Thursday, April 27, 2023

Prattville Dragoons at the Alabama Division Sons of Confederate Veterans Confederate Memorial Day Observance

The Sons of Confederate Veterans Alabama Division, guests and compatriots honored Confederate Memorial Day on the steps of Alabama State Capitol in Montgomery on Saturday morning April 22nd. It was a beautiful crisp spring day and attendance was good with over 100 enjoying a fantastic program with great speakers, musket firings and cannon firings. A half dozen members of SCV Camp 1524 attended including Commander Waldo, Quartermaster Myrick, and compatriots Rob Schwartz, Louis Turner, Dave Thompson, and Tyrone Crowley with his wife Carol. There was a half scale replica of the CSS Hunley on display, the first combat submarine which was invented by a Confederate which sank the USS Housatonic in Charleston Harbor in February 1864. The program started with the posting of the colors complete with a reenactment color guard and the Alabama Division Chaplain then said an Invocation. Representatives from the United Daughters of the Confederacy, Order of Confederate Rose, Military Order of the Stars and Bars, the Army of Tennessee, and the SCV Mechanized Cavalry brought greetings before SCV Chaplain-in-Chief provided a history of the contributions of Southerners in the founding of America. The reenactors fired off their muskets and cannon down Dexter Avenue to put an exclamation on the program. This was a great event to help us remember the true history of our War for Southern Independence and all the sacrifices our Confederate ancestors made.

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