and in Worship with Him. If you are in the car, pop in a CD or stream and get loud. Be like the chorus of angels in praise! 

-5 Minutes in Prayer. The Lord knows what is in your heart, but God wants you to talk to him. Again, if you don’t know what to pray for or say, give thanks for your blessings. Thank Him for another day. It’s a gift. Oh, and don’t close your eyes if you are driving!

   These are just suggestions. There are numerous resources online and your local Church. Which you should be attending in person each Sunday or as often as possible. Thanks to COVID, many Christians have gotten comfortable watching at home online or on the television. It is important to pray privately daily and continuously, but it is equally important to pray together as a body of worshippers. Let me tell you, Satan hates this! He wants us to be alone, where it is easier to divide and conquer us. He also hates for you to be in conversation with God. He will do everything in his power to distract and then destroy you! But the evil one knows he is going to lose eventually “…because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world” (1 John 4:4).


Speaking of prayer, please remember the Camp Prayer List.

Friday, February 10, 2023

SCV Camp 1524 Dragoons in the Millbrook Mardi Gras Festival and Parade

Members and friends of the Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 participated in the Millbrook Revelers' Mardi Gras Parade and Festival on Saturday February 4th.  Commander Waldo, 2nd Lt Karl Wade, Quartermaster Bill Myrick and new Camp 1524 member Todd Rogers helped set up the camp's booth at the Millbrook Village Green park for the Mardi Gras festival.  Thousands of festival attendees and parade spectators streamed past the booth and the men handed out free mini-Battle flags, SCV coins and educational posters and sold flags, car tags, coffee mugs, ballcaps and all sorts of Confederate merchandise from the camp stores.  Karl manned the booth throughout the day and was joined by 1st Lt Rob Schwartz, Brigade Commander Harold Grooms and others.  It was a cold start that morning warmed up by some coffee and hot chocolate Bill and Karl brought to share but it turned into a beautiful crisp sunny day and an enjoyable opportunity to meet and greet our neighbors and friends in the community.  At noon, what is billed as the largest Mardi Gras parade north of Mobile rolled from the Mill Creek Park down Millbrook's Main Street past the Village Green festival.  Sean Dietrich, writer Sean of the South was the parade Grand Marshal and other local personalities included Greg Budell of 93.1 Montgomery talk radio (who Commander Waldo greeted at the parade start in Mill Creek Park).  The Dragoons placed an entry in the parade including Mike Thomas' truck carrying the camp Mardi Gras banner with Thomas Griffith riding along, Commander Waldo's Mardi Gras appropriate purple Charger with 1st Lt Rob Schwartz riding along, members of the SCV Mechanized Cavalry led by Alabama Chaplain Mike Atkins, Dragoon's Comms Officer Doug Butler driving his golf cart adorned with festive Mardi Gras tinsel, former Dragoon Don Owen's donning a colorful Mardi Gras hat driving his Ford Bronco and Quartermaster Myrick walking the entire parade route handing out more mini-Battle flags, SCV coins and lots of candy.  The spectators lined the entire parade route down Main Street and were four and five deep around the Village Green park; the Dragoons were warmly greeted for their participation and for flying the Confederate colors and other historic flags.  It was a very enjoyable time and opportunity for the Dragoons to participate in a well attended community event and promote the Sons of Confederate Veterans.  

Monday, February 6, 2023

SCV Camp 1524 Prattville Dragoons' Commander's Column for February 2023 - Our Level of Commitment as Sons of Confederate Veterans

Our pastor spoke this past Sunday of how we as Christians view church attendance and even our relationship with Jesus Christ.  He displayed a chart depicting four categories into which most might be grouped: “An Inconvenient Distraction”, “A Convenient Distraction”, “A Necessary Problem”, or “A Necessary Good”.  He ultimately said that none of these should categorize one’s faith as our relationship with Christ should be a continual walk and experience.  But these categories made me reflect on how we as Sons of Confederate Veterans view our membership and the Charge to which we are called.  We often bemoan limited participation in camp events by our members and these viewpoints may describe why and where our SCV brothers hearts reside in regards to their membership. 

A common rule of thumb is that for volunteer organizations, you will see only about a 10% participation rate from the general membership.  We are fortunate that we have a much more active camp and typically we see around 20-25 members at our camp meetings which represents around a 30% attendance.  But other events like parades and festivals which may be on weekends and in other locales we see fewer folks participate.  For the community service cemetery maintenance workdays, its only around 5%.  Obviously, many members are busy with work and family commitments and SCV activities especially outside of the regularly-scheduled-second-Thursday-of-the-month-camp-meetings are difficult to prioritize.  For these folks who rarely make the camp meetings and other events, the SCV is something of an Inconvenient Distraction.   Certainly for our detractors and those like BLM, Antifa and progressive woke history revisionists, the SCV is an inconvenient distraction as we are among the few standing in their way of removing all historical monuments and vestiges of our Southern heritage. 

It is often highlighted that the age of our SCV membership is between 50 and 60 years old.  For many members, they are retired and have newly prioritized participation in community service organizations like the SCV.  These folks are doubly valuable as they are free of a lot of other time consuming commitments but also they have the capacity to be seasoned experienced contributing members including speakers and officers for the camp.  These folks are seeking activities to challenge them mentally and physically and help keep their calendars full.  For these, the SCV would be a Convenient Distraction. 

Hard to imagine why a member might view the SCV as a Necessary Problem but perhaps they view their ancestry as an integral part of their self-identity and want to be a member of this (oldest Confederate) organization.  I have stated before that THE most important thing anyone can do to support the SCV and the Cause is renew their membership.  We have had countless members who unfortunately have not seen the value of the fellowship and comradery and the rewards of the community service inherent in our meetings and work as a camp and simply wanted the membership certificate to hang on their wall to show that they were at least once upon a time, a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. 

But today, with the incessant attacks on our monuments and Southern heritage and the revisionists’ contorting the greatness of our nations’ founding principles as we sink into a woke socialist quagmire, the Sons of Confederate Veterans should be viewed by all members and those who appreciate the truth being told about and the defense of our Southern history as a Necessary Good.  The SCV has fought many legal battles and affected legislation in many states and locales to protect our historic Confederate monuments.  Our National Museum as well as Division libraries and museums like that at Confederate Memorial Park in Marbury and that at Beauvoir in Biloxi are resources for original first person accounts telling the true history of the Southern states’ secession movement and the War for Southern Independence.  As the Charge implores us and General Lee challenged us to do our duty, we must vindicate the Cause for which our grandfathers fought and defend their good name, guard his history, emulate his virtues, and perpetuate those founding principles he loved.  And together, the tens of thousands of SCV members and the millions of descendants of Confederate veterans must make a concerted united stand to protect our Southern history and heritage ongoing.  Giving of our time and resources in this pursuit and defense is worthwhile.   The Sons of Confederate Veterans is a Necessary Good as an instrument to further the Cause for which our ancestors fought and died.  Deo Vindice! 

Friday, February 3, 2023

Upcoming Events for Confederate Compatriots


Upcoming Events for Confederate Compatriots


Millbrook Revelers Mardi Gras Parade and Festival – Saturday Feb 4th Main St and the Village Green, Millbrook


Dragoons February Camp Meeting – Thursday Feb 9thth at the Masonic Lodge in Prattville


Battle for the Texas Hospital Reenactment – Feb 17-19th, Quitman MS


Battle of Tannehill Furnace Reenactment – Mar 3-5th, Tannehill State Park, McCalla AL


Battle of Janney Furnace Reenactment – Mar 25-26th, Ohatchee AL


Dragoons Spring Picnic – April, Confederate Memorial Park, Marbury AL